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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Best of 2009 - Favorite Articles
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Best of 2009 - Favorite Articles

Disclaimer: This article consists of our favorite articles of the past year and does not have actionable SEO techniques. Please read on if you're interested in knowing more about us, and what we like! This week I've been personally invested in Gwen Bell's The Best of 2009 Blog Challenge aka #best09. It's only been a few days but I've enjoyed reading through some of the blog...

So You Think You Rank? Maybe Not
Jeremy Dearringer

So You Think You Rank? Maybe Not

It's been awhile since I've contributed to YOUmoz and I thought it was high time I started giving back to a fantastic community that's given so much to me. I guess the comments will tell if I get a warm re-welcome or a swift kick out the door. This post was inspired by one of the most common issues I deal with on a weekly basis. Clients and prospects alike truly b...

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A Non-Profit's Current Link Building Strategy

A Non-Profit's Current Link Building Strategy

I work for a healthcare non-profit organization (npo) in Kansas City, KS as the project manager. As a npo we little funds if any for advertising much less online advertising. So when I learned about SEO and what it could mean for us I dove in head first. First thing I did was add the meta tags (the guy before me left everything black) and began to add us to different directories online as well ...

Google's Indexation Cap
Rand Fishkin

Google's Indexation Cap

Over the past 2 years, SEOmoz has worked with quite a number of websites whose primary goal (or primary problem) in SEO has been indexation - getting more of their pages included in Google's index so they have the opportunity to rank well. These are, obviously, long tail focused sites that earn the vast majority of their visits from queries that bring in 5 or fewer searches each day. In this po...

Xenu's Link Sleuth - More Than Just A Broken Links Finder

Xenu's Link Sleuth - More Than Just A Broken Links Finder

There are literally a bazillion SEO tools on the internet (literally!), this post discusses just one such tool; Xenu's Link Sleuth. Many people in the SEO industry are already aware of this tool but many people I've spoken to only treat the tool as a broken link finder. It's so much more than that. This post is aimed at those who haven't heard of it before and those who do use it re...

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Whiteboard Friday - Analytics for SEO
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday - Analytics for SEO

Happy belated Thanksgiving my American moz-Comrades (and happy Friday to everyone else)! This week we're looking at analytics. No, not the normal stuff you probably pay attention to, but a few sneaky little metrics that can give you some great SEO insight. Since it's now officially the "Holidays," I'm not going to reveal too much; rather, I'll let the video se...

Actionable SEO Insights from Google Analytics

Actionable SEO Insights from Google Analytics

While high level analytics reports are great for keeping tabs on overall site performance, finding actionable insights in analytics is where the real value comes in. Here are three of my favorite reports for finding opportunities to improve your site's SEO.Organic Keyword by Landing PageI know this report sounds a little complicated to set up, but 1. it's ...

Favorite Tidbits from PubCon 2009
Jennifer Sable Lopez

Favorite Tidbits from PubCon 2009

PubCon does an amazing job of putting together a schedule that covers a multitude of tracks and topics. Unfortunately because of this I often end up with a case of "session envy." You know, when you're sitting in a session and you start to see tweets about how great another session is. It doesn't even mean that the one you're in is bad, it's just that you want to be in tw...