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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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The Rookie: First Thoughts of an SEO Beginner

The Rookie: First Thoughts of an SEO Beginner

Hi, my name is Tim...and I'm an SEO.I’ve been working for a small web marketing company for a few weeks now. I had a fair bit of writing experience before I got this job, but the world of online marketing and SEO is totally new to me. It’s a steep learning curve: I’ve been stuffing my head as fast as I can since I started working ...

The Mobile Web - Vital For Social Networking; Important For Everyone Else
Jane Copland

The Mobile Web - Vital For Social Networking; Important For Everyone Else

I've recently purchased my first BlackBerry phone, and I've thus been introduced to the joys of a truly mobile Internet. There is a big difference between composing all-lower-case, badly punctuated emails on one of these horrific pieces of rubbish and using a phone that was actually designed with the Internet in mind. However, I've also had the displeasure of visiting sites that aren't designed with mobile phones in mind.

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The Acceptance of User Experience Optimization (UEO) Will Pave the Future for SEO

The Acceptance of User Experience Optimization (UEO) Will Pave the Future for SEO

SEO has no future. This has been the hot topic on many blogs over the past few weeks, with many of the industry celebrities weighing in on the issue. I am no celebrity, so my opinion is not heard as loudly as some, but I happen to agree with many people that believe SEO as we know it is coming to an end. However, it is my firm belief that we are experiencing an evolutio...

Don't Create False Expectations, Especially When It Comes to Baked Potatoes
Rebecca Kelley

Don't Create False Expectations, Especially When It Comes to Baked Potatoes

Folks, something just happened, and it was exceptionally tragic. Outrageous. Unheard of. Unbearable. To prevent this same travesty from happening to you, I thought I'd share my experience and give some handy marketing advice while I'm at it (this being SEM Tuesday and all). Okay, let me back up. I was sitting at my desk, minding my own beeswax and deleting 45 spammy YOUmoz entries (...

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A Few Things That Irk Me About Plurk

A Few Things That Irk Me About Plurk

If you've been hanging out on Sphinn recently, or keeping up with the Twitterati, you'll no doubt have heard of Plurk. It's the latest Me 2.0 site, promising a whole new world of micro-blogging, despite sharing many features with Twitter (which, I guess is now officially SOOOO 2007). Muhamma...

Tactical SEO: How Many Terms/Phrases Should I Target on a Single Page?
Rand Fishkin

Tactical SEO: How Many Terms/Phrases Should I Target on a Single Page?

This one keeps popping up, so I'm taking a short blog post to address it as quickly and efficiently as possible (mostly because I have an SEOmoz board meeting tomorrow, so I need my zzzs). Many SEOs ask themselves how many individual word and phrases are ideal to target together on a single URL. The tough part is - there's no hard and fast answer. The number can be as low as 1 and ...

The Associated Press Uses the DMCA to Try and Shut Down Bloggers
Sarah Bird

The Associated Press Uses the DMCA to Try and Shut Down Bloggers

I have some disconcerting news to report on today's Legal Monday. In a move that it will surely regret, the Associated Press (AP) declared war on the internet. Maybe that's a slight overstatement, but the AP will certainly rue the day it decided to adopt a policy of sending DMCA take-down notices to bloggers and social news aggregators. Last week, the AP sent seven DMCA take-down notices to The Drudge Retort, a site parodying The Drudge Report and serving as a social news aggregator. The 8,500 site users create blog entries with links to interesting news articles on the web. Rogers Cadenhead, owner of the Drudge Retort, received a letter from the AP's attorneys claiming that the Drudge Report was infringing on the AP's copyright by allowing its users to publish short (39 to 79 words) quotations from AP articles with links back to the original. Five of the six alleged infringements used different titles than the original AP article. The seventh claimed infringement was in a blog comment that used a short quote of an original AP article and linked back to it.

How To Talk To Your Copywriter
Paul Lalley

How To Talk To Your Copywriter

As soon as search engines became relevant, copywriting changed. Maybe you didn’t notice it. Content quality took a back seat to SEO and today, copywriters have to understand the basics of SEO/M so the content they produce appeals to spiders and humans. A lot of SEOs sub-contract this facet of a job to professional copywriters who can produce optimized copy ...