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Rules for Adding/Editing Content and Links at Wikipedia
Rand Fishkin

Rules for Adding/Editing Content and Links at Wikipedia

Sure, Wikipedia's done away with live external links, limiting some of their value to SEOs (and making me a much happier person), but there's still an enormous amount of reputation management and links-for-traffic opportunities. Luckily, I've got the super-secret formula for how to add content and make changes to Wikipedia ethically and legitimately. But, first things first, let's review a few ...

Free PHP Script for Download: "Where's it Rank?"

Free PHP Script for Download: "Where's it Rank?"

I needed a tool that quickly tells me what page of search results a URL ranks on for a specific keyword. It didn't need any advanced features or complicated options, just something where if I was visiting a page I could hit a button and instantly find out where it ranks for a keyword. I threw together a quick PHP script that does exactly this, including a browser button so I can ...

Rand's Take on Recent Search News
Rand Fishkin

Rand's Take on Recent Search News

Tons and tons of interesting news to report from the last couple weeks, and rather than just report, I'm going to go ahead and give my opinions, too. Search Engine Popularity Ratings - No one really knows what the search engine market share is, not Comscore, not Neilsen, not Hitwise. If they really managed data of th...

Online Advertising 2.0 II
Pete Watson-Wailes

Online Advertising 2.0 II

Ok, welcome to part II... Public Speaking. (Part one was media marketing, if you missed it, and III, IV and V will be affiliate marketing, branding and lists respectively.) So, how to speak in public AND market yourself respectively. Again, I appologise but I'm going to be using a lot of the book material in this. It's just easier. ...

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Kathy Sierra's Unfortunate Situation
Rebecca Kelley

Kathy Sierra's Unfortunate Situation

A few months back I wrote a post about female bloggers, and how I don't get shaken up or outraged about the imbalance between female bloggers and male bloggers in the tech/SEO sphere. For the most part, I still stand by what I wrote, but today I'm going to (sort of) eat my words and talk about Kathy Sierra's unfortun...

Semantic Search: A New Context

Semantic Search: A New Context

Semantic search is actually just one facet of what’s possible using semantic technology. There are many more uses and implementations that are generally not discussed and frequently passed over altogether. This doesn’t mean that they are any less valid, it’s just that the companies that are developing these technologies for the most part are primarily search engine comp...

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Five Tips to ‘Hot-Rod’ Your Web Code

Five Tips to ‘Hot-Rod’ Your Web Code

1. Separate code from html I mix. I do. When the project or web page is minimal it makes a lot of sense to have a small amount of code in the same file as the .html. But when the project starts to grow or requires lots of code it is time to separate my code from the .html. I feel strongly about this probably due to my type ‘A’ personality that ha...

A Comprehensive Guide To Going Viral on Digg (part 2)
Dan Tynski

A Comprehensive Guide To Going Viral on Digg (part 2)

For those of you that enjoyed our first article about the techniques that we use at Voltier Inc. ( while launching linkbait via for our clients, here is part 2. Get Your Friends to Help you DiggAs mentioned by simmel_tree, we did in fact intend to mention the digg friend factor. There are two instances that need to be addressed when ...

SES Munich - Linkbait, Truffles & More Insomnia
Rand Fishkin

SES Munich - Linkbait, Truffles & More Insomnia

On Friday evening, I hopped a flight from Seattle to Copenhagen, then Copenhagen to Munich, arriving Saturday around 5:00pm. Munich's a gorgeous city, and one of Germany's friendliest, a fact I've proven to myself by stopping most of the town's population to randomly ask for directions (impressive, since I've only been here 48 hours so far). From Mittlererings to Autobahns to a Mercedes wi...

YOUmoz: A Work Of Genius

YOUmoz: A Work Of Genius

I felt that it should be recognised exactly what a fantastic idea YOUmoz is, and how it should firmly cement SEOmoz as one of the premier SEO firms around today. Now I don’t want to come across as a suck up, and in a Web 2.0 world of user generated content, it’s not a unique idea, and while it will serve as a good forum for aspiring writers to present their ideas, this is no...

And Yet The Diggs Keep Going Up
Jane Copland

And Yet The Diggs Keep Going Up

We post about Digg quite often (and here we go again), but I've been watching certain Digg phenomenon for a while, and one stands out from the rest as the most ironic and most amusing. My favourite Digg irony is the hatred the (a-HEM) Diggorati have for SEO, coupled with the fact that they fall for our linkbait All. The. Time. Every so often, one of our employees will roll into the ...