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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Does the targeted keyword need to be embedded in a longer phrase for the H1 and H2 or is it better to have the keyword by itself?

    | Caffeine_Marketing

  • We manage an e-commerce site. On a category page, there are several funnels to specific products. We moved the category overview content below those funnels to make it easier for users to quickly get to products. Seems more user friendly to me, but could that move of the main content to the lower part of the page be a negative ranking factor?

    | PKI_Niles

  • Hi there, /collections/living-room-furniture/black
    /collections/living-room-furniture/fabric Is that ok to make all the above filter pages canonicalised with their main category /collections/living-room-furniture Also, does it needs to be noindex, follow as well? Note - already removed the content from filter pages, updated meta tags as well. Please advice, thank you

    | williamhuynh

  • Hello, I'm new to this forum so please forgive if this has been discussed before. I have a question about the nofollow meta tag being used at the page level. We have external links within our website's guest blog pages that we do not want followed. I would use a nofollow rel attribute on the link itself, but since we allow the blog to be posted using a wysiwyg-type text editor, that proves to be a little difficult to enforce. I was thinking about using the nofollow meta tag at the page level to handle this, but was a little unsure on how that may affect our own links...such as menu and side-bar links...that are on those pages. I'm not too concerned about those internal links not being followed on those particular blog pages, but I wanted to make sure a nofollow for a link on one page won't have any negative side effects on those same menu links that appear on various other pages without the nofollow meta tag. Would there be any negative side effects to using the nofollow meta tag like that? Thanks in advance for any insight. Best Regards, Ken

    | kens109

  • We have three URLs that have the same content but all three are getting traffic.

    | NanditaKraman

  • Hi, I have a question about the Meta Robots information Accoarding to the Moz bar, our page uses the meta robots noodp and noydir. Our competitor uses
    INDEX,FOLLOW I read that noodp and noydir are dated and not used anymore. Is it wise to use INDEX FOLLOW instead for better SEO? Thanks in advance!

    | AdoBike

  • This topic came up in a discussion I had with a fellow SEO colleague, I don't believe it makes sense to have Hreflang if you don't have a second language but according to my friend they mentioned that it is great if your only targeting one country. Any opinions out in the Moz community?  It seems like overkill to me

    | JonAlonsoCNC

  • Hello there,  I have a wordpress website with a woocommerce plugin. I have 4 landing pages that describe my products and at the end of the pages, I have a CTA to my product page.  is it bad for SEO? my website:


  • Hey everybody. I am working with a handful of medical news websites and some of these sites are rather large. I am noticing/suspecting there is some cannibalism going on here. How do news sites deal with this? Do they noindex the old stuff? Update the old stuff instead of writing a new piece all together? Curious what to do!

    | HashtagHustler

  • I have been targeting one keyword for home page that was ranking between the postilion 6-7 but was never ranking on 1st as there were 2 highly competitive keywords targeted on the same page, I changed the keyword to an internal service page to rank it on 1st, I have optimized the content as well but the home page is still ranking on 11th, how do I get the internal page rank on that keyword

    | GOMO-Gabriel

  • Hello Mozzers, We would like to change the URL for a page on our website which ranks well for some our keyphrases/words. We are hoping the change of URL, through the addition of an additional keyword would help boost the rank of that URL further. At the moment out page gets 2 x A and 2 x B 1xF on the MOZ page rank tool using 5 keyphrase/word variations . One phrase ranks 4, one ranks 3 and the other 3 are 'not in the top 50' Our plan was to change the URL, using SHF404, and use 'Fetch' in the Google search console to re-submit the page to Google. Appreciate you can't give any guarantees how Google will behave, just wondered what your thoughts were on the wisdom of changing the URL in the first place? Thanks Ian

    | Substance-create

  • Hi, I work for an eCommerce. I want to create a FAQ section on category pages with the question relative to that particular category. For Example - This is a sample URL for which I want to create a FAQ section.
    What would be the best way to do research for FAQs?

    | RaviM

  • Hi All, I've got interesting question for Moz community today. Has redirect chain got any impact on rankings or not? Thank you in advance.

    | Optimal_Strategies

  • I am frustrated to see a lot tag clouds in Google even though I programmed my tagged pages to display a canonical link to the linking article if the is only one result for the tag cloud. The goal to to make sure that the article, which is of better quality than the tag page, ends up in Google without a bunch of thin tag pages getting in there. For instance this article should be in Google and this tag should not be because that tag has a canonical URL for that article. I do not have a lot of experience with tag cloud SEO because I prefer to limit such pages to categories, but I have found tag clouds to be important for aggregating information for specific issues, people, or places that are not already a site category. Some tags I have used to power social media pages that update automatically from RSS feeds for their related tag archives. That is quite useful for pages like that. Should I start using Meta noindex for those instead of rel canonical? I have already done that for author profiles because author profiles get a lot of on site links compared to individual articles because my gridviews use javascript for paging. The same is true for the tags, so if a tag is tagged in 30 articles it will have links from 30 articles but if those articles are not in the latest 20 for that tag only the latest 20 will have links back from the tag archive. I also suspect having a lot of tag pages with little content to negatively impact my indexing rate. I will see a number of recent tag pages added before new articles.


  • Hi, I have a simple question. If I want to put an image with a link to another site like a banner ad on my page, but do not want it counted by Google. Can I simply load the link and banner using jQuery onload from a separate .js file? The ideal result would be for Google to index a script tag instead of a link.


  • Hi, I originally asked about pros (or lack of them) when it comes to using meta keywords tags here It was most likely related to Google, I guess. Is that the same if it comes to Bing as few sources are not sure how this SERP consider using meta keywords tags and people only speculating. Anyone has any kind of "confirmed" responses or experience? Thank you in advance.

    | Optimal_Strategies

  • Been trying to find an answer to this for some time, so I hope someone can lend me a hand.. I've started building out my casino website Nerdybet, which will list regulated gaming vendors within each US state. A part of the idea  is to create a high level web directory of legal betting sites. Now, say I want to list all legal casinos within a specific US state. What's the most search engine friendly way to build out the hierarchy? To clarify, this will be the main casino directory page: Based on that, I can now pick either: a)
    Which method would you say is best? And why so? Thank you.

    | llevy

  • Hi everyone, Just a quick question about using info/statistics from other sources in my articles. If I use a quote/piece of info from another online article do I just say where it's from and link to it? Is this acceptable or do you have to get permission? I find the whole permissions thing quite confusing! I know that outbound links are good for SEO so just wanted to check this. Thanks!

    | ClareO

  • Hey everyone! I run a comparison/affiliate site for men's clothing. On the side of that, I have a Squarespace site for inspiration, articles and outfit pictures. I've tried to optimize site speed for the Squarespace site without much success. I've run all pictures trough JPEGmini to decrease file size but it doesn't seem to be enough. Below I attached the result I got when I run one of the pages trough Lighthouse and GTmetrix. Do you have recommendations of what I can do to improve the results? Is it a good idea to use next-gen formats for pictures as Google suggests as an example? Kind regards,
    Jonas XU131T0.png sPD3w13.png

    | JonastriesSEO

  • Im finding a site with lots of duplicated words in the title tags, I have always avoided doing this in the past, Is there any penalty for having a word repeated twice in the title, indeed is there a benefit from having it twice, IM assuming not
    For example: Marketing Services in Milton Keynes | Our Services | TFA the word service is repeated twice, in my opinion this is of no benefit at all and is better rewritten to remove the duplication

    | Donsimong

  • We have about 30 pages of content that we are hiding from the website as these articles had some issues. If these pages ranked well, would you recommend that the new content is written within these pages? Meaning, we would replace the content that's in those pages with the same topic and keywords. Or do you think it's best to start a new page instead?

    | kvillalobos

  • I've added a new favicon to a website, which is displayed on browser tabs, on both mobile & desktop devices. But, in SERPs on mobile devices, the old favicon is still showing - How do I flush this our so that the new one is displayed?

    | jasongmcmahon

  • Hi guys! New to Moz Pro. I just recently completed an online course with Moz... I have a client who is writing some new content for their site, and we are approaching it with SEO in mind. I was wondering about using an image with text on it as the article title, instead of an actual "text on the page" title. Wondering if that's going to "cost" us anything, SEO wise. I guess we could use alt-text/title/description fields to make sure the keywords are crawlable for our article title but do they have less "weight" than a standard title? How does that work? Hope my question makes sense. Article header attached mB0PXsA.jpg

    | JakeWarren

  • Is delivering scaled images using srcset a good idea? Thinking of delivering one image size to Mobile and another to Desktop. How can I do this for all browsers? Thanks Mike

    | henandstag

  • We don't have a lot of content that garners much non-branded organic, so this is something I don't want to risk losing. We do not have a whole lot of external links into the page either.

    | AFP_Digital

  • Hi. So I recently launched a website on WordPress (1 main page and 5 internal pages). The main page got indexed right off the bat, while other pages seem to be blocked by robots.txt. Would you please look at my robots file and tell me what‘s wrong? I wanted to block the contact page, plugin elements, users’ comments (I got a discussion space on every page of my website) and website search section (to prevent duplicate pages from appearing in google search results). Looks like one of the lines is blocking every page after ”/“ from indexing, even though everything seems right. Thank you so much. FzSQkqB.jpg

    | AslanBarselinov

  • Hi there I am trying to optimise my site to the best that it can be. Since the most recent Google updates, everything that I reading is saying cornerstone content with lots of valuable content is a really good strategy as it tells Google what is the most important content on your site. Writing articles that are well structured and have give the user a detailed overview of that subject. Lots of top SEO's are saying 3000 words plus on these pages. My question is, how do I go about this with and eCommerce site? Obviously that majority of the keywords that I want to target are product related and these are the pages that I want to come up in the search. How do I go about creating cornerstone content for these pages? I am thinking that one of my cornerstone pieces of content would be "The Ultimate Guide to [my main product category]". But that product has numerous products related to it, all of which have their own keywords, so how would this help the products to rank? The site had two main product categories, with numerous products under each of those categories. The two main categories are targeting my best performing keywords, but currently the landing page for these is the main product category pages. I am really struggling to work out the best strategy here. The content that I have on my actual products pages is comprehensive and covers a lot of detail about that particular product and has started to rank for product keywords, but I am guessing Google wouldn't consider that to be cornerstone content. I hope this make sense. Any advice anyone can give would be really useful. Many thanks in advance

    | Clojobobo

  • Hi there, /collections/living-room-furniture?page=2
    /collections/living-room-furniture?page=4 Is that ok to make all the above paginated URLs canonicalised with their main category /collections/living-room-furniture Also, does it needs to be noindex, follow as well? Please advice, thank you!

    | williamhuynh

  • We had multilingual website on domain and somewhere in April, we've done 301 redirection from pages which were in Polish language to domain and now for some Polish keywords Google SERP sometimes shows English pages (.com) and sometimes polish pages (.com/pl). Previously had English content and that got redirected to .com. What could be the reason? Thank you for all responses.

    | Optimal_Strategies

  • Hello, I have a few pages that appear in SERPs with the page copy as opposed to the meta descriptions I wrote, is there any way to try & force the meta descriptions to be displayed? Its a WordPress site using Yoast

    | jasongmcmahon

  • Ok, i have a new website, with only 14.000 page indexed by google, but the potential is big, 1-2 million pages. What i have to do, to force somehow google to index my website faster? This is my website:

    | TeodorMarin

  • Hi guys. So I have a few sentences (about 50 words) of duplicate content across all pages of my website (this is a repeatable text in sidebar). Each page of my website contains about 1300 words (unique content) in total, and 50 words of duplicate content in sidebar. Does having a duplicate content of this length in sidebar affect the rankings of my website in any way? Thank you so much for your replies.

    | AslanBarselinov

  • Our main website white paper page has an image and brief description of the white paper.  Once you click the white paper you are redirected to a form to access the gated white paper. Once you complete that form you are redirected to the white paper pdf which is housed on a subdomain/Hubspot. Because of this, I do not believe our website is getting "credit" for the keywords/content on these pages. Any suggestions on how we can allow the search engines to crawl this content while still keeping it gated? As I understand it a sub domain cannot hep or hurt (aside from critical crawler issues) the main domain. Thank you

    | NikCall

  • What I'm reffering to is replacement of Polish characters from i.e "ł" to "l" or "ę" to "e". I believe it relates same way as other similar Slavic languages.

    | Optimal_Strategies

  • We are trying to narrow down our SEO agency list and I was told to propose 5 different tests. I'm not sure where to start. I also want these tests to help me understand what these companies can do for mine.

    | NBJ_SM

  • Hello, Our development department is building a multi-language webshop.
    Due to the multi-language module that they've used, we have and having exactly the same content. In order to avoid duplicate content, those pages have the following canonicals:
    1. -> Canonical to
    2. -> Canonical to Do I loose SEO-value by not canonicalising directly to the root-domain homepage (

    | X-com_Maasbree

  • Hello, Is Creating Tables with Multiple Links and using schema markup bad SEO? For example I have a real estate website which I have  a hierarchy of home page -> County pages -> city pages-> blog posts.. However at the bottom of the county pages I list the city pages i serve under a table with links..

    | sqc

  • How  do I redirect SEO from pages on old website to new website with new domain name? My website in squarespace has good rankings and we have rebranded to a new name and enw domain name, how do I move across the rankings fomr the old site in squarespace to my new site thats in wordpress please?

    | Carrotpower

  • My website is Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Anthony

    | Purecbdvapors

  • Does it help, hurt, or do nothing for my website's SEO if I do internal linking from syndicated blog posts (on my blog) to my website pages? For example, a syndicated blog post on winterizing your house has instances of "homeowners insurance" linking to my webpage on homeowners insurance. Proper canonicalization is done as well.

    | BFMichael

  • I am in the process of optimizing our website and I am having a hard time reconciling two best practices I have found on Moz. 1. You should avoid having multiple pages focus on the same keyword because you will lose some control of which result will show. 2. You should identify your core keywords and weave these keywords multiple times (naturally) throughout your site. I have spent months identifying our top 7 keywords and am working through the site now.  The first piece of advice keeps giving me pause.  Can anyone weigh in with other considerations or advice on how I can reconcile these two strategies. Thank you

    | NikCall

  • Our site is a company information site with 15 million indexed pages (mostly company profiles). Recently we had an issue with a server that we replaced, and in the processes mistakenly copied the robots.txt block from the staging server to a live server. By the time we realized the error, we lost 2/3 of our indexed pages and a comparable amount of traffic. Apparently this error took place on 4/7/19, and was corrected two weeks later. We have submitted new sitemaps to Google and asked them to validate the fix approximately a week ago. Given the close to 10 million pages that need to be validated, so far we have not seen any meaningful change. Will we ever get this traffic back? How long will it take? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. On another note, these indexed pages were never migrated to SSL for fear of losing traffic. If we have already lost the traffic and/or if it is going to take a long time to recover, should we migrate these pages to SSL? Thanks,

    | akin67

  • I'm building a website that has content made for specific countries.  The url format is:<country name="">/</country> Some of the pages for <specific url="">are the same for different countries, the <specific url="">would be the same as well.  The only difference would be the <country name="">.</country></specific></specific> How do I deal with canonical issues to avoid Google thinking I'm presenting the same content?

    | newbyguy

  • For some reason, I end up with a bunch of weird 404 error URLs like these. /KRVWZ/SVfSZ/ /wp-content/upl /MKWTZ/RKYQZ/ /wp-content/upload What should I do with them? Should I redirect them or is there a better way to do something with them.  I do use Yoast Premium if that makes a difference. Thanks in advance.

    | photoseo1

  • Quetstion, Due to some recent SEO issues on our website on an audit, we found that a potential risk could be all the semi-sitewide links derived from a buy now pay later provider's code in our source code. Our developer implemented Rel= no follow in the following context...   <p class="afterpay-paragraph" style="display:block; margin-top:0.3rem;" rel="nofollow"></p class="afterpay-paragraph" style="display:block;> Is what the developer has done, adding it as a class correct? and will it work correctly for SEO?  or should i tell the developer to go back and include the no follow code instead as    href="" rel="nofollow">      and add the same to each external .png link too? | |
    |   | |
    |   | or make 4 interest-free payments of |
    |   | |
    |   | fortnightly with |
    |   | [](<a class=)"> |
    |   | |
    |   | src="" |
    |   | srcset=" 1x,[email protected] 2x,[email protected] 3x" |
    |   | width="100" height="21" alt="Afterpay"> |
    |   | More info |
    |   | |
    |   | |
    |   |   |

    | oceanstorm

  • Hi, Our website is set up so that our top menu is on every page, which means every page is going to have around the same amount of internal links (225-ish). Is this an issue that needs to be fixed for our pages to rank, or is it only a recommendation that doesn't really impact SEO that much? If it is the only issue listed for a particular page, is there another reason that page might not be ranking even though it has a 99 score? Or is because of having 225 internal links? I have many product pages on my website that have a 99 score on the Page Optimization with the only recommendation being an info that says not to have too many internal links. My  understanding is that internal links are defined as any URL on a page pointing to another part of the same root domain/site. So, for example, my page: has 225 internal links in the source code for that page: Where do I go to fix this issue if I need to get to below 100 internal links? Do I erase the links, or set up a no-follow tag? I appreciate any help or guidance. Thank you! Austin

    | AllChargedUp

  • Hey everyone, I should start by saying I'm very new to SEO (I'm actually just a copywriter that's taken on this role at an agency), so I apologize if I'm using some common terms incorrectly or if there's a lack of information. I've been optimizing my first ecommerce website (clothing company), and things were going very well last year. Strong surges in organic traffic, peaking in the summer. There was a drop before the holidays when the client dumped a ton of new product pages that weren't optimized. After optimizing the pages, the traffic went back up to its summer levels. Now, there's about a 10% drop in organic traffic since earlier this year, and a loss of just over 20% of keywords the site was originally ranking for. There's no sharp drop in the Analytics, but a steady decline. To give a better idea, the site was ranking for 5,270 keywords in February; it's dropped to 3,772 keywords in April. According to SEMRush, almost all the dropped keywords are the lower volume ones, maybe indicating long tail keywords? I'm really not sure what the cause of the drop is, as I've been following (I think) best on-page practices, which seems to have yielded results last year. One thing I should mention is the client has a unique product page for each variant of one product (so the same shirt will have 10 of the same pages, the only difference being the colour). Could Google be penalizing the site for duplicate content? It was fine last year though with that same site structure; I'm not sure how long it would take for Google to penalize a site for that. Sorry for the wall of text. I'd really appreciate any insight into this. Thanks Moz community!

    | EdenPrez

  • Hi Moz! We are having issues on a number of our international sites where Google is choosing our page 2 of a category as the canonical over page 1. Example; (Image attached). We currently use infinite loading, however when javascript is disabled we have a text link to page 2 which is done via a query string of '?filter=true&view=X&categoryid=X&page=2' Page 2 is blocked via robots.txt and has a canonical pointing at page 1. Due to Google selecting page 2 as the canonical, the page is no longer ranking. For the main keyphrase a subcategory page is ranking poorly. LqDO0qr

    | RemarkableAgency

  • Hello, I'm a physical therapy clinic in Fort Myers, FL. Currently my website is named "Physical Therapy Fort Myers". My company name is Back In Motion Sport & Spine Physical Therapy. My question is, should I rename my site under my business name or is it OK to keep it as "physical therapy fort myers"?

    | backinmotion123

  • Hey guys, For whatever reason, Google isn't pulling the metadescriptions I've provided for a wordpress site I'm working on. We had both Yoast and SmartCrawl installed, so I thought maybe they were confusing Google and deactivated Yoast. Unfortunately, that didn't fix the issue. Instead of using the text I've plugged into SmartCrawl, Google is just using snippets from the blog posts... And it's happening for every single post, leading to a huge uptick in metadata issues in moz. Any idea how to fix this?? Thank you!

    | laurendavidson

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