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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I know it is important to avoid duplicate titles and title tags, but I wanted to verify. Lets say you are a collection agency, would it be smart as a strategy to do collection_agency and have that same key word structure for many states so many pages?

    | SeobyKP

  • Reason for asking is Moz reports them as URL too long. Should these even be indexed by google if not, how do I hide them? Example URL : This really doesn't need indexing, as it's just a comment on a blog post. Does it matter?

    | paultansley

  • I am working with an ecommerce site and have encountered an issue I haven't come across before and would appreciate some advice on how to proceed. There are multiple variation products with one master product and then up to 20 or 30 variant products, the variation could be colour, size or both. The site has been set up to canonicalise all the variations to the master variant product, which I understand to be best practice. But, this is where the issue occurs, the master variant product URL 302 redirects to one of the variant product URLs. Example below. My question is, is this harmful to our SEO efforts? Would be be best to canonicalise to a preferred colour or size variation? EXAMPLE: Master variant product: Seeing this product on the page and clicking will 302 redirect to www.example/ On page www.example/ the canonical tag is Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    | SimonKenworthy

  • MOZ has identified duplicate titles - one has' www' in the title. - we have a few pieces of content where the same thing is happening. Not sure how this has happened. Should we do something about this? Will it cause problems for ranking? | KETAMINE GUIDE FOR DRUG WORKERS - free | Harm reduction information | 13 | 2 |
    | KETAMINE GUIDE FOR DRUG WORKERS - free | Harm reduction information | 13 | 4 | 1 - 2 of 2

    | Substance-create

  • Speed test of my homepage is very bad. What i can do to enhance it? Here is my homepage link:

    | MadrasatElQuran

  • Am receiving a no-return tag error on Search Console for pages in our site that are unrelated. Originating Page: Alternate URL: There is a link to the /fr/ page in the language version at the top of the page but I can't figure out why this would be throwing an error from the originating page.  Any help would be appreciated!

    | eGInnovations

  • Hi there, I have a question about my blog that I hope you guys can answer. Should I no index the category and tag pages of my blog? I understand they are considered as duplicate content, but what if I try to work the keyword of that category? What would you do? I am looking forward to reading your answers 🙂

    | lucywrites

  • I have been working on on-page SEO which has involved switching from http to https, and renaming URLs. I am running in to issues with redirect chains. Here is a scenario: Old URL: New URL: Since I already created the redirect addressing the redirecting from http to https for the root domain: ( to, should the redirect for the above be to , or should it be to (and the root domain redirect will take care of going from http to https)

    | BWiseContractors

  • Hi all, I was wondering about favicon.ico and it's presence on the website. Is it important to have favicon.ico and there any SEO benefit of it? Thanks in advance!

    | vendrocks

  • I fixed all the crawl issues but still my website is in second page.

    | NueveSolution

  • Every single day we publish articles that have a high amount of engagement onsite 50-300 comments. We have been running for around 8 years now and have a rather bloated database of old stale posts. We post advice on betting on sports. Not guides as such but tips for events. After the event has started the posts are outdated. What is your advice for these? These articles are not seen as "thin" but rather outdated. There is no way possible for me to update the content as such. Also out right deleting the content would go against our openness and transparency of past selections advised.

    | MrDeeBee

  • Using my two most pertinent keywords in Chome my site shows up page two. Using the same keywords on my iPhone does not show my site at all (I clicked on to page 15). I have a mobile ranking of 84 on Google PageSpeed Insights. Could be a bit higher but not enough to totally ignore my site. What am I missing?

    | artsp

  • Hi there, I am working on a medical recruitment website: I have noticed that our Job Search and Job Listings section of the website is lacking a little bit in terms of SEO optimisation. For example, at the moment this is our search page (with locum work type selected): If you add a location, for example, NSW and then click search again, it updates the URL to:[]=NSW&action_doSearch=Search+jobs I did a check what some competitors and leaders in the recruitment industry were doing and I came across: If you click the different filters/options, it updates the URL to include more clearly defined categories. Some websites would even have a H1 heading tag that would update based on the filters/options you selected. Should I set up a set of URL re-writes and re-structure my website a little bit so that dynamic URLs change to static etc.?  Does anyone have any best practice knowledge in regards to this? I have been referencing the following article:

    | Wavelength_International

  • Hi First of all I should say that I have error in the old webmaster not the new one. I have two WordPress blog in root and subfolder. Today I checked my webmaster and recognize that I had 100 errors (404) that found in few days ago. My root WordPress is OK but subfolder WordPress has error. Let me show you by example. I had error for this page: looks like this subfolder deleted I checked my links, but all of them were OK and linked to the right URL. unfortunately this errors dont have "linked from" section

    | meysamzare711236541

  • Moz is throwing an error for our office pages (10 office pages in the format /office/location-1; /office/location-2 etc) but the content is different. How should we handle the canonical tag? Thanks

    | AztekMedia

  • I have a client that just migrated to salesforce commerce cloud. They have a large amount of 410 pages showing up in site crawls. They are all of the /on/ variety. Is there any reason to redirect thousands of these pages? Any value? Or should they be allowed to drop off?

    | bdcseo

  • When updating meta titles and descriptions, I'm taking note of whether Google is displaying the set tag or changing it to copy from the page. Does this affect the ranking position if Google is having to change the tag? How much should I worry if Google is choosing to change every other page? Thanks!

    | Omar_aw

  • Hello, I have a question about a webshop that is closed* on sundays for religious reasons. Does it affect the ranking results in Google? closed = a full screen pop-up, which you can not click away

    | AdenaSEO

  • Hi All, This question is for an eccomerce site with a very large sku count (over 3million individual sku's). As the person responsible for SEO on the site, I am often playing catchup to some of our web merchandisers. My question is this: Will creating sub-catagories that have a page title and H1 tag that include the top level category name plus a refinement be competing with each other and the top level category for rankings? The products that I am specifically talking about are Funko Pops! (some of you might collect them). There are different sub-sets of Funko Pops such as Funko Pop!: Rocks, Funko Pop!: Movies, Funko Pop! Television ect. Im worried that if I create many pages with these titles/h1 tags that they will end up competing for the query "funko pops"... something I worked hard to rank above Amazon for.  Any thoughts would be appreciated!

    | Jason-Reid

  • I have a keyword I usually rank #1 for "Maui Beach Wedding" that I am now ranking 2 and 3 for with two separate pages below: My home page: and the below internal page I am linking from my home page that I really want that term to rank for. What is the best way to pass the authority from one to another for this particular keyword. I want this URL to rank for the term, not my home page which has a link pointing to this page from my home page which I was hoping would point the authority to it for the term. What are some other ways to signal which page I prefer Google to pick up for the keyword I want to rank for? Thanks

    | photoseo1

  • What happens if a canonical link, links to the url with / but the main url does not have the / For example: rel="canonical" href=""> Main URL - (without the /) 301 Redirect to Would this create some sort of crawler redirection loop?

    | Evosite1

  • Err, when did this happen?  Although you can still enter a Title in the WP image library, when inserting into a post the Title tag is not implemented.  Alt text is there OK but not Title. There was a plugin around that restored this basic seo functionality but it's no longer available. I mean - honestly!

    | robandsarahgillespie

  • A client has been acquired by a larger company who will eventually absorb client's website but this could take some time (a year or more). We have posted notice of the acquisition on their current site now, but it's time to make the rebrand of current site a priority. Since this site could be functional for some time and still operates as a lead generator for the company, we don't want to negatively affect their web traffic. Curious if anyone has experienced similar or if there are best practices we should be following for this transition? Domain will stay the same for now.

    | KMofOutlier

  • Hey everybody, I have been testing the Inurl: feature of Google to try and gauge how long ago Google indexed our page. SO, this brings my question. If we run inurl: all of our domains show up. If we run inurl: the domain shows up as being indexed If I use the "&as_qdr=y15" string to the URL, does not show up. Does anybody have any experience with this? Also on the same note when I look at how many pages Google has indexed it is about half of the pages we see on our backend/sitemap. Any thoughts would be appreciated. TY!

    | HashtagHustler

  • Its been a lot of time since I have launched my website but I am not getting any ranking keywords can you please help me about the following factor or provide some solutions my website is about selling third-party antivirus and technical service:

    | Mehakayna

  • We primarily produce two different types of content: concise fact sheets on topics and video briefings + transcripts of topics. Often these two content types cover the same topic area and since we're currently siloing by content type, these pages end up competing against each other for rankings. Advice on a site structure that'd avoid these issues?

    | jay_elsie

  • Just wanting to understand the importance of clean URLs in regards to SEO effectiveness. Currently, we have URLs for a site that reads as follows: Gift Hampers Should we look into modifying this so that the URL does not have % or figures?

    | Gavo

  • I did a complete redesign and content change for my website. I have my new webpages indexed but they still haven't replaced the old ones after 1 month. In search results I see both the old ones and the news ones. How long of a delay should I expect (approximately) for the old pages to be replaced by the new ones knowing the entire website was changed. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi, It might be a stupid question but I prefer to clear things out if it's not a problem: Today I've seen a website where visitors are prompted no less than 5 times per page to "call [their] consultants".
    This appears twice on the header, once on the side bar (mouse over pop up), once in the body of most of the pages and once in the footer. So obviously, besides the body of the pages, it appears at least 4 times on every single pages as it's part of the website template. In the past, I never really wondered re the menu, the footer etc as it's usually not hammering the same stuff repeatedly everywhere. Anyway, I then had a look at their blog and, given the average length of their articles, the keyword density around these prompts is about 0.5% to 0.8% for each page. This is huge! So basically my question is as follow: is Google's algorithm smart enough to understand what this is and make abstraction of this "content" to focus on the body of the pages (probably simply focusing on the tags)? Or does it send wrong signals and confuse search engine more than anything else? Reading stuff such as this, I wonder how does it work when this is not navigational or links elements. Thanks,
    G Note: I’m purposely not speaking about the UX which is obviously impacted by such a hammering process.

    | GhillC

  • I'm doing on-page optimizations for an apartment management company, and they have about seven apartments listed on their site. Rather than include everything on the same page - /apartments/apartment-name/ - they have the following setup: /apartments/apartment-name/contact /apartments/apartment-name/features /apartments/apartment-name/availability /apartments/apartment-name/gallery /apartments/apartment-name/neighborhood With very few exceptions, none of these pages appear to rank for anything, and those that do either rank very poorly for seemingly random keywords or for keywords like the apartment complex name (alongside the main landing page for the complex). I'm of the mind to recommend combining the pages into a single one that contains all the info, eliminates the chances for duplicate content (all of the neighborhood pages contain the same content verbatim), and prevents keyword cannibalization. Thoughts? Thanks.

    | Alces

  • According to some SEO specialists, the optimal format is: Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword  | BrandName The problem is, for example, if I have a marketplace like, which connects hotels and travelers. How should a listing page title tag look like? Bonifacio Boutique - Hotel Rooms (keyword 1 - keyword 2) Hotel rooms - Bonifacio Boutique (keyword 2 - keyword 1) Keyword 1 = 400 monthly searches
    Keyword 2 = 70 monthly searches Our primary activity = Hotel rooms. Is there any difference from the performance point of view? Best regards, Alex

    | magheralecsss

  • According to Moz crawl report, there are hundreds of duplicate pages in our Shopify store The main duplicate pages are:
    (the canonical page should be
    (the canonical page should be Also, I want to exclude indexing of pages URLs with "filter parameters" like Shopify advised we can't access our robots.txt file. How can we exclude SE crawling of the page URLs with filter names?
    How can we access the robots.txt file?
    How can we add canonical code to the preferred collection pages? Which templates and what codes to add? Thanks for your advice in advance!

    | ycnetpro101

  • Hi I am trying to arrive at a best practice template for a title tag for my organization so does the following template still holds Primary Keyword - Secondary Keyword | Brand Name will anything be impacted  if I eliminate the spaces between the hyphen, will search bots be still able to treat the first one as a priority and the second as the secondary? Primary Keyword-Secondary Keyword | Brand Name thank you

    | lina_digital

  • I am selling my tours on a platform that resells tours. They are taking the content on mywebsite (the description of each of day of my itinerary) to put on their platform. Can I have duplicate content issues doing that ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • What is everyone doing regarding organization schema markup on interior pages? The following article on Moz states that Organization schema should only appear on pages that are about the company (homepage, about page, contact page, etc.): The Yoast SEO plug-in adds the Organization schema to every page of the site. I am trying to determine what to do with this conflicting information.

    | lexomatic

  • Hello, To rank on China bike tour. Is it ok to write in the title "Explore china on a bike tour - My company name bike tours" Or do I need to absolutely "China bike tour" in the title tag ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hi all, as a Newbie getting my holiday home rental site up & running, I just cannot find a clear answer to this after many hours research. Moz & everyone else advises I need to optimise by ensuring my keywords are in my H1s, that H1s need to be on every page, more than 20 characters, but still unique, relevant, a statement of the content, appealing to users & not keyword stuffed. How can I include my keywords ("holiday home tasmania" & "tasmania holiday rentals") in the heading on EVERY page & still make every heading unique, relevant & not keyword stuffed? I only have 10 pages Home / The Space / Amenities / Location / About / Guide / House Rules / Reviews / Contact & they by nature need to be information based, not designed like a more creative Blog (which I will add later). Eg - my Amenities page which is a quick reference list so people can easily see inclusions & find if we have features they need/want. It seems really awkward & not in keeping with the chic, designer image I am trying to project to have "Amenities At Your Holiday Home Tasmania", "Three Beaches Tasmania Holiday Rental Location", "About This Beach Holiday Home Tasmania", "Your Guide To The Best Of Your Holiday Accommodation's Local Area", House Rules Of Your Chic Holiday Home Tasmania", "It's Easy To Contact Your Next Tasmania Holiday Rental" Much of the information out there including Moz's seems to be oriented towards blogs where there is a lot more creative freedom for an expressive H1, rather than a service business in a competitive space where people need to access facts & features quickly in order to make a buying decision & are very quickly going to notice & be irritated by the use of similar sounding phrases in every headline AND sprinkled throughout the page content. Many thanks, Cherie - Australia

    | Luminatrix
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hello, I'm new to SEO but feel I have a decent grasp on it. However, I had a question pertaining to key words and using my city name in it. For instance, if I am using the key word "herniated disc treatment" do I need to put in my city name behind it or does google recognize that I am already in my city area because of my geo tagging and having it listed on the footer of my site? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -Scott

    | slgray

  • I have clients that are really pushing us for snippets ie for reviews and articles.  any luck with any Snippet plugins for WordPress I was looking a schema pro.  In addition are you seeing it helpful in SEO organic efforts?

    | netprodjb

  • Are encoded urls bad for internal linking? Does it effect SEO?

    | patmatt

  • Hi All, I have a branded product that's always ranked 1st. It's a popular product which attracts the majority of our website's traffic. Now it's suddenly dropped from 1st to 20th. Can anyone advise me why this has happened? I've made no radical changes in the last month. keyword: Wattbike Atom   Url: atom

    | WattbikeSEO

  • Hello Everyone, Does anyone know how I can block Google from indexing internal search results? Thanks. Ryan

    | RyanUK

  • I'm trying to rank for the keywords "Chicago General Contractor" My landing page is However, in Google a variant page on my site (How to apply for a General Contractor's license - that is optimized for "General Contractor License Chicago" is coming up first and the target page does not even seem to appear.  I've forced a google crawl of my site and the page still does not appear. I've used the moz on-page grader and results of the target page are good. I'm perplexed and wonder if google is preventing the target page from appearing.  Any thought on how to fix this?

    | Drew.Friestedt

  • I have a client with a robust Wordpress blog that ranks well for a number of high-volume terms. We are doing a site rebuild, and they are adamant they don't want to lose any SERP ranking. However, their permalink structure contains the date the post was published, i.e. The date inclusion is not ideal for obvious reasons, but also because it's creating 404 links when pre-scheduling with Hubspot. Option 1: Change the permalink structure for all posts, past and future, and implement 301 redirects The only reason I'm not outright doing this is because there will be some slippage in the rankings, given that redirects only pass on a percentage of juice.  The client doesn't want any slippage. Option 2: Create a new instance of Wordpress in a new subdirectory and continue the blog from there This will mandate a new structure for the blog posts; now posts will be children of /industry-blog/ instead of /blog/, but the old posts will remain as they are under /blog/ (and with dates intact). But I don't know if this will cause some hierarchical confusion that will negatively impact both the old blog and the new blog. Any advice given is appreciated. Please feel free to correct me if I've gotten anything wrong, I've only been practicing SEO for a few years now.

    | Marce521

  • Hey there, I seem to have heard mixed results on this. We have a LOT of pages that we are trying to tell google are important. Does it make that big of a difference if those pages are linked in the homepage/header menu? Or mega menu for example? We are essentially a review site, so we potentially have thousands of links that could be implemented into the menu. Thoughts are greatly appreciated!

    | HashtagHustler

  • Advise needed please We have rankings coming along nicely with a website that uses page content but we now need to start online shopping with woo commerce The url structure has always been a bit of a mess, but its quite in depth We are looking to move small paragraphs about each product cat (formerly put on Pages) information into the Product Category and then the Product information into the product page and redirect the old urls to the new urls. It would mean updating the permalinks also - My concern if there is less leverage with product categories - do these rank just as well as pages, are we going to see our rankings change dramatically in doing so? Added to that - is it best doing this change gradually or all at once (like staging site to get the set up ready) and then pushing live

    | KellyDSD86

  • Hey, The pages on one of our sites has a lot of links on it, which I have read a couple of times can be bad for SEO, although many say don't worry too much about it. However, I was thinking to reduce links and also reduce code size combining adjacent image and text links. For example they current look like this:
    Products page" I am thinking maybe I should change to the following:
    "Products page" However, is this bad code and therefore could be bad for SEO? I have tried Googling this but couldn't seem to find anything on it.

    | mdeluk

  • I received an unsolicited SEO report for one of my sites. My site was faulted for not having IP canonicalization set up. I reviewed this carefully. My site runs on Apache, is https and is on a dedicated IP. The mod rewrite rules for Apache all deal with the http version of the site. When I type my site's IP into a browser, I get the the https version, but with a unsecure cert warning as the certificate does not include the IP. Should I implement the http IP canonicalization rule. Another rewrite rule would then redirect the request to the https version?

    | FatRodent2013

  • The Moz page grader identified several pages where the only problem is the length of the URL, above 75 characters. The site uses uses the www. prefix, and has for years, since 2001. Is it worth dropping the www. and doing a redirect to to gain the 4 characters

    | FatRodent2013

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