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Category: Conversion Rate Optimization

Chat through best practices for conversion rate optimization.

  • Hello SEOmoz members, this is my first forum post, so i hope that it goes well. my question for today is, How can i set up set up Ecommerce Tracking for Google Analytics, if my website Does NOT use a Shopping Cart tool? I am currently SEO'ing a couple of Translation Service websites, and the Ordering System is a little different from the regular Shopping Cart tool that you would normally find on a Product website. so far i have added the analytics code to all the pages so i can track my SEO efforts, but is there no way to track the sales from each visitor if the website only provides Quotes? the website has a Quote form setup into 3 steps, and at the end of step 3, a general price is generated for the visitor and a CSR is supposed to contact them to completete the order. we can normally see the total orders and clients in our own system, but does anyone have any way to combine SEO with this information, like how google analytics Ecommerce can? if anyone could provide any helpful information, i would be very Greatful. thank you!

    | misterSEO

  • Is it possible to set a goal of users visiting from Facebook  and completing the Order? If yes, could you please guide me through the process?

    | Khem_Raj7

  • I have some large html data tables that look horrible (see bottom of  To my surprise, heat map tests actually proved them to be useful in improving our conversion rates to get visitors to apply for the bond they need.  We are looking at ways to better the user experience while still keeping the data visible to search spiders.  One idea was to use a dropdown list to filter by states. With new web technologies, there must be a better way to utilize this data.  What are some alternatives?

    | TheDude

  • Hi, We are building a site that has content that personalizes based each visitor. This is being done to serve the most relevant content for conversion purposes and NOT for SEO purposes. So, there are many diferent versions of each page based on the visitor's location, device, browser, keyword-used, traffic source, etc. Obviously, we don't want this to appear like cloaking (it is genuine content personalization) and wondered how Google would view this? What is the safeguard for protecting the website from potential penalties? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    | Clickthroo

  • We are looking to make reviews of many of the products we have on site (staff reviews).  The only problem I am having is our products are not stored at our office (nor can they be as they weigh hundreds of pounds and are super expensive to ship). So what would be a good solution to show in the video? Should we just do a slide share of still shots of the products with a voice overlay or try something more of a hybrid that uses a whiteboard? The products themselves cater to gardeners and the DIY crowd so it doesn't need to be super involved.


  • From a conversion perspective what are the best elements to have in the footer of a Paid landing page.

    | SirSud

  • Hi everyone, I've been looking for tools to support all the A/B and Multivatriant testing for my websites. I've seen a lot of stuff out there but I'd like to hear what YOU think. Are you using any of these tools?
    Which one would you recommend? Thanks a lot for your help

    | mozzello

  • I am the webmaster/developer/seo guy for my company's online stores.  Of course doing this gets a lot of pressure based on the sales the websites are bringing in.  In the past month or so, we've had a somewhat steep dropoff of sales and I've been having an extremely hard time figuring out why.  I have researched our visits, and those are staying steady, our ranks have actually gone up for a few of my targeted keywords, the sites are working fine, all statistics seem like everything is normal other than the amount of sales. So the question is: does anyone else here run an Ecommerce store that has run into this kind of problem?  Have you found any outside influences from google or other search engines that have had this kind of effect that you wouldn't normally think of looking at?  I'm just completely out of ideas for things to check... it may very well be they need to re-price things, but I want to make sure I've done my due diligence to find anything I may be able to fix! Thanks!

    | Ask_MMM

  • This is a Real Estate Website focusing on a local market. What would you change about this site for SEO Purposes? What would you change for Conversion Purposes? What would you change for Visual Appeal and User Experience? Thank you all for your help on this one.

    | bronxpad

  • So there are two things a site owner needs, 1. To rank on page one and 2. To have a high conversion and clock through rate. I'm still learning both but need more help on the second. Any tips? What are the best books to study on CTR and Conversions?

    | bronxpad

  • Here's one page where my Ads' setup can be seen:

    | rpedri

  • I have 2 eCommerce sites and question the value of trust symbols such as McAfee & BBB – Would the addition benefit me in rankings or conversions?

    | b4tv

  • Here's my issue, I have an Air Conditioning client for whom I've been managing their SEO and Adwords PPC for the past year. The SEO is going good, we are seeing tangible results every month will soon be on page 1 for their most competitive keyword. On the adwords side, we are having some major issues though and I'm racking my brain. We are somehow getting quality scores in the 2's and 3's on the regular. I've streamlined my campaigns down to the city and within those I've streamlined my keyword groups into the following groups: City (Campaign) - AIr Conditioning (keyword group) - AC Repair (keyword group) - Fix AC (keyword group) - Contractor (keyword group) - Air Conditioner (keyword group) Every keyword we're bidding on falls nicely into one of these keyword groups and we're putting about 10 key words in each. Landing pages have exact phrase match in page title, h1, bold words, contact form and a coupon image with all the meta tags indicating the image offer matches the offer in our ads. We are running 3-4 ads in each keyword and testing new ads almost daily. Still getting 2s and 3s on the highest trafficked keywords (air conditioning & ac repair). I've read everything out there, I signed up for wordstream which had some decent recommendations (basically break your ad groups into smaller verticals) which I've implemented to no avail. I'm beginning to think Google is just hustling all these companies in service industry who they know rely on adwords to get phone calls in the summer - especially the HVAC industry. I'm running out of ideas here other than just going to Vegas and putting all my client's on black at the roulette wheel. Seems like a much more fun way to piss away thousands of dollars and at least they'll give me some cocktails.

    | BrianJGomez

  • I take lots of picture of product on my fancy new (well, used) dslr camera. My ecommerce platform charges by the amount of data transfer, so I want to host the full-size images on another site. So if is my e-commerce site full of 400px-wide images, I'm thinking of using as a sister site to store the 2400px by 3200px pictures, avoiding giant overage charges from volusion. Is there any likelihood of Google viewing this as a doorway or mirror or anything bad? Thanks for your thoughts and time.

    | jotham2

  • Hi, i want someone to review my site and let me know what steps i need to do to make it a better experience for the user and to lower my bounce rate which is about 67 at the moment. I am trying to get the advertising and the user friendly to match, i need the adverts to make money and need to make sure i have them in the right place so they get clicked more. I want to reduce my bounce rate and want people to not just read one page but to go to different pages and would like advice on what i need to do. here is the site and here are the example pages that i would like to focus on to increase the user friendly and keep people on my site while making sure i have the adverts in the right place I am looking for ideas on how to increase the experience and how to keep people longer on my site while at the same time have people clicking the ads by increasing the conversion rate.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi there! In the "Meta Description Tag" we use some relevant-descriptive-useful-for-the-users keywords and we keep the length about 155 characters. In your opinion guys, is a good idea to add at the end of the "Meta Description Tag" a strong "call to action"? Maybe with some capital letter? Does it sound strange to Google? Even if this improve the Click Through on the SERPs? What are the best SEO practice to deal with "Meta Description Tag"?

    | YESdesign

  • Which are in your opinion the "Top 5 things to do" to increase the conversion rate in a beds e-commerce site? The conversion is "to sell a bed" 🙂 The website is Thank you in advance to everyone that share his experience or give some advice!

    | YESdesign

  • Hi! Just wondering about user experience and when to use  target="_blank" in links on the website. Let's take homepage, for example. Is it better to have social media icons (for Facebook page or Twitter or Google+ page) open in a new window on homepage? When is it appropriate to use target="_blank" and when using it is too much for a user to handle? Am I right to say that  target="_blank" should be used when you don't want that link to get on the way of what visitor is doing? What's best for conversion? If you have some resources on the subject - feel free to share them. Thanks! I appreciate all responses!

    | MaxMinzer

  • Does anyone have suggestions for re-designing an auto dealership website? Is it possible to build a WordPress website that accepts an inventory feed from VinSolutions? I've been building websites and provided SEO services for years. This is my first time working in the auto industry. The issue I am facing is that our dealership currently have two websites. Both are built on 3rd party platforms and I am seriously considered rebuilding our website from scratch. Our first website was been provided to us by our Hyundai and the website is managed through Cobalt. While I like that the website is directly affiliated with Hyundai, it's very difficult to manage and I have yet to be able to get the techs to grant me access to the FTP server or provide help with installing Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools. The owner of our dealership never liked the Cobalt website so they decided to launch a second website that is created and managed by a company called  Dealer Specialties. The site is also very difficult to administer and I only see problems later down the road. Is anyone familiar with working with auto dealership websites? I would love to hear your comments on the best way to proceed with our new web presence.

    | bryanmull

  • I am watching a **huge variation in traffic **on my websites.I wonder that sometimes it is producing traffic and mostly it is decreasing.Find new keywords give me lot of understanding of traffic and other factors. In last couple of days , I drilled the webs from different angles and find that there is 100% bounce rate which is more than 90% of campaign keywords and new traffic keywords everyday and visitors geographic areas is decreasing as well I sorted as per my content strategy against keywords and found that published content is not competing. What's wrong with the websites. and

    | mastereyes

  • Hello there! Which are in your opinion the best ways to grow your list? Let roll your imagination! 🙂

    | YESdesign

  • Hi All, I recently heard a tip from a prominent SEO'r that meta tags should be custom written by professional copywriters. Well, I want to head down that path. What are your thoughts on these two options: Buy the top-selling <xyz product="">. 20 year warranty, 30 day money guarantee + free, fast shipping! Includes <1-2 features or included accessories of product></xyz> or Buy our top-rated <xyz product="">today</xyz> & save! Over 20 5-star rated reviews + free, fast shipping! Includes <1-2 features or included accessories of product> Would you focus on the warranty, reviews, product accessories, money back guarantee, free shipping over a certain cutoff, customer service (which we have a toll free number for) or another factor? Are there any good articles out there outlining this? Do you think the way I've structured it is good/readable? What about the use of '+' instead of '&'? Is the cutoff limit still 156 chars? Any thoughts/views/ideas are most appreciated! Thanks

    | bradkrussell

  • Hi, I wish to understand how do we exactly compete against our competitors. Do you mean to say that I search for a set of keywords and if results show something else instead of my website these others become my competitors. Is that all? Do I have a tool to see who my competitors are and how can I compete against them? Please kindly advice

    | shanky1

  • Hi my site gets a few thousand visitors a day but i am having trouble making any money from google adsense and this is because i am no good at advertising or understand it. I have tried many formats and i just cannot understand the correct way to do it and would really like some help and advice in what i am doing wrong. Would really love to see some magazines that do google adsense to see where i am going wrong. Here is one page from my site with google adsense and here is another example If anyone can please help me understand what i am doing wrong please, then that would be great.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • We have some list pages on our site that we would like to use a paywall for to get users to do a free registration. The first 2 times they view a "list" page (from anywhere) they see the content fine. If the user registers or logs in they can see all content. My question is if a user hits our site and they look at 2 list pages. They leave the site and then via a google search result they find another one of our list pages. When they click on that they get to our site but the paywall pops up. Is this a problem? First Click Free documentation says that they must be able to get there on the first try. Since we let people look at 2 lists free are we ok? Does googlebot have an issue crawling our site if we do that? Without the paywall our conversion rate was about 1-2%. Thanks

    | GeorgeLaRochelle

  • Hi i am trying to increase my revenue on my site, and i am working with google adsense at the moment and would like some much needed advice. I am not sure what are better, text ads or image ads I have put some links below to show you different sections of my site so people can help me work out for those sections what is better image ads or text ads. also i would really love to know where i am going wrong with the google adsene and would like to know if i am displaying them in the right places. I have good traffic, but low google adsense returns. here are the different sections. the below is travel articles and i am using text ads. the below is a showbiz gossip article and i have used text ads the following is another celebrity gossip article the below is a health article I would really value your help with the above.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hey all, As always thanks in advance to any help given. So I think we haven't done a bad job, but I know there is always more that can be done with conversions. We have a website which provides guestlist to clubs in London, we are competitive on our keywords and ppc and get the clicks through with very very relevant adverts and meta descriptions.... The questions is 'How do I improve our conversion rate on page?' The said pages are setup like the examples below: The conversion comes when the click 'join guestlist' and fill out the form. Any help with be GREATLY appreciated!

    | AdenBrands

  • Having just moved into a position where an Ecommerce site is now a big part of my responsibilities I'm looking to get up to speed on the topic (been a while since I worked on a shop). Site is Magento based. I'd also like any recommended books on broader analytics and using/reporting data. Obviously finding books on these subjects isn't difficult, I'd just like mozers thoughts on any that are particularly good and more important still relevant ie fairly recently published. Quite broad topics these I know but open to any or all suggestions - however not too worried about covering wider SEO, more 'technical' guide style is what I'm interested in. Couldn't really find any threads on books in general so should be an interesting topic (I hope!) Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

    | SteveHoney65

  • I have a survey on my website I was hoping my subscribers would take. Responses have been real low . I have had a button in different spots, but I think it's the text of that button that needs to be changed: Right now, its "Win an ipad, Give Us Your Feedback" What other text would encourage people to take a survey?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Hey Mozzers, I want to start recording phone calls as a result of PPC campaigns. Can anyone recommend an easy to implement system for setting this in place which will allow me to track calls placed as a result of PPC advertising. The ability to record the calls for training purposes would be a bonus. Thanks in advance Geoff

    | SEM-Freak

  • Hello! I listened to Adam Audette at Linklove in Boston this month and he spoke a little on creatively linking product pages back to their respective category pages - as it had an effect on the SEO... However, I don't know much about "internal" linking... Any other SEO tips for optimizing / driving traffic to category pages? Thanks!

    | BGroup

  • Hi We gave a website a bit of a facelift last nov with the aim of increasing its position within Search Engines and getting it to begin making sales. The site: is now moving in the right direction for its keyphrases, footstools and ottomans although it still needs some work.  The issue I have is that from the visitors that come to the site, the stats prove they have a look around, they are just not purchasing - I am not sure if this is because of the layout, ie. usability or if there is something else. Any ideas & feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Carl

    | keane-114517

  • I operate on a freemium model.  The three plans are currently called "Free", "Gold" and "Platinum".  Besides being incredibly square and boring, these titles are also meaningless. I'm doing a slight redesign of my site, and the new (unreleased) site has a very fun, playful feel.  I'm also trying to make everything more streamlined and obvious.  I'm considering renaming the three plans "Boring Amateur", "Kick-Ass Amateur" and "Bona Fide Professional" on the registration page and simply "Boring", "Kick-Ass" and "Professional" elsewhere.  There are lots of places on the site where I have to refer to "amateurs" vs "professionals" - these tags would make that easier to explain. Easier = more sales. What do you think about using unprofessional text like this?  Is it too risky, possibly offending too many people and losing sales?  Or is it a good eye-catcher? I know the best answer is "test it."  But this is one of those changes that I don't want to have to put my users through too many times. Thanks for any thoughts!

    | PatrickGriffith

  • i had some rich snippets stars for reviews showing on one of my clinets sites, but today they have gone, has anyone had this happen, if so what did you do to get them back?

    | AlanMosley

  • We've recently implemented a successful strategy whereby we've increased non-branded organic search traffic by over 50%.  We started with our niche products and secured those rankings and then expanded the program to include local results.  Rev is up, trans# is up, but conversion rate dropped. Here is the there an acceptable ratio between the percentage growth in visits and the percentage decrease in conversions?

    | NaHoku

  • I'm looking into testfreaks for a client - frankly i'm having trouble answering a few of my own questions about them, namely: Can Google spider the test freaks javascript link? Can Google then crawl the reviews in the frame generated? Will Google count that as dupe content? (the content in the frame seems to reside on the domain..) Do you think this is a safe method of increasing conversions? Seems all good to me, I'm mainly concerned about dupe content (and whether reviews written within the testfreaks interface can then be spidered ... and i'm not sure it can be).

    | CheapGames99

  • Hello!  I'm looking for specific recommendations of companies with whom you have been "Tickled pink at fantastic conversion improvement results!" I'm the customer for this service.  🙂 I seek a page-level review of a specific area of my site.  I'm looking for output of specific recommendations for improving conversion rates.  I want to avoid paying for a "generic best practices report" with one or two ideas for my site sprinkled in. I realize that I will be called to complete proper input into the process.  I am ready to do my share with the level of detail required. So, if you have an enthusiastic recommendation, please share.   Details are appreciated.  Most important, please tell me why this company made you very happy. I sincerely look forward to SEOMozzer input.  Thank you kindly, Loren

    | groovykarma

  • I use both adwords and Microsoft Adcenter. I am looking to be able to track my conversions from each PPC site. I do not have a "Thank You" or "Check Out" page that I can tag because any sales that I make are through clicks on a link that goes offsite to an affiliate company that I receive commission from. However, the link on my site is a "Buy Now" button, so to get some idea of which source is giving me better conversions I'd like to know whether adcenter or adwords is sending more people that end up clicking this link. Canb anyone suggest a way or a program to set up in this manner? Thanks in advance for your help!

    | VictorVC

  • I have a wholesaler who sells great products but they have an internet pricing policy that states we cannot show prices online and that we must have a "call for pricing" or "request a quote/price" button instead because retailers are losing sales due to lower prices online from other retailers. I know, I know.. They are out of their mind. I have already told them that they should have online MAP pricing requirements to protect their retailers but they refuse to even set an MSRP! I've been looking for some articles to show the statistics of customers lost from not having a price on your site. Does anyone have any information or suggested links on this topic? and the final question is if I was to remove the prices from my website, would that in turn affect my rankings?

    | bcarp88

  • We have an e-commerce site which does not have this functionality. Does anyone have any recommendations for a solution to provide this functionality? Many thanks

    | WAWKA

  • If my form starts on and the confirmation page is on can I still set up GA goal conversion tracking?

    | TheGrid

  • Can someone please suggest a conversion software other than omniture that I can used to track the amount of revenue a specific keyword is bringing into my company? Is there a way that I can do this using Google Analytics? I know in omniture there is a feature that shows you what the specific keyword is bringing in x amount of dollars. Can you guys recommend any other software that can do this?

    | TSpike1

  • Do the mere presence of reviews on product pages increase a page's ranking or standing in the SERPs? I'm not referring to driving more traffic with a product page because there's more content, long tail keywords, more updates to the page as reviews roll in, etc. Has there been any study around whether a product page began ranking better by simply adding review functionality?

    | rball1

  • Hey folks, John here, first-time poster.  I have a dilemma I suspect you folks have already have an opinion on, but I'm a bit stuck. I think i have two basic options for choosing a domain name with the format of : 1. I can nab a .me with a very smooth, brandable, and pertinent/convertible and memorable domain name; 2. I can get a more obtuse sounding, less pertinent, lengthy, and less memorable .com domain. This issue is getting the click in the SERP. Assuming the same ranking and meta description, will the smooth .me suffer worse than the rather awkward and long .com? Is it your opinion that all other things remaining equal, will a .me suffer demonstrably over a .com Also, I'm not terribly concerned with folks remembering its a .me or a .com for search purposes, but should i be concerned for email purposes? Many thanks for your input!!

    | juanzo007

  • Been wondering for a while why sponsored links were not showing on my firefox browser, I had previously been running Adblock as an addon to stop ads on youtube, etc. As a test I disabled it and like magic adword links are showing again. Assuming programmes like this will get larger, and seemingly include adwords in the ad's it targets, would that be the end of effective PPC advertising? I have run other ad-blockers before and not lost the paid links. It's not an unpopular program, and the target audience reduces everytime somebody new installs it. Mountain out of a molehill or a genuine future problem?

    | Revolution_Inc

  • I have been considering adding a 5 star review capability to my website. Are there any good ones that I can add with either html or javascript? I do not have a wordpress site. Any experience with increased conversion rates with such a capability? Also, do any have the capability to show up in google search results?

    | casper434

  • Hi, We are coming to a bit of a crossroads at our company. Our current website is ranking half decently in some of our main keywords and is moving in the correct direction. However. There is talk of us now producing a different website for each of our services Web Design, Graphic Design, Marketing and Print. I think I see the benefits of doing 4 seperately in terms of bounce rate probably improving, being able to produce a more concentrated amount of content per site, etc. We have a meeting on it tomorrow and I do have a good few key points to discuss regarding the advantages. Initially however, does anybody here have an opinion of the potential pitfalls/benefits of following this route. I'm thinking also in regards to the direction google is heading. Any opinion is appreciated, good or bad, as I want to put as informed decision as possible across.

    | Revolution_Inc

  • We're trying to set up a commission system for the different people who contribute to our site. We just want to see a list of transactions and the path back to source for all of them.  We haven't been able to figure it out and know other ecommerce sites have had to have figured this out.We have GA Ecommerce tracking on.  How can we find last months sales: source / medium / keyword / landing page / revenue / etc Sorry if this is an obvious question.  We have spent a lot of time trying to figure it out.

    | chrishansen

  • There is a company called Treepodia that will take your entire product catalog through an xml feed and make a web video for each product withing 24 hours. If we do this, and Treepodia does the hosting, how powerful could the organic benefits be.  If it helps, it doesn't appear as though any of our competitors have anything like this. Any of them that have video have very few and they are not product specific. I know in the world of SEO there's rarely anytime you can get accurate predictions for results. I guess what I'm asking is, is it worth it? And if so, in what ways will it potentially help?

    | ClaytonKendall

  • I was just in here yesterday asking a question, so I appreciate everyone's patience with this newbie! This is a totally different site that I have a question about so here goes: I have a site that has started to receive large amounts of traffic from an image search. My intention was to use Amazon for products based on my website theme. I haven't been getting traffic from my intended keywords. Now I rank #2 for an image search, loads of traffic! GREAT! But what next? These ppl. aren't looking to buy stuff, they just want the image. Fine, it is a public domain image. I thought of adding some more informational articles and using adsense to bring in some cash. Any opinions on the best way to go with this site?  I only have 3 articles up so it could go in any direction from here. Thanks!!!

    | iheartkelby

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