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An Interview on SEOBook
Rand Fishkin

An Interview on SEOBook

Just a short post tonight.First, off, I'm honored to be interviewed by Aaron Wall. We've had our differences and maintain some divergent opinions on a few topics, but we both have an insane passion for helping make SEO professionals better at their job and work hard to grow the credibility of SEO as a whole....

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Site Performance

Site Performance

In order to make sure my main site is working within the new parameters of what Google considers good ‘site performance’ (which is now part of the google algo) I did some testing. I appreciate that this is only one ranking factor out of 200, and a very new one at that, but it could turn out to be a very important one for me and my work, so I wanted to understand things a little bett...

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A New Day, A New SEOmoz
Rand Fishkin

A New Day, A New SEOmoz

It's been a wild few weeks at the mozplex. Today wrapped up the amazing mozinar with our half-day tools training just in time to launch the new version of SEOmoz. Should we slow down this crazy pace? Nah. If you're feeling a sense of deja vu, don't worry; it's perfectly normal. We're the same old moz, but with a new look, faster loading pages and a surprising amount of new functionality....

From Clicks to Conversions at the SEOmoz Training Raceway

From Clicks to Conversions at the SEOmoz Training Raceway

Day 1 of SEOmoz Pro Training was like being at a race track. The course careened from clicks to conversions and from search results to landing pages. The audience watched 9 speakers drive their search marketing race cars at speeds faster than fingers can type. Given the finger-breaking speeds, it was fortunate all SEO fans were well fueled - beginning with a he...