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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Is Your Social Media Campaign Targeted?
Anthony Kirlew

Is Your Social Media Campaign Targeted?

Yesterday, as I was checking stats of a website that I manage, I decided to take a closer look at the bounce rate and percentage of new visitors. The bounce rate wasn't hateful (39%), but could definitely be improved. Realizing that this site gets lots of StumbleUpon traffic, I wondered if the (higher than desired) bounce rate could be due to random traffic from SU. Fortunately,...

Whiteboard Friday: SMX West Interviews-Matt Cutts
Scott Willoughby

Whiteboard Friday: SMX West Interviews-Matt Cutts

Man-oh-man, it's been a busy week, folks. As many of you know, a big chunk of the Mozplex relocated to Santa Clara this week for SMX West. The show went off smashingly and we managed to get several guests to do Whiteboard videos with us on the Expo Hall floor. What's this mean for you? It means next week will be filled with Whiteboard Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and (...

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10 SMX West Survival Tips
Ian Lurie

10 SMX West Survival Tips

SMX West Rocks! But you might need a few tips to get the most out of it:Do not let your staff and clients spam you into Search Bowl, unless you like beer and humiliation.Bring an outlet strip or spare battery. Electrical outlets are few and far between. The internet access, however, is excellent.Don't use the men's room next to A3. For some reason, it's...

Generation Google a General Disappointment
Rebecca Kelley

Generation Google a General Disappointment

This morning I went running, hopped in the shower, and ran to the conference, hair still wet, because I didn't want to miss the Generation Google panel. I was excited to hear more about Harrison Gevirtz, a sixteen year old affiliate marketer, and Chloe Spencer, Stephan Spencer's daughter and a blogger who makes a good chunk of dough from AdSense earnings. Joining the...

A Day in the Life of SES London 2008

A Day in the Life of SES London 2008

Following on from the excellent posts by Ciarán on SES London 2008, here are my experiences of the event. I only attended the final day of the conference as it seemed to have the most relevant agenda for the areas I'm currently looking at.I was a little disappointed when I arrived as the exhibition was run only on the...

URLs & Domains Made Fun and Interesting
Jane Copland

URLs & Domains Made Fun and Interesting

I'm actually serious with the title here. This session was great. Honestly, I've been to more informative sessions here at SMX West than I've been to since Pubcon 2006, where I knew nothing about SEO and everything I heard was new. Unraveling URLs & Demystifying Domains had some good speakers who each provided...

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A Survey of Sorts: What SEO Advice Would You Recommend?

A Survey of Sorts: What SEO Advice Would You Recommend?

I was thinking "if there was one bit of advice that would stand me in good stead for my SEO efforts what would it be?" This inspired me to try a little experimental poll. I realise I myself am not adding any content of merit here (I just don't have the experience to do so) but I think that the answers of the community here will more than compensate. So if this gets through and peo...

Blogging in an Empty Auditorium

Blogging in an Empty Auditorium

Should you blog without readers?Foregoing how to blog and why to blog, and how to gain readers, I'd like to discuss whether blogging without an audience is a good idea. The simple answer is, absolutely. The more complicated answer is, yes absolutely, but you should also be making efforts to gain more readers. The difference are subtle, but i...

Why Won't You Let Me Study the Internet?
Danny Dover

Why Won't You Let Me Study the Internet?

I like to think that I was born just in time to live through the first truly global revolution. I am a 20 year old student who has watched computers and the internet transform the world. Unlike my predecessors, I rarely watch live TV, never listen to the radio and haven't bought a CD in nearly a decade (last one was Offspring's ...

Google Analytics Referral Traffic: Get Some Really Granular Data Using UTM

Google Analytics Referral Traffic: Get Some Really Granular Data Using UTM

We have been using Google Analytics for over a year now and I admit there is lots of stuff that I have squint my eyes at and ask myself how it could possibly make sense. Lots of stuff, that is, except the greatest little trick in the world that I have been using for about the same amount of time. Google Analytics has a parameter tag known as UTM. Sorry, couldn’t tell you what it stands fo...