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The industry's top wizards, doctors, and other experts offer their best advice, research, how-tos, and insights—all in the name of helping you level-up your SEO and online marketing skills.

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Stories of the Last Pre-Internet Generation
Rand Fishkin

Stories of the Last Pre-Internet Generation

Mystery Guest and I were talking over dinner tonight about how ours (the current 25-30 year old age group) is essentially the last generation to experience a pre-Internet childhood. If you turned 18 after ~1999, your upbringing was probably impacted, at least in part, by the rise of the web (at least in regions with high Internet penetration rates). What will we tell our children about tho...

How Does a Company Hire the Right SEO?

How Does a Company Hire the Right SEO?

Hello Seomoz, I am searching for an Seo/Sem to help me go from about 80,000 US visitors to about 200,000 US visitors per month. I have been a member of the seomoz community for about a year... and my frustration with looking at the resumes and contacting people is that there is no way for me to tell who is capable of achieving that type of growth... Secondly, since I have not ev...

The Ten Commandments Revised

The Ten Commandments Revised

1. You shall not worship any other search engine but Google - Ignoring this fact can seriously harm your traffic2. You shall not make a copywrite our logo - Remember all those goggle & gooogle engines?3. You shall not take the name of Google in vain. - We have the technology to seek out all written information 4. You shall rest on the Sabbath. - That way we can tweak al...

The 4 Biggest Threats Google Faces
Rand Fishkin

The 4 Biggest Threats Google Faces

I had a fascinating breakfast discussion with Jonathan Hochman from Hochman Consultants on Friday about Google's market dominance and the potential roads that might eventually lead to their fall. Naturally, we looked for comparison companies to help inform our thinking. While firms like AT&T and Exxon met their demise from anti-trust laws, Google is l...

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The Sheer Complexity of Social Trends

The Sheer Complexity of Social Trends

Preface Though it is yet unwritten, my follow-up to the test I proposed on whether Google can count thumbs has been much on the forefront of my thoughts, and ever changing. Many people are adding information to this concept that I'd not yet thought of. Many people agree with me and many more...

Moz Community News
Gabriel Goldenberg

Moz Community News

SEOmoz has one of the best communities around and I want to invite my fellow Moz members to get together at SMX. Besides that, I've also got some cool things to share with you about your fellow members here. The calendar already has SMX West marked (albeit for a single day?), but only a few people seem to be attending besides the moz staff. So he...

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Give Your Readers Something To Do

Give Your Readers Something To Do

ac·tion·a·ble (Äk'shÉ™-nÉ™-bÉ™l) adj. Relating to or being information that allows a decision to be made or action to be taken. So, you’ve just written up that great page on what it was like to care for and raise that family of ducks – or whatever it is you talk about on your website. Good for you...

Rogue PPC Results from Google

Rogue PPC Results from Google

I have to confess from the outset that I'm new to this industry, my background being very much as an offline marketer, so apologies if anyone's come across this already!I was googling some fairly generic PPC terms - 'PPC Management'; 'PPC Agencies'; and so on. I then remembered that I needed to write a document for our sales team, and so I googled 'managi...