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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi all, Our customer is building a new homepage. Therefore, they use pages, which are generated out of a special module. Like a blog-page out of the blog-module (not only for blogs, also for lightboxes). For that, the programmer is using an url-delimiter for his url-parsing. The url-delimiter is for example a /b/ or /s/. The url would look like this: Does the url-delimiter (/b/ or /s/ in the url) have a negative influence on SEO? Should we remove the /b/ or /s/ for a better seo-performance Thank you in advance for your feedback. Greetings. Samuel

    | brunoe1

  • When checking the root domain links and DA in OSE pasted a non-www URL of my site and showed up with a spam score of 9. When I pasted the www. version it showed none. Does anyone think this is a cause for concern or just a bug?

    | insitemoz1

  • Hi all, I have searched the web for a tool that can tell me if more than 1 landing page is ranking for a single keyword. I have noticed sometimes that a single keyword query can trigger up to 3 landing pages within the 1st SERP. I found an old bookmarklet from Lunametrics that might do the trick using Search Console data, but the link is no longer working. Any other pointers, or can Moz do this as well? Thanks!

    | rodelmo4

  • Would a decrease in DA reflect the need to disavow junk links? My branded keywords recently bumped down two spots, whereas the keywords which have been bringing me the most traffic have been unaffected. Site: DA decrease of 8 over past 3 months. Keyword "Edward Sturm" recently moved to second spot.

    | Edward_Sturm

  • Hello , first I'm sorry about the beginner's questions , I looking for niche to open online store and try to find niche that there is no bery high competition. something that I can compete in this niche . My main question is how to measure the competition for online store? I mean when I do research on main keywords for the niche store. I see the overview and the SERP Analysis ,which parameters I see as a hard competition? -lets say I take the average of "Linking RDs To Root Domain" , which numbers are ok and no very high ? -I check all the page rank and see the average of first page , how I can if average of 5-6-7 is ok or hard competition? -the sane question is Page Authority , is there is some range that I can see hard competition? If you have some articles that can help me to learn and understand that world , or some place to start there I will be happy Thank you , Mark

    | Rab121

  • When using a redirect service, do you get link equity from the redirect service or only from the linking website? Using opensite explorer in Moz, always shows me directory and redirect services as most important contribution for the domain authority. But I'm questioning if this is true. P.S. I'm not asking if link equity is passed from the linking website. That question has been answered many many many times. (hint: the answer is yes). H58xHAl.png pGH7e48.png

    | jasny

  • Hi. I ran a Moz sitecrawl. I see "Yes" under "Duplicate Page Content" for each of my tag pages. Is this harmful? If so, how do I fix it? This is a Wordpress site. Tags are used in both the blog and ecommerce sections of the site. Ecommerce is a very small portion. Thank you. |   |

    | dlmilli

  • I'm getting 100's of Duplicate Content warnings for a Woocommerce store I have. The urls are 
     etc These don't seem to be indexed in google, and the canonical is for the shop base url. These seem to be simply urls generated by Woocommerce filters. Is this simply a false alarm from Moz crawl?

    | JustinMurray

  • Hello, My question relates to identification on specific pages within our site. This may sound very amateurish so please bare with me. Using the MozBar Chrome plugin and looking withing the Markup tab, the results say that MozBar does NOT find markup on our page. However, going to the Google Structure Data Testing Tool results in the opposite. I see the code and the tool seems to verify with no errors. An example of a page that has implemented would be: So the final question is: Should I be worried that the MozBar isn't locating the markup? The results in Google SERP seem to reflect the correct code. thank you!

    | usnseomoz

  • I'm seeing the following error in Moz as below. I have not seen any errors when crawling with different tools - is this common or is it something that needs to be looked at. SO far I only have info below. Assuming I would need to open a ticket with hosting provider for this? Thanks! Error Code 804: HTTPS (SSL) Error Encountered Your page requires an SSL security certificate to load (using HTTPS), but the Moz Crawler encountered an error when trying to load the certificate. Our crawler is pretty standard, so it's likely that other browsers and crawlers may also encounter this error. If you have this error on your homepage, it prevents the Moz crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site.

    | w4rdy

  • Hey! We have a site that is fairly well ranking in a niche of the medical profession. It has a good link profile with great .gov links etc. OSE doesn't show most of the links, however all the ones it does show are all good. We noticed an across the board drop in rankings recently, and checked on AHREFS. What we found, was hundreds of backlinks to a variety of pages on the site from a wide range of spam/porn/Russian/irrelevant sites. Even stranger is that some of the links have anchor text like "continue shopping" but they link to a page on our site about a type of limb fracture. Has anyone come across this before? How is this possible? Thanks

    | wearehappymedia

  • There are several keywords that I search for and I notice we rank lower than a couple of competitors. When I use the mozbar and view the stats, I see that are PA and DA are higher and in some instances the ones who rank higher don't even show all the keywords in their meta descriptions. If this is the case, how are they still ranking higher?

    | Smart_Start

  • I have a client that is considering a facebook url change. For ease of explanation, let's say their currently existing URL is I've googled their currently existing facebook url and found a dozen or so websites that include the text, "". But, these results don't include websites that have an anchor text of, for example, "Facebook" and a link pointing to Has anybody had success tracking down any/all websites that point to a specific Facebook url? I've tried Open Site Explorer, OpenLinkprofiler, RankSignals, and SEO SpyGlass to no avail. Thank you!

    | OMTAnno

  • For my Insurance website blog, I use MOZ to help me find high DA authoritative sites, then either generate ideas from them, or rewrite the copy. If I rewrite the copy, I tend to pull from 2 - 3 top authoritative sites. Just so I don't get in trouble, but still offer the most concision information. _My question is, Is this ok to do? _ Secondly, I just read that on some .Gov sites the information is public, and that you can use it as long as you give credit. _My questions is, how do I tell which information is public? _ Thank you in advance 🙂

    | MissThumann

  • Hey, I have noticed in the past week/2 weeks that my websites domain authority has dropped by 2 points but what is weird is all the other website which are our main competitors in our industry have also dropped by 2. I was wondering if anyone knows of any changes that have been made to the way the domain authority is calculated or is it just a coincident that we all dropped at one time?

    | Bondara

  • I've recently changed domain names and my old domain was a DA42 and now I am at a DA22. Everything has 301 redirects. Any advice would be appreciated.

    | perpetualmarketing

  • Hi there, I have for a long time had a bicycle maintenance website at Over the years the film branch of this business has taken off and moved in a slightly different direction, so I thought in March I decided to move to, and create a new website for my film business at I thought I did a good job of telling google about my change of domain, but my rankings completely died, so about a month I moved back to So far I haven't seen any sign of a recovery in my rankings, I'm getting almost no visits. I've check all my top pages on OSE and everything seems to be in place. Is it normal to wait over a month for my rankings to recover, or is there anything else I should be doing? Any tips/ideas/advice whatsoever will of huge help!

    | madegood

  • I understand that Moz doesn't show all links; but i would think that out of 111 links from 43 root domains, they'd at least show 20 or 30 root domains. I definitely have more than 3 credible sites linking back to me. So do I have an issue? I've been trying to get my site ranking for 9 months, and I've tried EVERYTHING. Still no significant movement. Please help me figure out what's going on. I've been trying to get my site ranking for 9 months, and I've tried EVERYTHING. Still no significant movement. I'm wondering—maybe even hoping—that this will help me uncover a problem that could set the whole thing back on course. Please help me figure out what's going on.

    | jheath

  • I do a lot of my SERP ranking tracking via Aaron Wall's Rank Checker, but I'm realizing it's taking up too much time.  I was looking at Raven's tools and a few others.  What's been your favorite thus far? If you do reply, can you talk about: price capabilities time savings b/c of it graphical UI other thoughts I like SEOMoz's UI, but I can only manage 5 domains and I don't have a huge budget yet. Also, if there's a rank checker out there that incorporates google places results, that would be great too!  Maybe too good, eh?

    | SeattleOrganicSEO

  • Hello page is web design services, wordpress. 
    I want to put in a subfolder computer services. 
    Influence negatively on SEO that I want to do?

    | mferro1984

  • During SEO audit for a client I noticed that they had over a dozen duplicate websites that are carbon copies of the main website. This was done via CMS platform and DNS. One of the mirror sites has about 400 indexed pages and has Moz DA of 42 and 137k External Equity-Passing Links. Full metrics comparison is attached. I originally planned on doing rel="canonical" on the mirror site but the CMS vendor never even heard of it and is refusing to implement it in the header. My only other option is doing one to one 301 redirects. Since the mirror site ranks well, even competes with main domain for some positions on the 1st page of SERP, what will be the impact after the redirects? Is doing 301's still the best option? Thanks! PrUpN3q

    | dasickle

  • Hello, I am used to estimating how much money is possible to make out of ranking for Ecommerce terms. Higher price products have a lower conversion rate  (cheap items are opposite) so you can look at the keyword size in keyword explorer and estimate pretty well (roughly). My question is, how many times bigger does an ad based (informational) keyword need to be to get similar profit? This is just an estimate. For example, does a term need to be 5? 10? times bigger on average (volume) as an informational keyword to make the same amount of profit (roughly of course)? I realize there are many factors here but you must have some way you think of it? Can you give me some general guidelines?

    | BobGW

  • Hello, Learning about informational keywords. Is Nikola Tesla (300K-1M) a good informational keyword considering I'd only be (at the highest) on the 2nd page? There's no ads and I'm competing against big players, but the 2nd page has opportunities for ranking. I've been studying this guy a long time. Don't know if it's will bring ad revenue. What about chemtrails (118k-300k)

    | BobGW

  • Hi, I wanted to know what your thoughts were on **Parked Domains **and Local SEO. I came across a company that has a lot of parked domains that were created for different countries. i.e.,, etc. The content they load are from the main domain I went to a country specific Google search, for instance and Searched for the company name and showed up, not the parked domains that existed for each "country" No analytics exist as the tracking code is on so I can't see if any specific traffic goes to, or other domains. From my understand, parked domains lead to unnecessary duplicate content. So why have them? Simply setup a redirect to from the parked domain. But are there benefits for Local SEO? Search engines like google will still see the domain as a separate entity if no redirect is in place. If so, I realise content has to be unique..but it raises a question... Why have parked domains at all apart from stopping your competitors or users typing other variance of your URL? What do you guys think?

    | Diamond.Dog

  • We've had a few questions regarding the new Keyword Difficulty score used in Keyword Explorer, and how it compares to the old score in our stand-alone Keyword Difficulty tool. Specifically, people want to know why some scores are much lower using the new tool. There a general discussion of the math behind the tool in this post: ​Keyword Research in 2016: Going Beyond Guesswork One of the problems we had with the original Keyword Difficulty score is that, because it's based on our Page Authority (PA) score and PA tends toward the middle of the 0-100 range, Difficulty got a bit bunched up. A Difficulty score in the low-to-mid 20s (via the old tool) is actually very low. So, we set out to re-scale the new tool to broaden that score and use more of the 0-100 range. We hoped this would allow more granularity and better comparisons. While the logic is sound, we're concerned that we may have been too aggressive in this re-scaling, given recent feedback. So, we're going to be analyzing a large set of keywords (anonymously, of course) that people have run through the tool to see if too many Difficulty scores seem too low. If they do, we'll make some adjustments to the math. In the meantime, please be aware that low scores may appear lower in the new tool and very high scores may appear higher. We wanted to address some of the limitations in V1 and feedback over the years, and so the old and new scores really can't be compared directly in a meaningful way. We're sorry for any confusion that has caused, and we will re-evaluate if necessary.

    | Dr-Pete

  • Hi Moz Gurus, I've been trying for over a year now to clean our website from a virus that hit us. This virus created internal links to these spam-  pay day loans, easy loans websites, as well as thousands of external links linking to our domain, and for a while our page redirected to another website. From thousands of links we've managed to get  it down to 300, now to 100 ( changed into 410) URL errors that still appear on google webmaster tools under crawl errors. We had our website on Wordpress, currently we are working manually using FTP access. Looking at Moz Open Site Explorer - 90% of the Anchor text for the Root Domain appear as : easy pay day loans etc. How do I get rid of this? Or what is to do in this case? Does it reflect bad on the SEO that the anchor text is not matching our keywords? Looking forward to your reply. If you wish to look at the website:

    | monicapopa

  • I recently redesigned my website (, and with that, I'm finally paying attention to SEO. I used a few different tools to find the amount of backlinking domains I've built up through the 7 or so years. The numbers are the following: 52 Total Backlinking Domains (800+ links):
    • 17 of those are from blog commenting - they are pretty much all NF
    • 20 of those are from sitewide footer credits on websites I've built. They are all old, as I stopped adding sitewide links to my client sites over a year ago. 
    • 7 of those are from spam. My site was hacked last year which contributed to alot of it. I've since then completely scrapped my old site and built this one on webflow (Not self-hosted like my old WP site).
    • The other 10 or so are from forums, and the odd photo credit. As you can tell, almost none of these backlinks links are really any good. I'm surprised that my DA is 27 really. So moving forward, I need to know the best strategy dealing with these "bad" links. For the spam, I'm going to disavow in google webmasters. As for the rest, here are my questions... QUESTION 1:
    As for the sitewide links, would the best thing be to remove the link altogether from the footer of each one of those sites? Some I can't because they are really old, and I don't have access to them (I'll probably disavow), but the rest I can still go in and update. QUESTION 2: 
    Will removing a ton of links at once hurt my DA and my google ranking? I can probably eliminate 500-600 links within a few days just by removing the sitewide links. How quickly can I expect those links to drop off? A few months? QUESTIONS 3:
    Should I disavow blog commenting links even though they are NF? Does it matter at all? QUESTION 4:
    I noticed 5 or so of the domains I have links one aren't working domains anymore. How quickly can I expect those links to drop off? Thanks in advance for your help.

    | rubennunez

  • I love the keyword tool for giving me direction and helping to prioritize. My question: Once I have the prioritized keywords, do you recommend having a page for each of the top keywords, using the keyword as the page name? Or is it better to sprinkle the keywords into existing pages? Thank you.

    | bhsiao

  • test test test

    | BenuAggarwal

  • We are preparing to build a new website for a branch of our company. According to Neil Patel (whom I highly respect) our DA should come in around 30 (categorizing us as a startup, see chart below). So I ask: Why do our current sites DA Score below 30? (20 & 29 respectively) Our sites were redesigned in 2013 and are responsive, pass the Google Mobile Friendly test and I've improved load speed by over 25% by compressing images. I have used Moz as guidance for 10 months on both 7 + yo sites, is 14 yo, our pages score in the high 90's and I have disavowed bad backlinks for 6 months (now only every other month). I thought we would be in or close to the 50 range by 2017 after a solid year of improvements, but I don't see that happening. Our scores go up a point or two, then back down, we have floundered 2 points either way for 10 months. Most important question: What do I do now to raise our DA? Lastly, my plan is to take all the lessons learned from the past years and apply it to the new site, measure the success and then redesign the other two sites in accordance to the new model. But that may be a year away. KJr | DA | Rating |
    | 1-10 | Poor – Your site is young and weak. You have a lot of growing to do. |
    | 11-20 | Decent. Your site isn’t stellar, but you’re doing better. It would be good to grow. |
    | 21-30 | Fair. Your site shows signs of SEO, but there are many things you can and should do to improve. |
    | 31-40 | Competitive. A lot of startups find themselves in this DA range. It’s not bad, and you’re beginning to get close to the sweet spot. |
    | 41-50 | Good. Now, you’re getting somewhere. This is a nice place to be, and many good e-commerce sites find themselves squarely in this category. |
    | 51-60 | Strong. As you swing out of the lower half of the scale, you’re beginning to get much healthier. This is a good place to be. |
    | 61-70 | Excellent. A DA at this level represents a great site with a lot of recognition, a lot of link backs, and a considerable authority in its niche. Many .edus are in this space. |
    | 71-80 | Outstanding. You’re dominating in the SERPs and owning your niche. Quick Sprout is a 73. |
    | 81-90 | Very outstanding. You’re in the upper echelons of authority. You can consider yourself to have arrived. |
    | 91-100 | Rare. These sites are household names — Wikipedia, Facebook, New York Times, etc. Your site will probably never attain this level. Only a miniscule fraction of a percentage of sites on the Internet ever get this high. |

    | KevnJr

  • Hey Q&Aers! I just wanted to create a discussion thread here to talk solicit some feedback and help with Moz Academy! We want your help coming up with future lessons so we’re getting you the content you need. So, think about what you’d or your team would like to learn from Rand and others at Moz. Let us know! “So, what is Moz Academy?” you may ask. Well, Moz Academy gives subscribers the power to be better marketers, which will enable them to use Moz’s products with more depth and awesomeness. We want to provide a hub of marketing knowledge that will create a stronger community where people can teach each other while using Academy as a frame of reference. The key to this project is empowering you to kick even more ass than you already do! If you have any questions about Moz Academy, feedback about lessons, or ideas on a future curriculum please feel free to get involved in the discussion below. Looking forward to see what everyone comes up with.

    | Nick_Sayers

  • This is kind of a loaded question. I'm completely new to SEO. I think my boss signed up for Moz Pro sometime in February and started adding data to our Ecommerce site to help with rankings. Sometime before this, I changed some of the title tags on the site (trying to help with organic search and CTR). I did not do a site wide change.... just changed maybe 10-20 (just a guess). I did it with keywords in mind but did not make note of when I did it. I didn't really know better at the time, and I did not have access to Google Analytics or Moz Pro. I was looking through the ranking data/graph for February and March. It won't let me look before February 29th (so that's why I think my boss started the Mos Pro subscription around at that time). On that day it said we ranked 12 keywords in the 1-3 spot, and then the following week (march 7) it went down to 6. I don't think or know if any major site changes were implemented, so I'm not sure why that happened and if it has anything to do with my title tag changes I did maybe a week or two before (again I am not sure when I did this unfortunately). Since then the keyword ranking numbers stayed about the same with organic traffic slowly going down (it could be because we are getting out of season for our industry though). The second week of March the site was upgraded and since then the menu has been completely changed around. Last week I did a site wide title tag change. So the minor changes I made in February are no longer in effect anyway. I added more keywords to Moz earlier this week and the number for 1-3 spot keywords went up from 6 to 20. It also says my ranking moved up 4 keywords and down 13 keywords. Anyway, I am wondering how seriously I should take these changes and if I'm damaging the site. I am new to Moz Pro also so all the data you can access is kind of confusing/overwhelming.

    | AliMac26

  • I have 2 linking root domains on my URL. But I don't get the whole Root domain thing. So I don't understand how I can improve it? I copy and pasted this, from my Links page in my campaign because I can't seem to grasp what a root domain is: 'A higher number of good quality linking root domains improves a page's ranking potential'. Can some one explain to me what this is. As simply as possible. Here's my site Thanks in advance:)

    | MissThumann

  • Hi All Can anybody recommend a company which can produce ethical good quality links and a reasonable price? We need to try and get our rankings higher and if you've used a company I would appreciate if you could let me know etc Thank you Alan Whitby Holiday Cottages

    | alandavidson

  • Hi guys, I was ranking really well on my home page for certain keywords which has all dropped pretty dramatically over the last 3/4 weeks - I think the issue is since since the configuration of Yoast SEO Wordpress plugin. In March (when my rankings were strong) my crawl test showed the top data in the attached image, and in May (now the rankings have dropped severly) they show the bottom data. I don't fully understand canonical and Meta Robots so I am hoping someone can shed some light on the following points. 1. Will the change result in my loss of rankings.
    2. How can I put it back to how it was in March? PS. I haven't had any Google penalties. Thanks,
    Joshua RfTar

    | RocketStats

  • In my Moz site crawl there is a fluctuating number of 302 redirect pages that don't physically exist - most are through a 'compare product' option. The number of 302s varies significantly by how many pages Rogerbot has crawled - the more pages crawled, the higher the number of 302s, so I'm pretty sure it's the 'compare product' that's causing the issue. I can't find a way to remove the compare product button so I need another way to resolve it.  I can;t canonicalise the pages as they don't exist as such. Does anyone have any ideas?

    | MrLeeB

  • Howdy folks, Into our 3rd year of using MOZ and OSE and well not sure about you guys but I think OSE is reporting less and less accurately. Has anyone seen a drop in it's accuracy or ability to delivery what it claims to? I know many of you also use AHREFS and others but why not get this tool right MOZ?

    | wearehappymedia

  • I have been building links to the home page of my web site.  At this point, the site has a DA of 22 and the home page has a PA of 35.  I am a bit puzzled as to how the PA can be so much higher than DA.  I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that most of the inbound links are going to the home page.  Are there any other factors that might be contributing to this situation?  Does it point to a weakness in our backlink profile?

    | NathanSchlink123

  • I have a sub domain that isn't even on our own site but it's resulting in a lot of errors in Moz for duplicate content, as shown here: Would this affect our ranking or is it simply just errors within Moz? What measures could I take to make sure that Moz or Google doesn't associate our site with these errors? Would I have to noindex in the htaccess file for the sub domain?

    | MMAffiliate

  • Just thought I would give something back. (Is this the right place!) I use Wordpress with the excellent SEO Yoast plugin. I needed a way of extracting the focus keywords that I have entered onto my pages along with the url for use on the SEOmoz On-page Optimisation tool. So I created GetYoastData which outputs to the browser the required data (and a bit more) that can be saved into an csv (Excel) file. Hope you find it useful - Yes it's not polished and yes it might output a blank line now and again but it's fairly useful.

    | DeanAndrews

  • I recently received the dreaded "So, how do we rank?" question. Is there a way to use Moz Tools to measure how my site ranks for a specific period of time vs. other competitors for a specific keyword? My boss' boss is asking about how we have ranked for a specific topic over time vs. others. Which tools are best for me to use to try and answer that question? Thanks!

    | Eric-Kinaitis

  • Hello everyone, I have been trying to use the on page grader tool and I have also tried to do a site crawl test, and both tools have come back with a "Sorry, but that URL is inaccessible" error. This has not been a problem before. Any ideas why this is happening eg what is blocking it. The url is any help for a novice would be appreciated. PS. I have had another tool also not giving any results, so I assume its something on the site which is blocking the tools. Could this also block Google? Thanks Giles

    | livinghouse

  • Any ideas? The full SERP analysis still puts it at no 2 so I'm quite confused

    | _leanneford

  • Hello, Over time we have purchased many domain names that relate to our business. Let us say we sell chairs of type A, chairs of type B, Tables of Type C etc. We also have a main web site (main domain) which has been functioning for many years and is ranked well but not great. Since we have domain and I was thinking of putting them to good use as follows. STRATEGY A a) Create the domain as a parallel domain but is mainly informational - it talks about chair type A, its history, what to look for etc. It has the same IP address as main domain b) Have all the links on the page be directly linked to the MAIN site- so if you are on page for ChairtypeA and want to see it in a set you just click a link and it takes you to the main site. c) The look and feel of the ChairtypeA site is exactly the same as the main site - in fact except for the Heading, title and content the whole framework is from the main site. My hope is that if people are looking for chairtypeA, we would rank and attract customers. Plus it would use up some of the domain names we have purchased. THE OTHER ALTERNATIVE (Strategy B)  is a) Create a domain for chairtypeA parallel to main domain (same IP address) b) redirect it to subfolder in main domain c) refer to the pages also as maindomain/chairtypeA (here is where it is no longer purely parallel) I have 3 objectives a) Use my purchased domain names b) Focus on certain products (liek ChairtypeA) c) Overall increase visibility and ranking Please give me any feedback which indicates whether  Strategy A or Strategy B is more effective, or if any has negative consequences.  Or you could suggest Strategy C - a completely new approach. Thanks Sam

    | samgold

  • Hello I have 72 external broken links who are reported with a http 503 status. When I ask the owner of that site, he confirmed he has removed it from GA by using this status. My question is. Does this have an impact for the quality of my site? The site is available, there is no delay when you open the link. Thank you for your support. br
    Kjersti Bakke

    | kjerstibakke

  • Hi All - I've been getting a ton of use out of the MOZ API for discovering the popularity of content - which I'm using for content ideation or to implement the Skyscraper concept. I built a spreadsheet template that combines MOZ with some other APIs to apply this to new topics of my choosing, and my friends encouraged me to clean it up a bit and share with the broader community. So, here it is - fire away! I'd love any and all feedback about the spreadsheet - it's a prototype still so it could stand to pull back more results. For example: would you want to include Domain Authority in the results? Focus more or less on the social sharing elements - or let you choose the thresholds? Would love to know if there other methodologies for which you'd be interested in seeing spreadsheet templates produced. Cheers! skyscraper-template.png

    | paulkarayan

  • I'm want to know that estimation of blogs DA and PA based on search engine traffic(google,yahoo,bing) or it totally depend on link connected to that perticular domain.

    | imDelu

  • Hey people, I just subscribed for Moz Content and I am wondering how are other professionals using it as a strategy tool. Today I just released a blog post talking about how larger content impacts PA. Not a big deal. I would appreciate some ideas and insights.

    | amirfariabr

  • Hi. I have used Moz Crawl Test and get my 3,000 urls crawled no issue. However, my site has more than that, is it possible to crawl the entire website? Alot of the crawl urls in the Moz test are search string urls and filters so Ive probably wasted about 2,500 urls on filter urls. Any advise or alternative software that wont cost a fortune?

    | YNWA

  • I'm looking at the SERP report trying to figure out what keywords I should try to rank for and I am having difficulty understanding if I could be competitive in the space. For example I have a new website that has a PA1 and DA1 rank I plan on developing great content and then working on securing quality backlinks for that content. In order to start this process I'm doing my keyword research and I am finding keywords, both short and longtail that I would like to target via Google Keyword Planner. I'm punching them in to see the competition and SERP. This is where I fall short. How do I use this information to identify or rule out what to pursue. I guess I am looking for some criteria or guide to help me begin to figure out or filter out what is the best keyword to pursue that will give me the best odds of success. If anyone can help me I would be eternally greatfull. We are a small company (startup) and it is up to me to make this work. YES - I have read everything that I can find - guides, and I have not run accross an answer. Thanks in advance

    | DDWeddings

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