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Category: Getting Started

Get up and running with the Moz tools.

  • I just signed up for Moz. I'm wondering how long it will take until Google Analytics results will enter.

    | John-Francis

  • I have a new client on a small budget with a local yoga studio. There's been no SEO work on this site so far, so, after the basics, I plan to work through the items on this list: I'm a new Moz Pro user and am looking for advice on how to use Moz Pro tools with my client to review progress over time...a simple checklist of reports/metrics to share and track, and to use in weekly status reports. Or, in other words, how can I configure and use Moz Pro tools for basic progress tracking? This is not a sophisticated, SEO-savvy client, so I want to keep things very simple. Thanks for any ideas or pointers. Dave

    | dgbruns

  • I would like to track 6 competitors for a new client, maybe short term, maybe long term. Can I set up 2 Moz Campaigns for the same client using the same keywords only with different competitors?

    | cindyt-17038

  • I am trying to reorganize my site and with that my home page. I want to follow the 100 internal link rule. However when I run a Moz crawl test it says that there is too many on page links. I than went to Moz open site explorer and it said there is 237 links. When I exclude in bound links that still leaves me in the mid 100 range. After counting them my self I can only come up with 75 on page links. Does anyone know how I can find what Moz is referring to? And how I would be able to find where this links are? I might be missing something simple or maybe I don't understand exactly how the Moz tools work. That is why  input from this great community would help. Thanks!

    | LovingatYourBest

  • Its been a long time since I've used Moz and things have changed considerably from them so I want to make sure I'm on the right track here. I typically only work on the on-page SEO and then comparing backlinks vs competitors. I typically have someone else handle new backlinks as they seem to be almost impossible to get these days. Typically I go with this Workflow (simplified version): Research - KeywordPlanner tool, keywordtool, ubersuggest, etc then trim the list and use Rank Tracker to look at actual keyword difficulty of top 10 listings or a manual check if its a small list. On Site Analysis - Use Website Auditor to get full view of on-site issues and then solve them by starting with broken links then HTML, then meta, etc. On Page Analysis - Looking at the Page Audit from Website Auditor to see areas where a client is failing to optimize the page for a specific keyword and then fix it. Gather Backlinks - Use SEO Spyglass to gather the links of competitors, analyze them, then check each one manually to determine if I can get the same link if its a high quality one. With Moz, would this look something like this: Research - KeywordPlanner tool, keywordtool, ubersuggest, etc then trim the list and use Keyword Difficulty to look at actual keyword difficulty of top 10 listings or a manual check if its a small list. On Site Analysis - Use Moz Analytics Campaigns to get full view of on-site issues and then solve them by starting with broken links then HTML, then meta, etc. On Page Analysis - Looking at On-Page Grader to see areas where a client is failing to optimize the page for a specific keyword and then fix it. Gather Backlinks - Use Open Site Explorer to gather the links of competitors, analyze them, then check each one manually to determine if I can get the same link if its a high quality one. If so then on #1 should I be doing the basic or a full each time? Is there something I am missing on this list?

    | spyke01

  • Hi, I'm setting up a Moz campaign for a new client, and when I get to the third step, "Choose the search engines for which you would like to track rankings," there's nothing to select. No drop down, or anything, just a blank field under the heading. If I try to advance, I get an error pop-up that says I must select a search engine. Has anyone else run into this problem? What should I do? GlWPAsc zAmzqFf

    | tommyKPseo

  • Hello, We have been using SEO Quake to produce a list of keywords and their frequency and prominence for any given page.Is there a way of achieving something similar with Moz tools? Thanks ian

    | Substance-create

  • How long do they really take? I  think I opted in to receive emails from MOZ but I didn't see that as an option on the email form. I need to be able to rely on the assumption that if I set up a custom email to send that it will in fact send.

    | matthew.dimmett

  • IN seomoz, it mentions domain authority but it doesnt define it. what does domain authority mean?

    | torbett

  • Hi everyone, I have a quick question regarding setting up my MOZ account and it's
    integration with a Google Analytics account: I'm not sure if I'm right but I think I can only set a single Google
    Analytics account to do my analysis and then created several campaign. Or is there a possibility to set several Google Analytics accounts and creating several camapign to track diferente websites (connected to diferente Google Analytics accounts) ? Thanks! Cheers, Bernardo

    | Bernardo.Reguero

  • Hi, Can some body explain me in simple terms that how Moz can help me see if there is any traffic on keywords for example a, b, and c i have decided for my site. And If there is no/low traffic then what I should do next? How many options are available to me to bring up traffic to my keywords? Thanks

    | Sequelmed

  • Hi Guys Loving what I have found so far with Moz and now I am ready to move on up as the reports function is critical to me. Can you clarify for me that a 'branded' report will carry my logo etc (including scheduled emails) and not Moz. Namely is this function whitelabel. Sorry for such a newbie query, I do think it is down to language semantics but just wanting to clarify before I make the jump. Thanks

    | ITsoldSEO

  • I'm monitoring 14 of our companies websites. When I have setup one custom report I would like to copy that report setup to another campaign so they all report the same. Guess I'm lazy but great if I don't need to redo the work 14 times.

    | lissola

  • Hello Everyone, I am new to this I need some help. Thanks ahead

    | kremsoft

  • in the "traffic from search" report, how is a "visit" defined? is it the same as a google analytics session?

    | kuchenchef

  • Hey, I am new to MOZ, and I am seeing in my page reports that I have duplicate content, but this duplicate content is mostly my development site. I have this blocked in robots.txt for google. How do i stop MOZ including it in its reports? Cheers everyone.

    | Tholomew1

  • I have a new site that has all the bots turned off so google can't index my site until I'm finished it. I've been working on this site for a couple months now optimizing and I was wondering if there was anyway I can run a preliminary scan on the site for my titles, URLs, Headers, Alt Tags and pretty much anything else that will grade my work and tell me if i did anything wrong? Can MOZ do this with the Bots turned off? Thanks

    | Inframan

  • I am new to doing SEO, and am not an SEO professional.  I'm just taking a DIY approach to learning about and doing my own SEO for some non-profit work and using Moz is my first foray into it.  I have a question about which day of the week is best to run my campaigns. I have 5 campaigns running, but I set them up rather haphazardly.  So one is running on Saturdays, and the remaining 4 run on Mondays.  I am running these campaigns on sites that are not mine.  I'm not the webmaster.  This is a non-profit, sort of a research effort that seeks to investigate other non-profit websites that all advocate on a particular topic.  I'd like to be able to compare the 5 campaigns (e.g., their keyword rankings especially).  So I think I should get them all running on the same day.  Setting aside that Moz isn't able to let me switch which day they run on, I'm needing advice on how to think about which day of the week I should choose.  I haven't been running them for very long and I'm sill a newbie so I don't think it's a huge deal that I'll need to re-setup at least one of the campaigns to get them all on the same day.   I've been searching Moz Q & A and google for things like "best day of the week to track SERPs" and "how often to track SERPs" but I'm not getting anything that's helping me think about what's important for choosing a day of the week.  I am getting results for other rank trackers out there that let you do more frequent ranking but I'm not quite ready to branch out to other tools, so I really more need some guidance on how to think about which day of the week to choose here in Moz.  Blog posts, tutorials, links to related questions, etc on this topic would be awesome, plus your general thoughts and discussion on it would be great, too.

    | scienceisrad

  • Hi guys, I've got a very seasonal client and I'm wondering which way would be best to set up a MOZ account for them: Option 1: Multiple campaigns (Same URL, Same competitors, Different keywords) Option 2: Single campaign (All keywords labelled by season) Option 3: Something else? Thanks guys - All ideas welcomed!

    | JAR897

  • I noticed on my dashboard that I have the ability to switch between a most recent weekly view and a monthly view, which is great because I can compare site progress on a monthly basis when the full months data has been prepared. Problem is, there doesn't seem to be an obvious similar control on the custom reporting tab.  Ideally, I would like to be able to create custom reports that are based on Monthly metrics rather than weekly. This seems like pretty basic functionality, surely, I'm overlooking something simple here?  Can you all steer me in the right direction on this, thanks!

    | Huemor

  • Just signed up and have a lot of (probably stupid) questions! When I go to my campaign in Moz Pro, Links, Link Analysis, I see a long list of inbound links. However, the only option is to export it into CSV via the Open Site Explorer, but when I open that up the list of links is completely different (and much smaller) than the one in the Link Analysis section. Is there a way to download the links listed in the Link Analysis section, and what is hhe different between the links listed here and in the OSE?

    | Lina500

  • Hi, I've only signed up recently and set up my first campaign this morning.  I get this message which I presume is pretty standard _We are gathering data for your campaign. It may take a minute or two for us to bring back some initial data. In the meantime feel free to grab some coffee, we should be ready when you get back. _ Except, that was over an hour ago, and I've had several cups of coffee. Has something gone horribly wrong or does it normally take this long?

    | bimjo

  • Hi, I am hoping someone could help explain - I have a screaming frog account and ran a crawl using it, it returned a lot of 0 status codes 'connection timeout', 'DNS lookup failed' and 'Connection Refused'. However, the SEO MOZ Crawl doesn't detect any of this. I am fairly new to these tools, do you know why this is? Thanks a lot! 🙂

    | eLab_London

  • When i do this tool on this doll..... It is saying that i stuffed the keyword sex doll 18 times (?!), but i wrote NO TEKST! Now i am maybe a stupid woman, but i seriously dont get this. _Editor's note: _You can probably tell from the URL, but site is NSFW.

    | MartinePeters

  • Can anyone give me an idea how to use the MOZ crawl test results...I'm a little confused on how to read it?  I have a lot of "no's"...I think this is good?

    | sdwellers

  • Hello, i recently translated my website to spanish, keywords,meta tags, content etc. All of our URL for the translated pages start "ep", which symbolizes espanol. My question is, does moz crawl those pages along with my english pages? or do i have add another campaign for moz to crawl my spanish pages seperately?


  • Hi, i have a campaign report that shows 8 Insights, however when i click on that link which says 8 Insights, the page is blank. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

    | andrewlos

  • How can I find out what is the list of keywords I currently use in my website? In other words I want to know my current state of keywords

    | Rosalia.Perez

  • Hello Community, How do I improve the MozRank and the MozTrust value for my domain? It's still really bad compared to my competitors. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

    | bastelele

  • Hi,I try to export pdf report for my client but this function doesn't work. I tried in different browsers and on different machines - still doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance,JJ

    | jjtech

  • Hi, I am having a problem with my Wordpress site It seems the domain is added to the url, for example Right now I have 249 404 errors. That's a lot! I found  a Q&A similar to this, and as far as I understand, it has to do with relative links. I quess somewhere on my site there is href="" instead of href="" My question is, how do I find the broken link? Thank you!

    | Food-Garden

  • Under Traffic Sources, is listed as a source for 37 sessions this past month. What might this be? Is it legitimate traffic or should I be filtering this?

    | mphdavidson

  • I just signed up for MOZ and I see that the latest update was jan. 27th 2015 and I just started with my SEO firm in feb 2015.  I don't see any results but I am trying to track my competition and see how I fare thus far.  Where should I start?

    | paymentusa

  • I am new to MOZ. Several days back I added competitors(3) to my analysis. When can I expect to see results/feedback? Thanks

    | cchebaro

  • Jackie from Moz here. We're looking to get some feedback on the letter grades we use for On-Page Grades (in the application and in the Research Tools). We made this super easy survey to collect our Community's thoughts. Tell us what you think! Thanks for all your help!

    | JackieRae

  • I just joined Moz and am trying to use the tools however, when I attempt to do so every link comes to a that only allows me access to post questions here. If anyone can tell me what tool is best to find reasons google has not indexed my site, I would greatly appreciate the help. Also if anyone knows why I am keep getting routed to this forum when I try to use any of the tools, I would also appreciate help with this. So far Moz is very frustrating.

    | Johndeeray1964

  • My website does not permit all crawler to crawl website. Whether ii need to give permission to moz bot to crawl website or not? If yes what is the moz bot name?

    | irteam

  • Has anyone been able to successfully set up followerwonk. We've been trying and haven't been able to connect from our followerwonk login. Any help would be appreciated.

    | Visier

  • We block AWS from crawling our site.  Does the moz crawler use a static ip address that we could allow?  I'm currently not able to add a campaign because Moz can't connect to our site.

    | uShip

  • Hello, I'm so new in Moz and SEO world and i just started my website, a WordPress blog, I'm in a content creation period and i want to make it right from the beginning but I'm confused about how to use Moz tools in this period because i don't have content or traffic so no analytic as i think, so What is the best use of Moz tools in this period? About keyword difficulty tool i think this is the most tool i will use in the beginning, how i choose which keywords to use from my keywords list, in this time I'm depending on the on page SEO only, no backlinks no social engagements, which keywords to use to appear fast in search engines for a startup? less than "% difficulty " or between, I"m new in this word Please Moz and SEO experts give me a hand here. Note: I'm using Medium Moz pro plan.

    | Romekio

  • I maintain a site that provides access to bankruptcy records.  I want to try an optimize the site for searches involving the case name and generic terms like "bankruptcy filing".  So, the keyword would be "(case name) bankruptcy filing".  How do I use Moz to help when the number of case names is high (100,000+)?  Any other suggestions for what to do when working on long tail matches?

    | troller

  • Hi there, I would like to understand if in "Other visit" could be included traffic from adwords. I see a 97% decrease of this value concerning of my internt site and I need to understand the reason. I switched out an Adwords campaign last month, so I thought this decrease could be related to this aspect. Thank you. Massimiliano

    | vanGoGh-creative

  • I have multiple campaigns and they all say that the last update was Jan. 26th.  Should I be getting a new weekly update for all of them by Feb. 3?   Is there a setting that I need to checK? Thanks for your help 🙂  JoAnne

    | jojobo

  • Hi. New to Moz here. I really like all of the tools. Moz recently sent me a Crawl Report and flagged every page as a duplicate content and duplicate title. The only reason/difference between the pages it flagged is the beginning of the URL. The crawl report shows the and then Is there something I'm missing about setting up my website? You can use either form to browse to my website, with the www and without. Why would Moz flag that as a duplicate? Scott

    | David-Sulak

  • Hi Mozzers, Was just wondering what the difference between the two tools are, and why they have independent keyword limits? Thanks, Nick P.S Apologies if this has been asked before or if I've missed some documentation, I had a quick search but couldn't find a similar question!

    | NickSamuel

  • Hi, Since I subscribed to Moz my Magento store has given a lot of duplicate content issues. However, I did have a problem with Canonical URL at the time. It has been settled for a couple of weeks by now and although I had 302 redirects before, I configured Magento to 301 today. Since Moz has been crawling and showing duplicate content for exactly the same Magento pages but with endings like store=us, store=aus etc (since I have several store views enabled), I am wondering whether canonical URL does actually help Google to skip these versions of the duplicate pages and does Moz also understand it and will it reduce the amount of duplicate content errors once the 301 redirects and canonical URLs have been properly set for a week or so? Thanks!

    | speedbird1229

  • How can I find out why rogerbot won't crawl an individual page I give it to crawl for page-grader?  Google, bing, yahoo all crawl pages just fine, but I put in one of the internal pages fo page-grader to check for keywords and it gave me an F -- it isn't crawling the page because the keyword IS in the title and it says it isn't.   How do I diagnose the problem?

    | friendoffood

  • I am trying to set up an industry query in Add & Manage Queries but the "preview this query" button greyed out.  I filled in the Query Name,  Add Label: Industry and matches phrase exactly under Search Query. Thank you for your help.

    | jojobo

  • Just started using SEO Moz. I entered an alt tag for a featured image on a wordpress website, however, When I conduct a page grade, SEO Moz still indicates that there is not an image alt tag.  Any suggestions?

    | SonyaLilwreatha

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