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Category: Moz Pro

Discuss the Moz Pro tools with other users.


  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi everyone . . ..bear with me as I am  "noob". My moz analysis brought up a few "critical" issues, one of which was a missing or empty title for a page.  That page is: Which does not even appear to be a working page . . . so I'm at a bit of a loss ow to fix this. I suspect it's a little bit of SEO expertise and a little bit of Magento expertise.   Thoughts and suggestions welcome! P.S.   Look forward to my NEXT noob question about a bunch of pages I have flagged as "Pages with temporary redirects".    Stay tuned!

    | damon1212

  • Hi I have just got my first Crawl Diagnostics report and I have a questions. It saids that this page: links to which is a 404. I can't recognize the URL on the page which is a 404 and when searching in the code I can't find the %7Blink%7D in the URL which gives the problems. I hope you can help me to understand what triggers it 🙂

    | SebastianThode

  • In 2010 we launched a product update (physical product) that was really good for us in sales and we were taking a lot of business from our main competitor. To stop the bleeding they posted a fake ripoffreport (completely made up pretending to be a former employee, we are a family business and employ few people with almost no turn over in the last 10 years). They also posted fake reviews on Google's local product at the time for any store that used to use their product but that had switched to ours. We were able to get google to remove the fake reviews as there was no way one user visited over 100 stores and purchased the same service on the same day in all these locations around the US. But they would do nothing about delisting the report page without a court order. So the fake google reviews went away, but the ripoffreport has become immortal. The reviews were originally posted anonymously and then commented on by another anonymous user. These same two anonymous users then filed ripoffreports against a couple of our mutual customers as well. Since they are anonymous we cannot sue anyone to get them to remove it, since it is passed the statutes of limitations we cannot do a john doe law suit to get a judgment by default. So the report is there to stay. We have worked to get more content up about us, we have great product reviews on facebook and other outlets that have sold and spotlighted our products, and we are partnering with industry specific bloggers and traditional media content sites to get links and reviews (all white hat stuff, great public relations stuff), but we cannot get our interior pages, facebook pages, or the other reviews to rank higher than this report when searching for our brand name and even worse when you search for our "brand name reviews" it is the first result on google. Can anyone help me understand how I can use MOZ to help me identify how to outrank this page with interior pages so that it falls off the front page of google? Sorry if that is a newbie question but I have done a lot of things and it has worked some but not as much as I need it to. And it seems that in the last few weeks the report has become stronger in the rankings again. Any suggestions you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

    | erickcalderon

  • como puedo estar seguro de que los enlaces toxicos que informa la herramienta moz spam score, son realmente malos para mi seo? Algunos de ellos parecen totalmente buenos! gracias!! as I can be sure that the toxic links moz tool reports the spam score, they are actually bad for my SEO? Some of them seem totally good!

    | Sbm2008

  • Hi, i need some help as i am lost on what exactly the best to do. My website I want to delete my community which is giving me a nightmare when it comes to seo friendly. The /community has too many errors with seo and I think is harming the site growth. Now I want to delete it but if i delete it I am going to get a lot of 404 errors. So I was thinking to first add a Noindex and nofollow to it and in a month delete it. Could you please let me know if this is a good strategy? or if you can suggest something better. I really don't want the community. Thank you for your help.

    | blinky51

  • Hey guys! My organization just launched an eCommerce site and we are receiving a lot of temporary redirect issues. How do you solve this issue (36k of them) within Magento Enterprise? 1. All settings have been changed to 301 redirects but I am still receiving the same errors during my crawl report. 2. Website URL = Any support or advice is greatly appreciated! Oh and if you need any toner, you know where to go :)! Sincerely,

    | CanyonOS

  • Hi, I'd like to use a 3rd party dashboard to monitor all marketing activities in one place (social / seo from moz/ remarketing / email / content / google analytics etc.) - any recommendations? Thanks Louisa

    | charliedavi

  • Hi, I like to compare current month visited pages to last month and want to extract a list of pages which were visited in last month but in current month. So I can check on which pages website is losing and gaining traffic. Is there any option in Google Analytic or Google Webmaster or in MOZ Analytics Companies ? Thanks, Rajiv

    | gamesecure

  • I received a crawl report yesterday, made some site changes, and would like to see if those changes were done correctly. Rather than wait a week for my automatic crawl to be generated, is there anyway to initiate a manual crawl on a single subdomain as a PRO member? As a PRO member, you can schedule crawls for 2 subdomains every 24 hours, and you'll get up to 3,000 pages crawled per subdomain. When we've finished crawling, your reports will be sent to your PRO email address, which is currently From here...

    | ICM

  • We have made some changes on our website according to the SEO standards per Moz report and did some crawler tests but it seems that MOZ is not crawling our recent changes. It is showing the results according to the previous data. What can be the problem here?

    | torbett

  • We're looking for numerical data on the amount of traffic that keywords receive, regardless of their rank in Moz. Thanks!

    | Scratch-Kony

  • So I am getting duplicate content warnings on my website for my pages white paper and webinar video pages. Each white paper / webinar video page is behind a marketing form page that must be filled out. I am getting a lot of warnings that the marketing page and the content page are being picked up as duplicated content. In the past, both the marketing page and the content page were given the same title and url, the body content is not similar. My question: Is the URL / Title similarity enough to set off the duplicate content warnings and would changing one or the other solve the issue?

    | AllMedSeo

  • Website errors remittent of Chernobyl. First of all, I ask a lot of questions of the community and I don't do a lot of answering. For that, I am sorry! I own a small SEO company and the majority of my clients are upstarts just like myself. We try to do the best we can on a very limited budget.
    With that said, the client website in question, has been a struggle to rank in the metro atlanta lawyer market.
    Here's the story. My client is a new solo attorney that practices criminal law and personal injury law. We launched to focus on criminal defense and my client has also paid AVVO for a website as well. We recently decided to make a monster website that would have 50+ pages and be representative of all that he practices.
    I recently put a temporary redirect on and pointed it to the avvo website while I was rebuilding the website. I did this using a plugin.
    This morning I decided that I wanted to remove the redirect, so I deactivated and deleted the plugin. The redirect is still in effect. I suspect that this may be a cacheing scenario.
    How do I undo a redirect?
    Also, I noticed that the AVVO site has all of a sudden shot up to the top of the search results and has dropped past the 3rd page for our keywords. Have I lost all of's link juice? Also, has a spam score of 7. Why? There are no shady links and everything I do is on the up and up. Also Open Site Explorer says that doesn't have any inbound links.
    Google WebMaster Tools says that the site has of 500 inbound links.. Frustrated, Thanks

    | underdogmike

  • Hi There, Is it possible to pass Omniture data into MOZ rather than using Google Analytics? Thanks!

    | GrandCircleCorp

  • I just recently signed up for MOZ, so much information.  I've done the walk through and will continue learning how to us the tools.  But I need your help. Our first moz crawl indicated 2261 issues (447 404's, 803 duplicate content, 11 502's, etc).  I've reviewed all of the crawls issues and they are linked to our Yahoo hosted WordPress blog.  Our blog is over 9 years old. The only issue that I'm able to find is our categories are not set up correctly.  I've searched for WordPress assistance on this topic and cant find any issues with our current category set up. Every category link that I click returns Nothing Found Apologies, but no results were found for the requested archive. Perhaps searching will help find a related post. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    | Girlstuff

  • Hi everyone, I have a client on a monthly SEO package that is taking a hard hit in the rankings as their website is not mobile friendly. We are currently building a new website for them that will be fully responsive, but face the predicament of how to keep the current site performing relatively well in the rankings in the meantime. The site is generally well optimised and we always follow SEO best practices, so we've hit a bit of a stumbling block as to how to limit any negative impact the mobile friendly updates have on the site. Does anyone have any suggestions for damage limitation? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | keyzo

  • Hi, Going to be redirecting our current domain to a new domain. Can anyone verify for me that I'm doing it correctly. I want to forward the entire domain plus individual urls. My current structure is below: Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine on RedirectMatch 301 ^(.*)$ Redirect 301 /old-page.html

    | healthpointeseo

  • Since August, we've had intermittent access to the Google Adwords API. Like others in this space, they've let us know that our access has been revoked. We've been working to restore this access, but unfortunately, we have not been able to do so. In the meantime we are working hard to find a suitable replacement that is both stable and a good fit for our customers’ needs. We wanted to let our PRO members know, first to apologize, and second to explain how this has impacted your PRO access. We understand how important it is to have all your keyword data in one place, and we're sorry for any disruptions you've experienced from not having this data source in our app.We do want to clarify that this change does not affect your data from Google Analytics. The products affected by this change are our **Keyword Analysis tool and the keyword details and **keyword analysis pages within our web app. We removed this keyword query volume data within PRO a little earlier this year. You can still generate reports, but the metrics previously pulled from the Google Adwords data source is no longer there.The good news is, we don't actually use the Google AdWords data in our calculation of keyword difficulty, so these reports are still 100% accurate—they're just missing the information we usually pull from the API, which you can find on the Google AdWords Keyword Tool here. We're so sorry about this, and understand how frustrating the loss of this data is. We're hoping to have an alternative data source soon, and we will keep you posted as we make progress. Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and get help by replying to this post. Thank you!

    | AaronWheeler

  • What happens if you have a site in your Moz Pro campaign that has more than 50,000 pages? Would it be better to choose a sub-folder of the site to get a thorough look at that sub-folder? I have a few different large government websites that I'm tracking to see how they are fairing in rankings and SEO.  They are not my own websites.  I want to see how these agencies are doing compared to what the public searches for on technical topics and social issues that the agencies manage.  I'm an academic looking at science communication.  I am in the process of re-setting up my campaigns to get better data than I have been getting -- I am a newbie to SEO and the campaigns I slapped together a few months ago need to be set up better, such as all on the same day, making sure I've set it to include www or not for what ranks, refining my keywords, etc. I am stumped on what to do about the agency websites being really huge, and what all the options are to get good data in light of the 50,000 page crawl limit.  Here is an example of what I mean: To see how EPA is doing in searches related to air quality, ideally I'd track all of EPA's web presence. has 560,000 pages -- if I put in for a campaign, what happens with the site having so many more pages than the 50,000 crawl limit?  What do I miss out on?  Can I "trust" what I get? has only 1450 pages, so if I choose this for what I track in a campaign, the crawl will cover that subfolder completely, and I am getting a complete picture of this air-focused sub-folder ... but (1) I'll miss out on air-related pages in other sub-folders of, and (2) it seems like I have so much of the 50,000-page crawl limit that I'm not using and could be using.  (However, maybe that's not quite true - I'd also be tracking other sites as competitors - e.g. non-profits that advocate in air quality, industry air quality sites - and maybe those competitors count towards the 50,000-page crawl limit and would get me up to the limit? How do the competitors you choose figure into the crawl limit?) Any opinions on which I should do in general on this kind of situation?  The small sub-folder vs. the full humongous site vs. is there some other way to go here that I'm not thinking of?

    | scienceisrad

  • Hi there! I can't figure out this issue. We had a major drop in URLS receiving organic search visits (according to Koz) yet our traffic hasn't seemed to drop in correlation. Our site had a major issue at the end of may (*hence the drop in search traffic) but it seems to have recovered, yet URLs that Received Organic Search Visits has dropped dramatically. I've looked at Google updates but can't seem to find anything, what am I missing? NVun4Wq

    | DotP

  • Hello! Moz reports that my site has around 380 duplicate page content. Most of them come from dynamic generated URLs that have some specific parameters. I have sorted this out for Google in webmaster tools (the new Google Search Console) by blocking the pages with these parameters. However, Moz is still reporting the same amount of duplicate content pages and, to stop it, I know I must use robots.txt. The trick is that, I don't want to block every page, but just the pages with specific parameters. I want to do this because among these 380 pages there are some other pages with no parameters (or different parameters) that I need to take care of. Basically, I need to clean this list to be able to use the feature properly in the future. I have read through Moz forums and found a few topics related to this, but there is no clear answer on how to block only pages with specific URLs. Therefore, I have done my research and come up with these lines for robots.txt: User-agent: dotbot
    Disallow: /*numberOfStars=0 User-agent: rogerbot
    Disallow: /*numberOfStars=0 My questions: 1. Are the above lines correct and would block Moz (dotbot and rogerbot) from crawling only pages that have numberOfStars=0 parameter in their URLs, leaving other pages intact? 2. Do I need to have an empty line between the two groups? (I mean between "Disallow: /*numberOfStars=0" and "User-agent: rogerbot")? (or does it even matter?) I think this would help many people as there is no clear answer on how to block crawling only pages with specific URLs. Moreover, this should be valid for any robot out there. Thank you for your help!

    | Blacktie

  • I've been trying both programs for the free trial and I'm not sure which one is exactly better. they seem to me that both give a similar asepct of research, However SEOMOZ seems to be updating more frequntly. On the seconnd hand, traffic travis is way more cheaper only $97 one time fee as apposed to SEOMoz $100 per month Could someone convince me SEOMOZ is the better tool?

    | ilan_connnect

  • Hi there, Everyone! First time poster. 🙂 One of my clients has an ads string showing up in organic search? It is: s=bing_search&p=none . If I block it in the robots text, then I won't see any traffic results.


  • Trying to discover which one people are more likely to plug into a search engine.

    | MobileDay

  • I used the on page grader for my homepage,, and it said the keyword "physical therapy" was used 26 times in the body of the page.  But I can't find more than 4. How exactly is keyword stuffing accounted for, and is there some place that I am not seeing the keywords?

    | CPRNJ-JC

  • Hello! I am kind of new to SEO and MOZ, so I really need your help to understand why some of my keywords generate duplicated content. Meaning, in my blog posts I use various SEO keywords. It shows up that in my MOZ crawl analysis, I have these keywords listed as duplicates: so two/three different keywords are pointing to the same articles and are considered duplicates? I really don't understand how it is possible. Did it also happen to you? I highly appreciate it. Thank you

    | DianaC

  • Other than google trends, are there tools a publication could give its writers to help them optimize their articles. Sometimes these articles are very newsy pieces, sometimes they are more evergreen features. In other words, if they're writing a story about the Greek Debt Crisis, I'd love to give them a tool that would suggest the language that is trending most at the moment and then, as the story evolves, identify the language that would be important then. Are there tools to help with this?

    | nymedia

  • Hello Mozzers, We launched a new website on Monday and had our first MOZ crawl on 01/07/15 which came back with 350+ critical errors. The majority of these were for duplicate content. We had a situation like this for each gym class: GLOBAL YOGA CLASS (canonical link / master record) YOGA CLASS BROMLEY YOGA CLASS OXFORD YOGA CLASS GLASGOW etc All of these local Yoga pages had the canonical link deployed. So why is this regarded as an error by MOZ? Should I have added robots NO INDEX instead? Would think help? Very scared our rankings are gonna get effected 😞 Ben

    | Bendall

  • i have a website that features more than 9,000 pages. i'm trying to figure out which ones have missing or incorrect title tags. Should I start with screaming frog??

    | SapphireCo

  • One of our clients domain names is I've done all of the on-page SEO, submitted a sitemap to Google and am currently monitoring the analytics and data on MozPro. The next scheduled update on domain authority is the 21st of July? We must have had this on since April, the website was most likely launched at the end of March. Is it normal to wait this long for a site to be indexed and the domain authority to rise?

    | birdmarketing

  • Hi, I run the seo for It is an e-commerce site selling car care products, and we also manufacture our own products. I was wondering how the seo for an e-commerce site might compare to the seo for a blog or information based site, or other types of site. And also how the seo for a particular product page on my site might compare to a information based page on my site. Are the tactics the same? Should you try and rank for similar terms, the same generic terms, or complelty unique terms for the best seo? Or should every page try and rank for different terms, to ensure that the engines dont rank 2 or more different pages for the same search term? And how many keywords or search terms should I try and rank a particular product page for? Or an information page, or blog page? Is there a minimum or maximum that is recommomended? Does the more terms you try and rank for on a page take the weight out of each of them? So having 4 really good search terms might be better than having 10 ok generic ones? How do I find out what are my best, most highly converting, most profitable keywords overtime for Google? I can find some information like this, but it is showing the stats for Bing UK, not Google, even though Google UK is my main engine in Moz. My domain authority has decreased by 3 this week, this is the first time it has gone down since I started with Moz a few months back, can anyone explain why? And how this will affect the rankings ect, and how I can get it back up higher agian? And for linking and brand mentions, what are the goals of this feature? Should I find my mentions and ask them to talk about us more and link to us properly? I'm not sure if this is right. Should I be asking other websites to make links to our pages, or should it be organic? And for the insights section, I am recieveing tons of issues a lot to do with duplicate content, will having the rel=carnocial tag fix these issues? I know thats a lot for 1 question, but its been building up in my head! Thanks in advance! Max

    | BiltHamber1

  • Hi, I have a keyword that's not anywhere in my page in page-grade tool nor are any pages linking to it with that term, why would that be ranking. The term is "dynamic card solution" This is a company we used to have 5 years ago and merged with our company.  This term is ranking #1 for this page-  . I can't figure why that would be even as this is a newer page in the past year. Thanks for any insight as I'm newer to moz. Laura

    | lauramrobinson32

  • Hi, I've recently put a new site live using Wordpress, and have hooked it up to Moz Analytics. Moz is reporting >1000 pages with 'missing meta description page', and >250 with 'duplicate page content'. The issues seem to be being flagged by pages with '?sort=asc&view=main', ?show=paged&view=main, '?sort=ratedup&show=all&view=list', etc. I have a number of category pages, which users can filter by etc to give them the information in the way they want to see it. I have this ' I haven't got many pages indexed by Google yet, so can't see if they're hitting the same issues as Moz. Any help/ advice appreciated.

    | newstd100

  • Hello there, I am after some specific guidance on how to rank well for the keyword ‘Translation Services’. I have managed to get the site to page 2 of google UK for this key term. The difficulty is I seem to have run out of steam now on how to get higher rankings. After spending a considerable amount of time creating content and gaining links I managed to get the site from around page 15 on google uk to page 4 then to page 2. That’s where it seems to have stopped. I (think I) have got the onsite SEO pretty well nailed. I have got some good linkable content (, and have plans to produce a more. Experience working within the language industry tells me that a top 3 position on page 1 for this keyword can very lucrative so my main focus of SEO is to rank well for this key phrase. There is a very good chance you reply will simply be get more (better) links and if it is that’s fine but is there anything else I can do? Am I missing a very obvious trick anywhere? Looking forward to your reply.

    | bigtimeseo

  • I am getting Duplicate Content Errors reported by Moz on search result pages due to parameters. I went through the document on resolving Duplicate Content errors and implemented the canonical solution to resolve it. The canonical in the header has been in place for a few weeks now and Moz is still showing the pages as Duplicate Content despite the canonical reference. Is this a Moz bug?{81C018ED-CEB9-477D-AFCC-1E6989A1D6CF}

    | jpfleiderer

  • A competitor's SEO firm is building spammy links to my website.  I know the disavow link process, but even this can be time consuming.  Is there a better way to protect my website?  Any and all ideas appreciated.... Are there any cool Moz tools that can help me manage this assault? Sorry, just a follow up from me... It appears that many of the spammy links (referrals) I see in Google Analytics are not present in Google WebMaster Tools.  Does this mean that the spammy ones that I'm concerned about have already been discounted by Google, or are the spammy links no-follow?  Any input on this would also be appreciated.

    | BVREID

  • I sell Decorative nutcrackers of various sizes. At this time, I use the term "inches". I was looking at my competitor the other day, and when I did a search on his site, using the term inches did not provide me with a result. I was forced to use ex. "10" nutcracker" instead of "10 inch nutcracker". Is there a preferable usage for seo purposes. Thanks! my site: his ite:"+nutcracker

    | NutcrackerBalletGifts

  • Crawl diagnostics shows a lot of pages with duplicate content, but when I check the details, I see that it lists the same page but the url contains a campaign tag, so it's not really another page that is serving identical content... Is there a way to remove these pages out of the Crawl Diagnostics?

    | jorisbrabants

  • We're building a new product for content professionals that helps with website auditing, content performance measurement and content discovery/curation. If you're a content strategist, blogger, editor, copywriter, SEO with a content focus or social media manager that curates content we'd love to hear your thoughts. Interested in a sneak peak of what's cooking? Either respond to this post or send me an email at [email protected]. Be sure to include your job function and the type of company your work for. Thanks all!

    | JayLeary

  • I'm using Moz's Crawl Diagnostics to try and clean up some SEO priorities for our website ( HOWEVER, virtually all of the pages that are being categorised as duplicate content are not the same, or indeed similar. For instance, these three pages have been deemed duplicated pages; Can anyone give me an insight into why this is? Many Thanks!

    | The_Craft_Company

  • Hi Moz Community, I have been conducting some link auditing and started comparing the Moz Spam Analysis tool with the links provided in Google WMT. It appears that the Moz Spam Analysis tools shows an aggregate of links that Moz may or may not consider spam, however when you download and look at Google's "Links to Your Site" list it provides every link iteration known to man that's pointing to the target website - without providing any hints as to whether or not a link may be considered spam by Google. The biggest concern I have here is that Google is picking up a lot of links, which I consider spam, that do not appear in the Moz Spam Analysis results. I guess the question(s) I have are: Does it make sense to compare these two data sets? Has anyone else tried this comparison and how did you use the information to make positive changes? Any recommendations when it comes to determining if an external link is spam/hurting/helping a website? Thank you!

    | GoogleDowner

  • We are a niche legacy print publication that's been around for close to 20 years. Recently, we combined several old sites in one new responsive site. We have over 7,000 articles -many of which are evergreen and can be repurposed when needed. Most of the old pieces although published, have not been optimized for SEO. However, as we create new pieces, we optimize them for search and social and they tend to get more organic traffic. Where we're torn is on how much we should balance our limited editorial resources between cleaning up and optimizing our extensive archive to improve our organic reach, vs. pumping out new original pieces each week. I realize that without a lot of data the answers will be varied - I guess I'm looking for a best practices approach for content publishers. If it helps at all, our main conversion goal is selling subscriptions to our print and digital publications. We know that organic traffic tends to be more engaged than our social referrals. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the magazine fulfilment business, it's tough to know which channels convert better. Thanks!

    | RicardoSalcedo

  • Hello guys and gals, This is a very odd one, I've a client's website and most of the crawlers I'm using are giving me weird/ wrong results. For now lets focus on screaming frog, when I crawl the site it will list e.g. meta titles as missing (not all of them though), however going into the site the title is not missing, and Google seems to be indexing the site fine. The robots.txt are not affecting the site (I've also tried changing the user agent). The other odd thing is SF gives a 200 code but as a status tells me "connection refused" even though it's giving me data. I'm unable to share the clients site, has any one else seen this very odd issue? And solutions for it? Many thanks in advanced for any help,

    | GPainter

  • HI there! In using a few different tools, and I have received varied result concerning my 404 page. In WebSite Auditor from Link Assistant, it says my page is set up incorrectly. My webmaster has told me that it is set up correctly, but at this point I'm not entirely sure what's what.  Is there another way to test it? I guess i'm not quite sure about the jargon and what "return 404 response code" actually means. Thanks for your help!

    | NutcrackerBalletGifts

  • I have a question about keywords rankings and on page keywords.  I don't rank very well for the keyword "Nutcracker". But, my tag line is "Your one stop Nutcracker and Ballet Gifts source".  One of my most important keywords is "Nutcrackers" (see the s 😉 ) and I hot hit really hard in my rankings with the google algorithm update. Almost a 30 position difference from one day to the next. Am I shooting myself in the foot by having Nutcracker being in the forefront, even though my chances of ranking for that are very low as there is high competition with more actual "The Nutcracker" related content.  I do have the word "nutcrackers" on my home page...but all of a sudden I feel like i'm wasting space, or I should have made the tagline "Your one stop Nutcrackers and Ballet Gifts source". It just doesn't sound as good. I just recently dove headfirst into SEO and moz, so I consider myself a noob, but I learn quite quickly.  Thank you for your help! Esmee/Owner 12-inch-nutcrackers-n1211-a.jpg

    | NutcrackerBalletGifts

  • Are the numerous Free SEO reports that are available around the internet, where I simply put a website address in and wait for the results actually any good? I tend to stick with Moz & Semrush which takes a little time pulling all the information I need together, but many of our clients are being approached by SEO's waving these free reports at them. Should I see these reports as valid, or ignore them and only concentrate on Moz. Any views will be greatly appreciated. -Christina

    | ChristinaRadisic

  • I know a few of these problems come from products being in the same categories but I have no idea how to get rid of the url's that are showing duplicate content when the product is in the exact same place. Hard to explain, but here are URL examples. Any Idea's how to fix / get rid of these URL's? Thanks!

    | Mike.Bean

  • Be warned, this is a complex issue that I have and will require someone who has some advanced knowledge about 301s and link penalty’s.  I have a law firm client whose site is having some issues. There are some very complex details here so I'm going to articulate them in bullet points in hopes of making the issues easy to understand. So here's my root problem: We have poor organic rankings (4th, 5th, 6th page for most terms) despite Domain Authority of 32 (avg. 1st page competitor is 28) and some very strong white hat link building the last 60 days or so. How's their backlink profile look, you ask? When you look at their backlink profile in OSE, their spam score is a 1/17 (not sure if that's credible in any way). Lot's of links that score 5's on the spam score make up about 10% of their OSE links. Here’s where it gets tricky; those links are not directed the client's New URL, they are links that go to some old URLs the client used to have, for which they had an SEO guy who built all those crappy links. Those URLs with the crappy links (we'll call them The Crappy URLs) were 301'd (can we all agree 301'd is a verb?) to the NEW URL for just a couple of months. Shortly after that, NEW URL dropped almost completely out of Google, so the client turned off the 301s. So despite those 301s being turned off, OSE still shows all the links going to The Crappy URLs but is giving The New URL credit for them. Keep in mind, the 301s were turned off about 6 months ago so it’s a little strange that OSE still shows those 301s. This has led me to the conclusion that the Domain Authority that OSE shows of 32, is not a “real” number since it is seemingly based off links inherited from 301s that no longer exist. So now I’m trying to create an action plan for this client that will hopefully help us start to make some real progress in our rankings. This client does not have the budget to wait another 6 months for some sign of hope so time is of the essence. Here’s my theoretical action plans I’m choosing from and would like the communities input on which, if any, they feel is best (Also, if I’m missing something or you have an idea, I’m all ears): **Potential Action Plans: ** Do nothing, keep building quality links, creating quality content, monitor crawl reports/gwt for issues. That strategy is going to win long term. #1 + Create one page sites on The Crappy URLs, setup GWT for them, submit sitemaps thus forcing Google, OSE and other web crawlers to index them, thus removing any potential residual penalties from the 301s. NOTE: Currently The Crappy URLS are just landing on GoDaddy’s default landing page which is of course not being indexed by Google or OSE. #2 + Disavow all the bad links going to The Crappy URLS. Then once the bad links no longer appear in the OSE profile for each of The Crappy Sites, 301 them again, thus inheriting the good links but not the bad. #1 + 301 the Crappy URLS back to the New URL, while also disavow any links going to The Crappy URLs. The logic here is that if the road back to recovery is going to be a few months away no matter what, when the 301 knocked them back 6 months ago no reputable link building was being done. I am cautiously optimistic the linkbuilding we are doing will eventually off set any penalty’s coming from the 301s. Plus now we’ll know the 32 Domain Authority OSE is giving us is real. This is the one I’m leaning towards quite frankly because I think it will reduce the recovery time and we’ll know somewhat quickly (30-60 days) if it’s actually working. 1-3 could each take 90 days before we know if it’s working. So please, if you have any expertise with any of this, your help or advice would be appreciated. I’d rather not share The New URL for obvious reasons but if you must know, simply message me and as long as you’re legit, I’ll share it with you.

    | BrianJGomez

  • How could I begin to research this to find out why we have less total links and a lower domain authority. Our DA has gone down two points and our total links dropped by a few thousand.  I'd like to find out why that happened but I'm just not sure where to start.  Thanks!

    | Sika22

  • I'm a very structured dude. I literally have to have every project in front of me in order to be productive. With that said, it would sure help me if there was a checklist to follow with at least the basics to both audit an existing website, to where they rank and what areas need improved and then another checklist that goes through each phase of implementing SEO for the first time either on a brand new website or an existing website that you're taking over... Any suggestions?

    | 2Spurs

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