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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hey guys! Just wanted to see if anyone can help me on this one! I have the PA on this is 21 and DA is 10 however my other two domains com and have been stagnant at both PA and DA at 1 - any reason why this might be?

    | edward-may

  • We have a blog post (actually several of them that have the same SEO characteristics) that brings a fair amount of traffic to our site (relatively speaking), and according to Google Webmaster Tools it averages in the top 10 in SERPs for various terms. This page has no external links to it, and very few internal links pointing to it. When I run Moz's On-Page Grader for the various keywords it ranks for, the page get's an F on all of them. It was not optimized for any keyword, and it isn't our best content; it was a blog post written a few years ago and forgotten about and was never promoted in any way. The topic does happen to be about something that people search for frequently. According to the keyword difficulty tool, all of the keywords it ranks for have 40-45% difficulty. We have lots of other pages on our site that we have tried to optimize and that get A's and B's in On-Page Grader, that have both internal (from the home page and main menu) and external links pointing at them, etc, but they don't rank well at all. Keyword difficulty for these keywords is in the same range, from 37 - 53%. Why does this one page rank so well when the other pages don't? Additionally, we have been looking at a competitor who has a page that ranks #1 in universal results for numerous keywords according to SEMRush, yet the page gets an F On-page Grader for those keywords. The page has 3 links to it, all from the same domain and it has a very low domain and page authority. The Domain Authority of this page is 47 and the page authority is 33  according to Open Site Explorer (compared with our DA of 30, and PA of 1), and the social metrics are a bit higher than ours, but neither has a lot (they may have 15 likes to our 10).  Why does this page rank so well for them? How can we get our Page Authority higher? Thanks for any and all help.

    | mukunig

  • Hi there, We'd like to add Schema markups to our site pages: business locations, services, blog, reviews, contacts, portfolio. Is there a clear list of possible fields for local business?
    Is there generator for where you can just type the necessary field and get the code? Thanks

    | Ryan_V

  • Hii i have made few links from dofollow site through blog commenting method and when i checked my site on Open Site Explorer  it shows Nofollow . So my question is links from Dofollow blogs will be nofollow ? There is any benefit of getting links from dofollow site through comments ? Thanks

    | sumit4

  • Does SEOMOZ crawl images in the report? Raven tools is showing me about 200 missing alt tags and title tags. I can not seem to find any of this information on the SEOMOZ report. Am I missing something?

    | jasonsixtwo

  • Hey there, i have a greek content website and some of the urls are greek (I did this for better SEO score).
    When i am using the analyze page issues and write down the greek url it doesnt find it (for example if i wrote down "πως-να-βγαλω-λεφτα" it displays me back "Sorry! We weren't able to find that page when we crawled your site") BUT when i just copy paste it from the url the moz finds it. However when i copy-paste the url changes the greek characters to no-sense symbols (for example the same above url becomes :πως-να-βγαλω-λεφτα) As you can see the url is written with non-sense symbols.. My question is if google see this no-sense symbol as well instead of the greek characters? I am using Joomla and i have: Search Engine Friendly URLs and Unicode Aliases setting to yes. Can anyone please help me with this because i have a feeling that something is wrong here. Thanks in advance

    | tsalatzi

  • Our website just had its first crawl test and about 90% of the pages have the tag.

    | FastHandDryer

  • Hey guys, Okay I ran into moz analytics - I have I have 199 Issues, priority issues are showing 38 Duplicate page content.  I began looking into the URL's and from what I have noticed from all the urls are showing me a common theme. The urls are pointing to my blog pages - my blog is using wordpress. What iv noticed is the urls all have "Tag" in it Here are 3 examples that I have found.  All url's take me to a blank page: Does anyone know what the solution is to fixing this? I read the article for duplicate content covering 301 redirects and Rel=Canonical tags - I'm wondering if this would need to be considered in this case? However I find it confusing that these pages for to a blank page. Appreciate some assistance.

    | edward-may

  • One of our clients competitors are showing similar MozTrust numbers even though Open site explorer is only showing 10 in-bound links for them and our client is showing 70 or so. The competitor’s in-bound links are not showing any more quality to them than our clients so one great link pulling their numbers up does not seem to be the answer. Where else can I look to try and determine why the competitor would be pulling in similar MozTrust Numbers? Our client has a DA of 27 and the competitor is 15.

    | StartGroup

  • I'm frustrated, so want to ask a stupid question....My site.. outranks my biggest competitor in most Moz catagories... ...EXCEPT Facebook likes...(he has a ton)  **And yet, outranks me in most keywords on
    Google?!  I know it's not simple...but  Can anyone take a quick peek and give me any insight as to why???  ** Example "Dive Key Largo" keyword...he is #1 and I am #5...typical in the most important keywords!

    | sdwellers

  • My site has a spam score of 2/17. How bad is this? Domain authority is 23 and page authority is 32. The domain is In total, according to MOZ, there are 38 inbound links. Spam scores for the inbound links are as follows: 1 (8)
    1 (6)
    2 (5)
    2 (4)
    3 (3)
    16 (2)
    4 (1)
    8 (0) The number in the parentheses represents spam score. Does it make sense to get some of these links removed? Is it necessary for me to remove links from all sites with a spam score of 5,6,7,8? If we remove these lower quality links will Domain Authority and Page Authority improve? Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • I have hardly any facebook data, because Moz constantly needs me to reauthorize it. It's extremely annoying, but I wanted to make sure this is a Moz error and not a user error. Is it just me or do other people have to keep doing this as well? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi MOZ experts. After spending numerous hours analyzing one of my client's competitors site and not being able to figure it out I have no other options but to ask you for help. The site in on first page for at least an year for terms like: windows doors Toronto, windows Toronto etc (very comparative niche, difficulty score 41%) Site : Very few links found: | | 31 |
    | | 29 |
    | | 13 |
    | | 11 |
    | | 10 | I would say , low end links, only 1 link caught my eye :  with mR 5.43 (without any reason, site without links , history etc.) Other then that , can't find any reason for high ranking and for high mozRank. Please help me to understand. I don't care about this particular site but I'm trying to understand how things works. Thank you in advance for the help. Alex

    | ALYR_SEO

  • Hey guys this is my first time asking a question here but I have been lurking for a while now and have learned a lot here. I have to come up with a plan to go through, analyze, and clean up the existing backlinks for 37 root domains. That to me makes manually looking through the stack one at a time impossible. Obviously there are some great tools and I currently have Moz tools and Raven available to me but am open to acquire something different as well if it makes sense. My questions are: 1. Do I need to worry about nofollow links at all? Should I just separate them out right off the top and be done with that? 2. What ways have you all accomplished this task? Are there any time sucking pitfalls to avoid? Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance this site truly has been a blessing to me!

    | RossM

  • Hi, I want to delete my account and I cannot see an option for this within Billing. Can someone help. Thanks, Lisa

    | lisamarieCunn

  • We recently moved our site to a new CMS and did a complete redesign, with new content. It's really hit our SEO. Open site explorer is telling me there are lots of 404 web pages which were basically old product pages that no longer exist, since the way we have structured the site has changed. So is it worth trying to reclaim these links? If so, how can I do that without building pages at the URL - will a 301 redirect be enough?

    | jbritchford

  • HI All,  My site was ranking very well and was in 1st page of google for most of my keywords. Couple of weeks back we did some update to the site and moved it to new hosting and from then onwards I dont see my site home page in Google ranking . My Website Name is : It used to be in 1st of Google for keywords like wedding Mandaps, Indian Wedding Mandaps etc, Would be great if some one helps us to figure out whats gone wrong .. I also did Webmaster Fetch as Google but nothing happened. Thanks

    | Verve-Innovation

  • Greetings, After engaging Moz Local I have made several manual edits to individual account listings, but I do not yet see them reflected in the reports. How often is the reporting updated? Thanks!

    | richpalpine

  • In analysing my competitors website I have discovered that they have over 600 fake pages that appear to have been created by some sort of internal search engine software, all pages are exactly alike except for the keyword and the words "no results found" on every page. I have discovered, elsewhere, that their duplicate content is abnormally high, and that their pages are stuffed with keywords.(in on page grader) I come out top in every section in Moz open site explorer, except internal links and total links. Yet they sit at number 1, while my site is number 2, I believe that copying their antics would surely make me fall foul of Google, and certainly would never risk it. but with the keyword only getting 30 searches a month, are google bothered about them doing this, should I resign myself to not being number 1 and is there anyone on this Forum who believes that I should use the same tactics, to get above them.

    | jefftracey

  • Hey Moz'ers - I just added a new site to my Moz Pro account and when I got the crawl report back there was a ton of 404 errors (see attached). I realize the best way to fix these is to manually go through every single error and see what the issue is... I just don't have time right now, and I don't have a team member that can jump on this either, but realize this will be a huge boost to this client if/when I get these resolved... So my question is: Is there a quicker way to get these resolved? Is there an outsourcing company that can fix my clients errors correctly? Thanks for the help in advance:) wBhzEeV

    | 2Spurs

  • Although Moz does a great job of tracking keyword rankings within the "top 50", a lot of the time with new sites and new content we are trying to track improvement in performance way out beyond that (just trying to get into the top 50). Although Moz tells me that a keyword has moved up or down outside the top 50, without knowing the actual position it's hard to reconcile that in terms of improvement. Is there a tool out there that will do what Moz does for the top 200?

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • Hello, I have an example site that is currently being redirected to site My client is having issues with and finding that there is more equity in site The client now wants us to have as the site. What is the best way to proceed with implementing without hurting search in the long run, since was initially a 301 redirect to How should I proceed in this redirection back to What pitfalls should I look out for that could affect SEO and how should I input safegaurds to protect myself? I appreciate the support

    | arousta

  • The new reports look great But when I export to PDF, the text is low quality and images are low quality. Not as good as the old report. In fact, the PDF is such low quality we are not providing them to our customers. We're using the old reports. ETA for HQ PDF Export please?

    | OPUS-Cambodia

  • ​I start using MozBar and I've seen to every post on my blog that my H1 tag has ”1 2 3” written in front of the text. Why is that and what can I do to make it disappear? M1DB92B.jpg?1

    | Rolandia

  • Technical help required - please!
    In our Duplicate Content Pages Report I see a lot of duplicate pages that are created by one URL plus several versions of the same page with the dynamic content, for example, How do we solve it?

    | GBCweb

  • Hey guys, I have been managing a few websites and have input them into Moz for crawl reports, etc. For a while I have noticed that we were getting a gratuitous amount of errors when it came to the number of missing meta tags.  It was numbering in the 200's.  The sites were in place before I got here and a lot of the older posts no one had even attempted to include tags, links of the page or anything. As they are all Wordpress Sites and they all already had the Yoast/Wordpress SEO plug-in installed on them, I decided I would go through each post and media file one at a time and update their meta tags via the plug in.  I personally did this so I know that I added and saved each one, however the Moz crawl reports continue to show that we are missing roughly 200 meta tags.  I've seen a huge drop off in 404 errors and stuff since I went through and double checked everything on the sites, however the meta tag errors persist. Is this the case that Moz is not recognizing the tags when it crawls because I used the Yoast Plugin?  Or would you say that the plugin is the issue and I should find another way to add meta tags to the pages and posts on the site?  My main concern is that if Moz is having issues crawling the sites, is Google also seeing the same thing? The URLS include: Any help would be appreciated!


  • Hello, I am going through the various errors that the Moz Pro Crawl report and some non-existent pages keep coming up in the report. For example, one error category is "Missing Title Tag" with one page identified. But this page“http%3A/”?page=2 isn't real. It would have been a 404 were there not a redirect for everything that is /news/gobbledygook to /news. So my question is: when moz (or GA for that matter) identifies these pages as "real" and having errors, do I need to take this seriously? And what do I do about it? Thanks! George

    | canadageorge

  • Hi Folks, I have a page that grades with the 'On-Page Grader' as a B grade for the keyword 'itil foundation' but reports that there is no 'Exact Keyword is Used in Page Title' and 'Exact Keyword Used in Document Text at Least Once'. The thing is, it actually is but because of IP (intellectual property) rights we have to include a '®' (®) symbol when we mention the course title 'ITIL® Foundation'. Now I believe Google is smart enough to recognise that this symbol should not be included but it seems that for the specific criteria mentioned above, the MOZ bot isn't smart enough to recognise this, even though it recognises the keyword usage elsewhere. So my question is this. Would this constitute an issue in terms of ranking? Another question I have, is how significant are the gains with shorter URL's? For example, the URL to the page in question is: Would a URL such as below have a significant effect on SEO?: Thanks for your feedback.

    | PurpleGriffon

  • I have create new account and campaign last week, till now my moz campaign not update like: keywords ranking, competitor websites links etc. Why it is so please update me.

    | Surabhi_Dewra

  • Hi Mozzers, Anyone know of a good FREE tool that has no limits to use to scrape my site for H1 tags & image alt tags by page? Ideally it would produce a report with a list of page URLs, corresponding H1 tags and each image alt tag on each page. Anyone? Bueller?

    | dsinger

  • Hi I have a question about inbound external links The good news is that I have 135 inbound links showing up in open site explorer, where my main competitor has 4 The bad news is that these are not the links that I have been building myself. The links are sometimes in a foreign language, rarely in an entertainment category, which my website is, and there seems no way to add a link on the page. I did buy some links when I first started out, but I was advised not to do it again But these are clearly working despite their apparent lack of value Then the question is where are my web directory listings, social bookmarks, social media content and web 2.0 articles, and the links I found my competitor had, that I was able to add my own website on, I have manually grafted for these links,  have I been wasting my time with all of these?.

    | singingtelegramsuk

  • Hi! I'm working with a client that has seen a steady drop in their domain authority over the past year and a half. They were at 75 in October '13 and now they're down to 67. The drop seems rather steady over this time, no big dip. They've actually worked their crawl errors during this time and have reduced a ton of them. I can't figure out why this metric would be dropping. Anyone know of something measurable I can look at to help pinpoint the problem (and of course actions to fix it)? Thanks so much!

    | Becky_Converge

  • Can someone kindly explain what 'Crawl Issue Found: No rel="canonical" Tags' means? Is this a critical error and how can it be rectified?

    | JoshMcLean

  • Hi, So I have quite a lot of data colelcted about my site now, regarding keyword research, page crawling and competitor research ect. But I find myself second guessing myself about what I have done and what to do next. I have done basic research for as many relevant keywords I could think of to my site, including branded and non branded terms. If the main competitive keywords for my niche are very competitive, shall I start doing more research for long tail keywords and only try to rank for them? Does is matter how many keywords I am doing research for? Does is matter how many keywords I try to optimise for each webpage? Are the amount of branded keywords I am researching skewing my results? As they are all ranked #1, but nearly all of the non branded keywords are much further down the list... Once I have decided what keywords are worth trying to ranking for for each page, are the techniques to actually rank more highly for them - Title, H1 Tag, Description, Meta Data, Fresh Content and using the keywords on the page? Or are there more techniques I haven't heard of? Under Keyword Rankings - I noticded that some of my keywords are directing to specific pages, like "Cavity Waxes" is directing to the URL ending in .com/cavity-waxes - How do you assign the keywords im researching to specific URLs? - Or does Moz do it automatically? As most of my keywords seem to be unassigned to any URL, is that because they are not ranking highly enough? How do I best use the data collected through Moz? Good practices? Techniques? Tips and Tricks? What is the best practice for finding potential link partners and asking them for mutual linking? Techniques for finding partners that are likely to link with us, but still provides link juice. I must apologise for this long-winded set of questions, but these are troubling me! Any help would be greatly appreciated, Kind regards, Max Johnson

    | BiltHamber1

  • I have created web sites that appear somewhere on Google in hardly any time at all, but I appear to have forgotten something or things are different for pages added recently to an existing website. I have added a page on a particular subject, optimized it using on page grader, so that I get an A, and a check mark for everything except H1 tags and rel=canonical which my web hosting provider does not support. I do have a check mark for accessible to search engines The page has the format It is in the menu, so should have internal links to it, as I understand it. I have created a new site map, and submitted it in webmaster tools. Interestingly it says that of the 96 pages only 76 were indexed is this a clue? and why would they not index a page I have then shared the page on google plus, facebook, tumblr, pinterest   and twitter and some others In OSE it comes up as domain authority 28 page authority 1, the social media shares do show up in metrics on the right but no links internal or external are shown, they do on other pages I created in the same way. Is it just a case of waiting or is their something I do to help thank you

    | singingtelegramsuk

  • Hello, we have an issue which I'm hoping someone can help with. Our Moz system is saying that this page Is a duplicate page. We use this page purely for mobiles and we have added code to say This has been on for over a month now however Moz is still picking the page us as a High Priority Issue.

    | popcreativeltd

  • Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to pose a question to the group about keywords and the "on-page optimization -  grade a page tool." I have a list of keywords that I am trying to rank for. Some of them are not ranked in the top 50, so on the keyword ranking tool it gives you the 51+ message in the rank column. For the items that are ranked I can try to improve them by looking at grade a page and typing in the URL and keyword. It will then give me a score and suggestions on how to improve it. With that being said, is there an easy way to find out which pages I should be optimizing those keywords which rank at 51+ for,  besides typing the keywords in Google and seeing what URL it associates with the specific keyword? I hope the question above is clear.

    | trumpfinc

  • All, I just recently acquired a new client and right away I noticed an abundance of duplicate content being recorded after the moz crawl diagnostics was completed. After a quick digest of the issue, it seems that the majority (90%) of the outlined duplicated content is stemming from the client's Login/Registration page. Upon clicking (without being logged-in) any asset or forum discussion board link within the site, the user is automatically redirected to the Login/Registration page, which seems to create this massive redirect loop associated with dynamic url parameters. Ex. After clicking on a select internal link (asset or discussion board) the user is redirected to the Login/Register page which presents the page and a URL that looks a lot this this: Ex. 1 Ex. 2**/register-login?returnurl=/register-login?returnurl=/register-login?returnurl=/page-titl**e/ These URLs seem to becoming larger and larger... The client wants to ensure users have to Login/Register within their site before they're allowed to view the content. This process doesn't allow for any type of preview page to be viewed by a user prior to clicking on the internal link, which in turn doesn't allow any preview pages to be indexed. Right now, Moz is picking up all of the redirect and labeling them as duplicate page content/duplicate page titles based on the Login/Registration page. Questions/Comments: Would it be wise to create preview pages for the asset pages and discussion board pages to allow for proper indexing? - Could this be a CMS issue? Current being used on this is, Kentico. There are thousands of pages being recorded in the crawl as duplicate, however only 14 seem to be indexing with duplicate title tags. 301 or canonical redirect strategy? Moz crawl data issue? Again, this is my first look at this issue, so more information is bound to come out soon! Please let me know if anyone has run into this issue and if you have a possible solution to get rid of this redirect loop process. Thanks! -T

    | MattLacuesta

  • My website is in wordpress and i was using Premium SEO Pack and for what i read is not so good as ai thought it will be, so i will like to know from someone who have use a plugin or Yoast plugin what is the best options for me to make my website ranking better

    | dawgroup

  • Hello, First post here. I am a IT infrastructure engineer that does application and deployment work mostly,  but new to SEO. That being said, I am a firm believer in demming wheel and defined process/flow charts. I have a website up, built as best practice, its a Magento CE open source Ecommerce store.  After some initial research,  it seems I really need to define my keywords before I start branding my landing pages and such. So i am going to have to go back and implement the keywords and evaluate. But as I am reading it seems most SEO people try their keywords in google ad words first? Then implement? I am hoping to find some flow or process sheets on how successful Keyword research is done via step by step process and evaluation. And explanations of each. How many keywords to start with per landing page, how many to try and get in the H1 headers, paragraphs, URL. How long to leave keywords in to test? Also, I am a start up company that is competing with the big boys in my market space. I know I cant compete for the big keywords in my market? What is my best strategy for getting any kind of ranking as a small business in a global market? SEO is a mysterious, intriguing thing to me! Very much reminding me of one of my favorite whimsical quotes I will leave you will now, and thanks for reading. -Alex "Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple." - Willy Wonka

    | iamgreenminded

  • Hi I have a client e-com site who's dev platform is on a windows server Their product pages have been auto-named after the product title, with the first letter in each word being upper case, which has hence translated to the URL having upper cases instances too. I asked them to set up 301 redirects for all url's that had upper case instances to lower case versions, which they say they have done. However I'm still seeing url's with upper case instances showing up in webmaster tools and moz crawl reports but when I copy & paste them into a browser they do redirect to, & resolve in, the lower case version. Its also upper case versions reported in the Google cache! So how come webmaster tools & Moz etc are reporting the upper case versions, surely if redirected it should be the lower case versions All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I really like the Keyword Analysis tool/process at MOZ, particularly the composite score of keyword difficulty.   However, on my budget/account level I can only check 400 kw's per day and sometimes that's not enough.   So my question is... What other tools do you rely on or recommend to provide a preliminary measure of competition for a keyword?   Not Adwords competition, but the kind of analysis Moz does by looking at specific ranking factors like phrase the page authority, domain authority, kw in title tag, URL, anchor text, number of external links to the page, etc.    Are there any other tools you'd recommend for checking those kind of competition/difficulty factors for a keyword?  I know, Open Site Explorer, Majestic, etc will provide backlink metrics, but hoping for something more comprehensive. Thanks!!

    | flyntime_tx

  • Hi 🙂 I hope you can help me for my site I really do not understand why my site so poorly ranks on Google. What can I do about that? Are there any errors or something? What can be done about that? Also when I go to the Moz Tools - Open Site Explorer to check how many backlinks I have... It says: 12 Total Links but according to the Google Webmaster tools I have in total 334 links and 138 links to the homepage. see attachment Why Open Site Explorer does not see all the links to my site, which is a possible reason? And last question, what I need to do to remove pages from Google search like this: <cite class="_Rm">/page/2</cite>. <cite class="_Rm">/page/3 and so on...</cite> Thank you 🙂 aK0x345.jpg

    | ivek1987

  • I have a small problem with some of the pages on one of my websites. 
    Pages are shown as duplicate content when they have no content the same apart from the template. But it only happens with a few products and we have well over 100 products for sale. An example would be these which are seen as duplicate content. Any help would be appreciated.

    | horkans

  • What tool can I use to evaluate the domain authority of a competitor?

    | Virtualrain1

  • I have purchased a new domain name (b), shorter and more cool than the one I'm actually using (a). Also I'm planning to use wordpress on (b), since my actual site was build entirely on html. So lets say making a migration so slowly. In the meantime I finish (b), I would like to include the name on my cards, and other promos, as well as actualize the new name in all my social profiles. I thinked on doing a 302 on (b) pointing to (a), till the day it will be finished. That day I'll do the opposite, so pointing (a), this time with a 301, to (b). Is this the best way of doing it, in terms os SEO? Thanks

    | antoniomitalia

  • hi guys. I'm currently working through the reported crawl errors in Moz Analytics, but an unsure what to do about some of them. for example... Searchresults.asp?search=frankie+says+relax is showing as having duplicate page content and page title as SearchResults.asp?searching=Y&sort=13&search=Frankie+Says+Relax&show=24 There's all sorts of searchresults.asp page being flagged. Is this something i can safely ignore or is it something i should endeavour to rectify? I'm also getting errors reported on shoppingcart.asp pages as well as pindex.asp (product index). I'm thinking i should maybe add disallow/ shoppingcart.asp to my robots text file, but am unsure as to whether i should be blocking robots from the search results pages and product index (which is essentially a secondary sitemap). Any advice would be greatly appreaciated. Thanks, Dave 🙂

    | giddygrafix

  • How long does it take for a new website to acquire a DA and a PA ?

    | Tintanus

  • Hello Im Using Premium SEO Pack – Wordpress Plugin and the plugin in a way tell me what i need to fix so my website get better ranking in SEO, but here in moz im getting an F when i rate my website Moz ask me to fix things that i already fix with the plugin,bKdHhWL,0XvEPyY#2 what im doing wrong? 1sP0Jm0

    | dawgroup

  • Hello, i want to add bangalore which is a district in INDIA to moz so that people searching from that bangalore would find our company listed in google search .Happens to be that i am not able to enter any locations apart from USA. It would be of great help if you could assist us in doing the same.Also wanted to know how how to target preferred locations in India. Thank you

    | Jabez

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