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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hello all, Does anyone know of any good link building webinars coming up? thanks, Beth

    | cmuknbb

  • Howdy Mozzers! We are running a store in magento where we have many products in each category. Hence view all for category pages is not an option. We have applied rel next prev tags to our paginated pages in the following manner Example for page 2 in a category: The issue we are facing is that Moz suggests and as duplicates, even though rel next prev tags are implemented. 1. Does nel next prev consolidate link juice?
    2. Does Moz recognize the tags?
    3. Will this work for us or should we implement canonical tags as well?

    | MozAddict

  • I work at CloudHashing and created a Bitcoin 101 and glossary for the site. - The content was written by my team members and I, so it's all unique content. This site recently popped up and scraped all of our content -   (It looks like they are located in Hong Kong- I'm not positive though) How will this affect us and will it benefit their site to copy our content? What's the best way to handle situations like this? Should I report this? If so, how? It sucks to see something my team and I worked really hard on to have it scraped by a competitor. Thanks in advance for any help! -Ryan

    | cloudhasher

  • When trying to add a twitter account to track, I received the following error message:social_account.no_method - has anyone else received this message?


  • Hi Mozzes! Problem 1 GWT and Moz, both are reporting approximately one hundred  404 errors for certain URL's. Examples shown below. We have no idea why or how these URL's are being created in Magento. Any hypothesis on the matter would be appreciated. The domain name in question is These are valid URL's if /privacy is removed. The first URL is for a product, second for an artist profile and third for a CMS page 1. semi-abstract-landscape/privacy 2. jose-de-la-barra/privacy 3. seller-guide/privacy What may be the source for these URL's? What solution should we implement to fix existing 404's? 301 redirects should be fine? Problem 2 Website pages seem to also be accessible with index.php in the domain name. Example's. Will this cause a duplicate content issue? Should we implement 301's, canonicals, or just leave as is? Cheers! MozAddict

    | MozAddict

  • Hi, choosed the pro Account to download Excel files out of my "followerwonk" Twitter Analytics but he still ask me to sign in with Twitter (what I already am) and want me to sell another pro Account (what I already have). Tried to empty the Browser cache and closing and restarting but nothing works. Who can help? Thanks, Paul

    | Infantdebil

  • Hey Everyone!  I've been working hard on boosting my ranking after launching my new site 2 months ago. I realize that this process normally takes some time however I've come across a questions that I'm not sure I know that answer to... I had some really solid back links added about a month ago but nothing is showing up yet in WMT on them. When I run an OSE I don't see any links there (not even under newly discovered). Can someone please help with some insight on why they might now be showing. Is it just a time thing or should I be doing something different?Any insight will be very helpful. Thanks

    | MDesigns

  • Good day Mozzers! Moz bot is finding URL's in the Catalogue pages with the format and as duplicate (since they are the same page) Whats the best solution to implement here? Canonical? Any other? Cheers! MozAddict

    | MozAddict

  • Can see stats week ending May 1st but nothing after that- and it's May 9th!?

    | locumhunter

  • A relatively new site I'm working on has been hit really hard by Panda, due to over optimization of 301 external links which include exact keyword phrases, from an old site.  Prior to the Panda update, all of these 301 redirects worked like a charm, but now all of these 301's from the old url are killing the new site, because all the hyper-text links include exact keyword matches.  A couple weeks ago, I took the old site completely down, and removed the htaccess file, removing the 301's and in effect breaking all of these bad links.  Consequently, if one were to type this old url, you'd be directed to the domain registrar, and not redirected to the new site.  My hope is to eliminate most of the bad links, that are mostly on spammy sites, that aren't worth linking to.  My thought is these links would eventually disappear from G. My concern is that this might not work, because G won't re-index these links, because once they're indexed by G, they'll be there forever.  My fear is causing me to conclude I should hedge my bets, and just disavow these sites using the disavow tool in WMT.  IMO, the disavow tool is an action of last resort, because I don't want to call attention to myself, since this site doesn't have a manual penalty inflected on it.  Any opinions or advise would be greatly appreciated.

    | alrockn

  • The Moz crawler reported some dupliated issues.  Many of them have to do with tags.
    Each tag has a link, and as some articles are under several tags, these come up as duplicate content. I read Dr Peter's piece on Canonical stuff, but it's not clear to me if any of these are the solution. Perhaps the solution lies somewhere else? Maybe I need to block the robots from these urls (But that seems counter-SEO-productive) Thanks

    | IamKovacs

  • Hi guys, I'm searching for a freelancer seo professional to fix my website errors on SEO Moz, I'm from Brazil, I got a supplement webstore and have no time to fix this errors here in SEO Moz Someone here for this job? Thanks

    | megaformasuplementos

  • I have 181 keywords that I have been asked to track rank on.  So first I will track against our url then our competitors.  With a 250 word limit will that count for every url I want to track?  Is there any other way to do this than using rank tracker?

    | Sika22

  • Hi all, I recently had an issue whereby the Moz crawl was showing up thousands of instances of duplicate content. I solved (or so I thought) this issue on a Magento-based eCommerce website by enabling canonical URL tagging on product pages and category landing pages. This reduced the instances of duplicate content dramatically (by the thousands!) however it created a new issue of thousands of temporary redirects. All of the research I have done has suggested that I should be setting these as permanent redirects somehow, but I am not sure how to do this or how to resolve this issue. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much. Josh

    | Mediademon

  • Does Moz report average ranking for the month? What is your best advice for setting expectations for clients about keyword ranking data and reporting?

    | MeridianGroup

  • For some reason MOZ is not registering the number of Facebook likes my corporate Facebook page has. Over 700 likes have accumulated, yet MOZ is showing zero. It is strange because MOZ has picked up three Facebook "shares". Does anyone have an idea how this issue can be corrected? Thanks,

    | Kingalan1

  • I'm setting up a Shop for a customer and have few questions about Brand Collection Pages in General. I create collection pages for the main Vendors & Designers and since I add their Brand Names on their products I have more than 40 times the Brand name on one Collection Page. When I run Moz On-Page Optimization I get a „B“ classification since Keyword stuffing for the Brand name. I put the Product Informations (brand-name, product-name, product-price) into - Microdata and I‘m just curious what is the best practice. Don‘t using the Brand name when using Brand collection pages, using Microdata only on the product page since there starts the conversion, using Micordata whenever it is possible, doesn't matter since the overall sense of a Collection Pages is to have a lot duplicated Brand names per Page. I honestly have no idea but I just believe that Google or other search engines would appreciate if I categorize it as a Product including Brand-name and price. The other Point is, on the Collection Page I just show the Product Details when the User hover over the Image. As far as I understand, Microdata should be visible. Just showing something when hovering over an Image is that visible or not ? Or in other words, does it makes sense to use Microdata in this case?  I just guess Yes since it is not totally hidden. This particular Band Name in my case is „L‘Agent“. For whatever reason Moz don‘t understand the apostrophe in L‘Agent and I get the recommendation to use the exact Keyword in the Title, what I already doing. Is there any trick or work-around on apostrophes? Here is the collection Page Thanks Siggi

    | Siggi13

  • We're currently getting over 5439 pages with an 'overly dynamic URL' warning in our Moz scan. The site is run on Volusion. Is there a way to fix this seeming Volusion error?

    | Brandon_Clay

  • One of my Moz reports is flagging duplicate content. For example, and are created when a user logs in and the website sends them back to the page they were looking at before. What is the best way to deal with this duplicate issue? How serious is it? Thank you!

    | BrittanyHighland

  • We recently ran the crawl test report and for most of our pages we are getting 1150 internal links but 40-50  as the link count. Why is there such a big disparity?

    | usdmseo

  • Hi. I'm looking at ways to compare duplicate content across two different websites instead of one, as with the Moz crawler. Instead it will flag up up duplicates present on both site A and B.

    | Blink-SEO

  • I am trying to rank with my page on a major keyword for my E-Commerce store. Currently, I am ranking on page 4 in SERP: Now when people like to link to me, what should I do? Shall they link to: or What brings me more in terms of ranking for that keyword with my category? Thanks, Robin

    | soralsokal

  • I know with ranktracker I can see a page that will rank for a certain keyword.  What if I have multiple pages that rank for this keyword?  How can I see all pages that rank for it?

    | Sika22

  • I have no Organic visits on my dashboard for for the last 2 weeks. Google Analytics is showing them OK and the account number is correct.(it has worked before) Jeffb

    | am01

  • Not sure what best practices are, but I have my main domain, a .com and my localized domains, and  As you can see from the screenshot from opensite explorer, i am not getting any linkjuice from my .com domain to my other local domains - what am i doing wrong here? j3LWnOJ

    | venkatraman

  • I had MOZ crawl my site and I had 5 CTA pages with a temporary redirect. How do I correct the issue? Thank You! -Nick

    | X2Metrology1

  • I use Moz's handy Keyword Difficulty Tool to get a relative feel for difficulty and traffic and specif competition. At the same time, my experience is that a term may show a local (U.S.) search volume of, for instance, 30 visits and in the end produce hundreds of visits for position #3. This is of course accomplished through the miracle of all the other searches the page may be judged by Google to be relevant for. Hundreds at times and some times few if any. Here is my two part question: What tools or steps do you use to get a better handle on this on the front side of going for a term? What tools or steps do you use to broaden the meaning to related terms/searches over time? Thanks... Darcy

    | 94501

  • See below and pls let us know what we have to do solve this : |   | Joel Day (Moz Help) Mar 07 05:03 PM Hey Tracy, It looks like there's a redirect loop on your site. redirects to which in turn 302 redirects back into itself. You'll likely need to fix the redirect before you can continue configuring the campaign. 🙂 Thanks!
    Joel. Moz
    t: @HelpWizard | |   | Tracy Mar 07 03:14 PM I sent an email, and this is the response I got. The help forum sent me here, so here I am 🙂 An answer was posted to this question:
    Question I have a valid URL, but when I try to add this campaign I get an "opps" message telling me it's not a valid URL. Can you help me? Answer
    This looks like a bug. Please reach out to us via support so that we can forward this along to our Developers for review. Thanks!(
    See where this question was originally asked. |

    | Britewave

  • I still see internal links to default.asp from every other .asp page even though I have updated most of the relative /default.asp links to since I 301 redirected it. I am seeing this in Open Site Explorer for one. (I'm sure my lack of understanding has to do with not quite getting the purpose of default.asp.) Anyways, I am wondering if all the relative links throughout the site pointing to other .asp pages need to be updated to absolute links (so instead of /page.asp) for me to avoid this problem. Does one even have anything to do with the other?

    | kimmiedawn

  • My homepage is not indexed by google. The rest of my site is indexed. The hompage is indexed by bing. I looked in the webmaster tools and there is no indication why. I believe the issue started when I did a site re-design in August. Any ideas?

    | Brian_Greenberg

  • I'm optimizing a site for a financial advisor, here is the site: I am getting the message "that URL is unaccessible" when I try to use the on-page grader. This is an emerald website too, I'm not sure if that has any effect on anything though.

    | ryanbilak

  • G'd everyone, I need help with understanding how special characters impact SEO.  Eg. é , ë ô in words Does anyone have good insights or reference material regarding the treatment of Special Characters by Google Search Engine? how Page Title / Meta Desc with Special Chars are being index  & Crawl Best Practices when it comes to URLs - uses of Unicode, HTML entity references - when are where? any disadvantage using special characters Does special characters in URL have any impact on SEO performance & User search, experience. Thanks heaps, Amy

    | LabeliumUSA

  • You can learn a lot from Moz Q&A without asking any questions. The way to do that is to watch for topics that you are uncertain about, then subscribe to that question by clicking the "Email Updates" button.  Then, when people reply to that topic, you will be able to read what they have to say and will likely learn many things (and see a few entertaining arguments 🙂 Give it a try.  You might subscribe to more questions than you think and learn many things that will improve your skills and expertise.

    | EGOL

  • Site is all inxed in google, with analytics and webmaster tool. No error in all our 5000 products pages So where do i start my organic seo? What should I read first? Its an online store for retailler only but we still want people to learn about the product or find a store.
    We have made 300 original video on youtube with a full description these video are also associated in our site in each respective product. I know our competitor. So now everything is clean and ready. How do I start seo, we have no external link at all. Wich would be the first best step to do. Regards, Bruce

    | koloss

  • I have the credentials in the URL correctly but it will continue to fail authentication. I will not post them obviously but is there a problem with the API currently? I tried creating new credentials  Also I have used this before so I am sure it is not a problem with the credentials. I somehow managed to get Chrome to show the data. Firefox will not and the code i have written also return authentication failed. This is a bug on your end. Please fix it ASAP.

    | ColumK

  • I've noticed a surprisingly rapid change in duplicate content over the past month. I'd noticed ~6,000 instances of duplicate content, after disavowing bad links we went down to 3k, this makes perfect sense to me. But after that, without doing anything whatsoever, from last Thursday, the 20th, to yesterday the instances of duplicate content decreased again down to 2k. Could this just be a delayed indexing of pages or are there other factors here? Thanks for the help.

    | allurez

  • Hey Does anyone know when Moz Local will be available in the UK? Please share your experience. I'd like to know how it's actually helped your business and client base. Thanks so much Gary

    | GaryVictory

  • I assume this questions has probably been covered many times, if so I am sorry for asking it again, for whatever reason, I am not finding the answer I require, so I would appreciate some help. I would like to know the search volume for a keyword. I remember I used to get this information on Google Adwords account, it no longer displays it the same. I want to know if Moz or even Google for that matter provide this tool in a simple way. So if I entered a keyword, I would get the volume of searches Globally as well as locally either on a per month or a per day basis and it would be broken down as exact match or broad etc. This was a great feature before. I would love to access the same thing again. Thanks you.

    | RyanShahed

  • I've built a few sites using joomla (please don't tell me I should be using wordpress!!) and wondered how I can add the rel-canonical to these pages. I'm assuming it would come as a plugin or module but can't seem to find anything that works right for me. Anyone any ideas? Thanks in advance, Gordon

    | Gordon_Hall

  • Hi, Our site has fluctuated between 20 and 22 DA for six months, but today it jumped to 27. Is that a sign we are doing something right or is 5 points within the DA's fluctuations pretty standard? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I would like to know is it possible to track a keywords past ranking history? We would like to check the ranking history of some potential vendors, but only get data from the point I add them to Alabs, moz etc. Id like to go back a year to see the trend in their rankings. Is this possible and what tool or process can be used to achieve this. Thanks in advance.

    | anthonytjm

  • I started managing a site that has about 391,000 indexed pages.  I want to get to the bottom of why there are so many in preparation for a ecommerce Migration and improving SEO.  Anyone know of a tool?  Many tools I have came across can only take 100 at a time.  I would love to get them in excel or a database.  I look forward to the suggestions.

    | dhands17

  • Hi all 😃 What would be a good way to track weather a website is doing good or bad in regards to link-building in google's eyes? Is the Domain Authority the best credential? If a website is penalized for link-building schemes, would it reflect on the Domain Authority shown in Moz Analytics? What other Moz score would reflect this scenario? Best regards & Thank you for your help. Carlos

    | 90miLLA

  • Good afternoon Mozzers, One of our clients is a real estate agent and on that site there is a search field that will allow a person to search by filtered categories. Currently, the URL structure makes a new URL for each filter option and in my Moz reports I get the report that there is missing meta data. However, the page is the same the filter options are different so I am at a loss as to how to proper tag our site to optimize those URL's. Can I rel canonical the URL's or alt rel them? I have been looking for a solution for a few days now and like I said I am at a loss of how to properly resolve these warning messages, or if I should even be concerned with the warning messages from Moz (obviously I should be concerned, they are warning messages for a reason). Thank you for your assistance in advance!

    | Highline_Ideas

  • So this might be a stupid question, but that whole no such thing as a stupid questions applies here. I am trying to narrow down keywords for title tags and on page optimization. I am focusing on my local, instate SEO only. So no nationwide searches, just local. When I add in my state, so Colorado then keyword It shows 0 matches. When I add Keyword then Colorado a few matches But there is a difficulty rating of 30% or so. Would this mean that it would be good to go after this? or bad because no one searches for my term? Then when I add my keyword, and no state, 6000 matches. But would this mean everyone and there brother is going after it? So unless you are a big brand, stay away? Thank you for your help. I am just trying to make sure I am using it right. Chris

    | asbchris

  • Hey,
    I love the resources available to me through and although I've found it's possible to make a half decent attempt at improving our site using these tools. I have however got to the point where it would be nice to have a second opinion as my view on our site and what can be achieved is no doubt somewhat stale. Obviously asking the community through Q&A is a start and I have benefited greatly in the past from your advice but I wouldn't expect anybody to give our site more than a two minute glance for free. As such I'm hoping to locate someone that I can pay to talk things over with just to get some fresh ideas and perhaps a list of tasks that my staff and I can continue to undertake over the coming months. I appreciate that Moz has a list of recommended SEO companies however these all seem to be targeted towards larger brands and I can imagine a relationship with one of these companies being less personal than I would like. Asides from going through lists of users and checking out their profiles individually, is there a resource that lists the smaller independent on and if so where can I find it? Alternatively are their any external resources that might help me to find someone that would be a good match?
    Thanks for your help. Chris

    | ChrisHolgate

  • I used 301 redirects to point several versions of the homepage to i was just rereading moz's beginners guide to seo, and it uses that scenario as an example for rel canonical, not 301 redirects. Which is better? My understanding is that 301s remove all doubt of getting links to the wrong version and diluting link equity.

    | kimmiedawn

  • I'm finding that SEOmoz often doesn't pick up on many of the links my client's websites are attaining. The links do appear in search engine and often have a high domain authority (often PR links, which I why I follow up to see if they've been picked up). I do tend to see many of the links appear in webmaster tools, so it's a little frustrating that they don't appear, even after months of pages being live. Thoughts?

    | SebastianDyer

  • Hi, I am working on reputation management project and i reach the point when i found that forums pages and social pages are hard to analyse their links and page rank. for example if you search these kind of pages on , it wont show any result And if you try to find the page rank on Moz toolbar it will show 1 pagerank How would you do guys when u are in this situation, Do you consider these kind of pages different than normal pages? Thanks

    | MohammadSabbagh

  • I am trying to setup two separate campaigns for my blog and for my main site. While it is easy enough to do through the wizard the results I am getting for my main site still include pages that are in my blog sub folder. Please Advise!

    | sameufemia

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