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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • im in kuwait and already getting good results in the local google search engine, but howcome you dont have my local search engine in your country list when using your rank tracking tool thank you PGFHRAlGu

    | WeKnowDigital

  • The initial crawl only hit one page. Set up another campaign for another site and it crawled 260 pages. How can I get the crawler started up again or do I really have to wait a week ?

    | martJ

  • They are inactive products, and I can't find any active links to these product pages.  How can I tell where the crawler found the links?

    | shopwcs

  • How can I find my page ranking (what position i land on in google etc. for a certain keyword) when seomoz and other programs ive tried simply say "50+" or "100+" without giving me the actual number?

    | smarthidbiz

  • Hi, I had a problem with too many links on a page and I tryed to replace the navigation with one that reloads the subnavigation with ajax to lower the amount of links. After that I used the seomoz toolbar to check the result. And also this tool: Linkcounter showed the correct amount (lowered by the number of links hidden with ajax) but the Seomoz-Toolbar showed still the same number as before. Now I am wondering: Does the Seomoz-Toolbar needs time to check the content or does ist just count all links no matter if they are hidden or not. And most important: Does Google counts the ajax Links also? Thanks!

    | RTG

  • Hello SEOMOZ Fam, I am trying to get a understanding on what is the best method for me to do moving forward.  I am just noticing that my reports are showing data for both http://domain & http://www.domain which is what has been confusing me for this whole past month. I have just went into my control panel and redirected domains to be just http://domain....will me doing this redirect clean up my next crawl report next week or are there other steps I need to do with my domain or even my campaign?   I think I chose root level for my campaign setting. Thanks so much n advance

    | 41global

  • Okay. I've setup a campaign for and given a list of keywords. So after the initial crawl we'll have some results. What I'm looking for tho is how do individual pages on my site rank for the list of keywords given. And then be able to go to a screen in seomoz with data for that particular page with recommendations and stuff like that. Is this what's going to happen or do I need to create a campaign for each url i want to track? If all will work as I'd like in the example above, should I then add the second list of keywords that some other pages should rank for? Will it get to be a big mess or can I relate the keywords to pages in some way? It seems like what I'm looking for is what this program should be... Thanks!

    | martJ

  • As you can see from the following 3 images below that 3 out of 4 companies have declined in Domain Authority however one has managed to actually increase and stay up. Can anyone explain how this may be for the company that has stayed up has lost total external followed link and has only increased linking C-block domains by 1 uLTyDWz,QvBCoka,xT1rsod#2 uLTyDWz,QvBCoka,xT1rsod#1 uLTyDWz,QvBCoka,xT1rsod#0

    | MeteorElec

  • I came across a few blogs which got me started here on an SEOmoz Pro account and now I am working on building a competitive link analysis spreadsheet in Excel in order to identify how are competitors are beating us in Google rankings for specific keywords. One article I came across seemed to do exactly what I wanted, but the images are all broken and the downloads require a membership to some service I am not interested in: Anybody have any resources like this they can share? Thank you.

    | jesse-landry

  • I see in my campaigns in seomoz pro account...
    it says that I have two urls with  issue 301 (Permanent Redirect) What to do within my different content management systems WordPress ? here are the errors:: Page Title URL Redirects to Page Authority Linking Root Domains 14 1 | | 24 | 2 |

    | sandyallain

  • Hi, how are you? I wanted to ask you if the rankings that Moz shows include the results from Google Places that sometimes appear in the SERPs. Thanks in advance1 Ariel

    | arielbortz

  • Hi, I have been using the FWE tool currently in the SeoMoz toolbox but can't seem to do something. I want to search for say 'Flower Pots' but only return results with the extension Is this possible using the operators? Thanks

    | Bondara

  • They advertise themselves as the internet's oldest free searchable web directory.  The MozBar shows their homepage: with these stats...  PA: 77, mR:5.81, mT:6.59,  DA:93 These numbers seem good.  In order to get listed with them there's a $10 fee for a standard listing.  So I started wondering why they weren't hit by Panda/Penguin. After searching SEOMoz and not finding any information that satisfied my curiosity I did a google search for "galaxy web directory". It doesn't show up on the first page.  To me this indicates a ban or penalty.  If it's penalized, why is Moz giving it such great numbers? Also, are there any paid directories that would be worth the $$$?  I thought the answer was supposed to be automatically no these days, but I keep hearing that some Blackhat still works.  I don't like the idea, but if it's working I don't want to be missing out in the SERPs.

    | SkinLaboratory

  • Unfortunately I noticed a huge problem in rank tracker amd ranking report. My site is in italian and I configurate the ranking report using google italy. The problem is that the ranking is related to but using a browser  set  with english language!! Infact for a specific keyword the ranking position is 8 (using english) and 12 (using italian). This is a huge problem for me and makes useless any report! F

    | fabrico23

  • Hi, One of my clients is trying to make me a user of his Google Analytic account so I can run a report for him on SEOmoz. When he tries to add me it says invalid email ? My email is a googlemail account, what am i doing wrong ? Thanks James

    | Stoz

  • Love the fresh data sources SEOmoz is building for us. However, I'm frustrated by the lack of scale the tools offer. Let's say I have 30 competitors I want to watch (which is pretty conservative - if we're targeting 100 keywords on a site, we could easily have 100's of top 20 ranked competitors). If I have to run individual reports for each using OSE and Fresh Web Explorer, that would be hours of work every day/week. Ideally, I'd like to see a campaign feature where you could add 2-200 competitors to view in one report. You could view recent links (from FWE and JDL) for all competitors on one handy report, and sort by various metrics. So for example, if you wanted to view the top 10 links your competitors have gotten in the past week, you could see that in 30 seconds of work, vs many hours of work. Any others who think this would be useful? Any ideas for how we can use the data in such a way without this feature?

    | AdamThompson

  • Hello Dears when i submit my keywords i am getting this error The change you wanted was rejected. Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to. How can i solve this issues, Regards Noufal

    | Noufal

  • I recently moved my site to Shopify which completely changed the URL structure.  I went to my old pages and created permanent 301 redirects to my new pages on shopify. For some reason, the On Page reports are not picking up on one of the new pages.  This is effecting my grading. Just wondering why this is happening & whether this may be an indication of a larger problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks!

    | PedroAndJobu

  • Hi, just wondering if I am the only one who is not having much luck lately using the Competitive Link Finder . In the past it has worked pretty well.  But as of the past week or so, it has only returned on link.  I know there are many of them which should be found. Anyway, just curious if I am solo with this issue.

    | APICDA

  • I recently fixed (or well, I am asking to make sure that this was the right thing to do in my first question posted a few minutes ago), a problem where all of my internal main sidebar category pages were linking using https://, which to my knowledge means SECURE pages. anyways, OSE, and google seem to be not recognizing the link juice. but my rank fell for one of my main keywords by 2 positions about a week after i made the fix to have the pages be indexable. Making my pages properly linked can't be a bad thing right? That's what I said. So I looked deeper, and my crawl diagnostics reports showed a MASSIVE reduction in warnings (about 3,000 301 redirects were removed by changing the https:// to http:// because all the secure pages were re-directing to http:// regular structure) and an INCREASE, in Duplicate Page Titles, and Temporary redirects... Could that have been the reason the rank dropped? I think I am going to fix all the Duplicate Page Title problems tonight, but still, I am a little confused as to why such a major fix didn't help and appeared to hurt me. I feel like it hurt the rank, not because of what I did, but because what I did caused a few extra re-directs, and opened the doors for the search engine to discover more pages that had problems (which could have triggered an algo that says hey, these people have to much duplicate problems) Any thoughts will be GREATLY appreciated  thumbed, thanked, and marked as best answers! Thanks in advance for your time, Tyler A.

    | TylerAbernethy

  • Hello. I just used Open Site Explorer to find inbound links to a site. But it does not seem to list all inbound links. I will be changing a lot of urls on the site, and I would like to put in 301 redirects only for the pages that have links to them. Is there a way to find all inbound links and the specific pages they link to? Thank you!

    | nyc-seo

  • Hi Community, Can you figure out why this is happening? The title in the url itself does not contain - CodeBaby. Thank you! W6yg1cJ.png

    | CodeBaby

  • Hi Newbie here - I am trying to understand what to do, step by step, after getting my initial reports back from seomoz. The first is regarding the 404 errors shown as high priority to fix,  in crawl diagnostics. I reviewed the support info help on the crawl diagnostics page referring to 404 errors, but still did not understand exactly what I am supposed to do...same with the Q&A section when I searched how to fix 404 errors. I just could not understand exactly what anyone was talking about in relation to my 404 issues. It seems I would want to find the page that had the bad link that sent a visitor to a page not found, and then correct the problem by removing the link, or correcting and re-uploading the page being linked to. I saw some suggestions that seemed to indicate that seomoz itself will not let me find the page where the bad link is and that I would need to use some external program to do this. I would think that if seomoz found the bad page, it would also tell me what page the link(s) to the bad page exists on. A number of suggestions were to use a 301 redirect somehow as the solution, but was not clear when to do this versus, just removing the bad link, or repairing the page the link was pointing to. I think therefore my question is how do I find the links that lead to 404 page not founds, and fix the problem. Thanks Galen

    | Tetruss

  • On the Crawl Diagnostics report, does "link_count" represent external (links to this URL), internal, both, or what ?

    | GlennFerrell

  • I have a competitor who has the following Linking Root Domains numbers on the Linking Domains tab and was wondering if some one could explain what the numbers mean? - 205,515 - 97,752 - 198,092 - 115,748 - 443,540 - 57,886 URL: Thanks, Brad

    | bridgeway04-34677

  • Hi there A simple one. I was just looking at our site in opensiteexplorer and notice that it says we have no internal links at all: Rather odd as we do. Is this a bug with OSE that anyone knows about or something else? Any ideas / thoughts gratefully received.


  • Very easy question for most of the fellow.I have one site and I want to track more than 30 keywords for this big site. Which Free Rank Tracker do you suggest me? If I want to purchase it to create Multiple profile or track multiple sites which one is best and cheapest. SEOMOZ rank tracker is very slow for results.

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hi! How can I setup a campaign for a subdomain similar to this? Is it possible to use https protocol? Thanks a lot! Jesus

    | adesis

  • I found some duplicate content on my site.... but in my SEOMOZ campaigns account. It says that I do not have duplicate content... what is wrong? is the tool working ?

    | sandyallain

  • Hi everybody, can i use a RegEx expression as a rule condition to tag branded/non-branded keywords? For example.. I want to tag all keywords beginning with "This" to be tagged as branded. ThisHouse
    ThisPC Seems like the brand rule is a exact match but that doesn't work for this kind of keywords, right? Thank you Regards

    | ValerieSchmidt

  • I am showing a difference between my Moz rank and Moz Trust Number and their respective charts. Is anyone else seeing this issue?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Anyone else noticing the rank reporting seems to be off? My reports are showing "not in top 50" for some keywords that my site is on page one for. Not in places listings either because I know that can throw things off! Anyone?

    | RickyShockley

  • Can you create sub-user accounts on Moz?... Ones which provide limited access to certain users like use of the tools or access to view rankings in a campaign without being able to edit anything??

    | Qology

  • Hi, I have a prospective client who was in the top 3 on Google for two of their primary keywords. They fell way back in the rankings immediately after Panda was rolled out on September 27, 2012. Two weeks ago, they were at position #118 for one keyword. After looking for them in Rank Checker today, they cannot be found in Google at all. Here's my question. Because of the "bad links" (some pointing to Porno sites)... what's the possibility that this situation cannot be fixed? I don't know... maybe I'm asking an irrelevant question. I'm attempting to assess the situation so I can go back and present my findings to the prospective client. I'm committed to understanding what's going on with their website so I can assess the situation properly. Fixing their problem starts with a correct assessment. They have a ranking problem, and I know I can fix that... IF all their site needs is white hat <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</acronym>. What I DON'T want is... to sell them <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</acronym> services, only to find out in 3-6 months... I made an incorrect diagnosis of the problem, and therefore sold them the wrong solution. I know I can close the sale if I can show them with reasonable substantiation that the damage is not beyond repair. I'm familiar with the basics of <acronym title="Search Engine Optimization">SEO</acronym>, but I'm unfamiliar with how "bad linking" might effect the long-term commitment to optimizing. They're wondering if they should start over on another website. I was attempting to do an assessment to better understand if my typical approach on this site would be sufficient. Also... I wanted to get an assessment/report to show them something to substantiate my conclusion(s) about their website. If Open Site Explorer is sufficient to do the link analysis... great. At least I know I'm working with the right tool. All I have to do is learn how to use the tool quickly. At this point... I'm not sure which tool would be helpful. So... can you speak to the following 2 questions: 1.) How do you know when  ranking problem is beyond fixing? 2.) What software/tool is ideal for doing some link analysis in order to assess the problem, and prescribe a solution? Thanks so much! Ramon

    | 48dayscoach

  • My external followed links over time have gone from 346 in late November to 402. Total external links have gone from 400 to 457. Followed linking root domains dropped from 125 to 102 (How do I find out why?). Total Linking Root Domains Over Time dropped from 152 to 126. Linking C-Blocks dropped from 124 to 42. How did I increase my links but drop the other stuff?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi all, Has there been an update in the SEOmoz crawling software? We now have thousands of dupe content/page title warnings for paginated product page URLs that have correctly formatted canonicals. e.g. ... has following pages with identical content that have been flagged: 4 more URL's. But they all have canonical set. There's even a notice at the bottom of report that tells us there's a canonical set to What gives, SEOmoz ?? Thanks Michael

    | LawrenceNeal

  • On the 1/11 report all four websites dropped, and starting on 2/12 they all dropped a few more times. These are all large companies who are completely white hat. Was something changed? The reason I asked is all of our linking C-Blocks dropped as well. Mine dropped from 114 to 42 and I have no idea why. All of my competitors dropped as well, is this related?

    | EcommerceSite

  • The details on the Link Analysis page are the same as 1,5 week ago for all my 14 accounts.

    | Takeaway

  • Two updates ago I had a "big" drop in DA from 36 to 32 because of a drop in Followed Linking Root Domains.  Me and my competitors have taken DA hits recently, but I'm the only one to have dropped faster than the others. (see capture below for full story.)  Of course this happens right after I start focusing my efforts on SEO. I'd be awfully grateful if y'all had any insights for me on this one.  I was hoping after the initial drop off that I would see the rank climb after my link building efforts over the last couple of months; no such luck.  Now I'm feeling like I've shot myself in the foot somehow. Also attached is an ahrefs report showing backlinks and referring domains over time. So did I shoot my foot off or am I seeing something else at work? 5857219052625307137

    | wreevesc

  • First post here, a couple questions as I work through some of the SEOMOZ tool reporting, specifically the On-page Report Card. I've just received the report results yesterday, so working through the data now. There are two issues categorized as critical by the tool: (1) The grader is stating I don't have any instances of the target keyword in my page title, yet it's there. (The page title is too long, but I'm in the process of hacking the blog software to fix this, it's auto-generated by the CMS.) (2) It's also saying under "Broad Keyword Usage in Document" that I have zero instances of the keyword in the body text, and while I certainly don't have enough, there is at least one instance at the bottom of the blog post. All the text is contained with tags. (3) Related to #2, what's the difference between "Appropriate Keyword Usage in Document" under "High Importance Factors" and "Broad Keyword Usage in Document" under "Critical Factors"

    | webranger

  • Hi.  I've been running analysis on a variety of keywords for a few of our clients and am noticing I'm going through our 50 monthly full SERP Analysis Reports pretty quickly. While SEO is only a fraction of what we do, I know there are large SEO shops out there that must run a tremendous amount of analysis each month. If you're running such analysis routinely, how do you manage with only 50 full SERP Analysis Reports each month?  How do these reports fit into your workflow? Thanks a lot. David

    | WiredImpact

  • Hello, I defined various labels and linked them to groups of keywords. Nevertheless, I'd like to change the name of one label, but it seems to be impossible. How could I do ? Thanks,

    | soliste69

  • Hello, Recently i was reviewing backlinks of one of the HTTPS domain and was socked to see the difference of backlinks in Majestic SEO and OSE tool. I tried a lot to find the option to explore the backlink of HTTPS domain but i think OSE is not providing that. Can anyone suggest the tool or method to find link report of HTTPS domains? Thank you, Sophie

    | sophiep

  • Hi, What tool do you recommend (and why) for best assessing your organic search competition's keywords AND that includes some kind of reasonably accurate estimate of what organic search traffic they are getting by specific page or keyword? Thanks...  Darcy

    | 94501

  • I'm looking for an SEOmoz version of the classic WebCEO Keyword Research that would give you effective suggestions based on a keyword inquiry. I've made the switch from WebCEO, but I'm trying to find something similar to that Keyword Research tool. Am I going to just need to use the Google AdWords tool for this function or does SEOmoz have it's own version?

    | SmokewagonKen

  • Hello everyone, Just a quick reminder that today is the last day to ask a private question before we shut down private Q&A (see the full announcement at We encourage you to submit your private question before 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time today (so in the next two hours). After that, you will no longer be able to ask new private questions, but any questions that have been asked will be answered over the next few days. ONLY private Q&A is shutting down. Public Q&A is here to stay! You'll be seeing more activity in public Q&A from associates as they answer questions and endorse answers, and more feature development in public QA during the year.

    | KeriMorgret

  • I started pro account in 18 jan. And I got an invoice in 18 feb. So am I supposed to get first month free ? Is this payment belongs to Jan or Feb ?

    | zizigo

  • I am trying to construct an api call that lists the top authority link from each domain. This page_to_page call works This domain_to_domain does not I'm plum out of ideas why? Anyone know? The Idea output is the single highest authority link for all linking domains thanks! Brian


  • i see this problem happens for a few ppl but reading the responses i still couldn't figure it out. im trying to set up my first campaign but im getting this error message. Roger has detected a problem: We have detected that the domain does not respond to web requests. Using this domain, we will be unable to crawl your site or present accurate SERP information. im technologically challenged (in other words im useless on computers) so any simple advice would be appreciated cheers donal

    | homebrew1

  • I ran an SEOMoz keyword difficulty report for the term "interim CFO services" and found that all of the websites that ranked really well for that term have good page authority and domain authority scores and plenty of incoming links.....except 1. result #5 has a page and domain authority of 1 and no incoming links, however it's ranked #5 in google SERP for this highly competitive term. see screenshots: Is this ranking based solely on the domain name being 100% relevant? Did they just get lucky and hit the google rankings jackpot? If this is the case, by the same logic I am trying achieve high rankings for the keyword "outsourced accounting firm" and purchased the domain name and am not even ranked in the top 50 with google for that keyword. (it's very new though) any feedback on either questions above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | texmeix

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