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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hey Boys & Girls, I'd just like to say Hi, currently loving the site and the feedback that i'm now able to receive. Just a quick question, signed up last Wednesday and connected my Analytics account. So far, it has had a problem atleast 4 times where i've had to disconnect and re-connect it to my campaign which then erase's the data that it has received. Is this a common problem or am i doing something incorrectly? Thanks Guys!!

    | Chris_CDC

  • Hi Guys, Can anyone please help me! I have a client that has two web pages that he wants optimising, one page is the home page and the other page is within the page.. Does anyone know if the SEO MOZ ranking tool only looks at the home page for jeywords or will it look at what ranking is the the other page within the website?? Or do I have to set up separate campaign jut for one page within the website?? Can anyone answer this please? Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Can someone point me to the official article explaining why meta keywords are no longer taken into account by search engines please? I know Moz has indicated that search engines ignore them, but I would like to read a bit more about it - what was the reason behind it and since when.

    | coremediadesign

  • I am having a strange problem on one of our websites, I am currently comparing ourselves to our competition as it appears we are underranking. The one difference I can see is that our internal links are very low. They are currently at 22 to the homepage and section pages comapred to our competition which have a few hundred. The size of our site is around 800 pages and they all have a homepage link so I cannot see why it is not reading them. Any help would be appreciated the website url is

    | GardenGamer

  • i wanted to figure out how our friend Roger Bot works. On the first crawl of one of my large sites, the number of pages crawled stopped at 10000 (due to the restriction on the pro account).  However after a few weeks, the number of pages crawled went down to about 5500.  This number seemed to be a more accurate count of the pages on our site. Today, it seems that Roger Bot has completed another crawl and the number is up to 10000 again. I know there has been no downtime on our site, and the items that we fixed on our site did not reduce or increase the number of pages we had. Just making sure there are no known issues with Roger Bot before I look deeper into our site to see if there is an issue. Thanks!

    | cchhita

  • Is there a way to set up a campaign to track the root domain and www subdomain only? Or to exclude certain subdomains from a campaign?

    | zingiri

  • Is there a way to find the same type of information that woo rank provides via the pro toolset? I am just learning SEO and exploring the PRO tool set and just received a woo rank report for a clients site and right off the bat I see that it is missing the robots.txt file, but I haven't found anything like that on SEO moz. Thanks!

    | ClayW

  • Going over the link profile of a competitor who gets 5x the traffic we do.... of course frustrated that the majority of their links are spam blogs (full of words but don't communicate anything) and forum profiles. Thanks Google for telling me what not to do, then rewarding my competitor for doing it shamelessly. Question regarding sites listed by Open Site Explorer as linking to said competitor, but that don't even load when I visit their url. Some go to a godaddy parked page, like the domain name expired long ago. Is this simply a limitation of OSE, and can I assume Google has indexed differently and therefore awarding no link juice from these urls?

    | jotham2

  • Hi there, I just noticed that there are differences between the links to my site showing on my Google Webmaster account and what is showing on my link analysis on SEOMoz. Has anyone noticed this? In webmaster I am showing 857 links to my site from 92 different domains. In SEOMoz I am showing 816 links to my site from 53 total linking root domains and only 39 followed domains? Does anyone know why this there is a difference? Are the links showing in Webmaster all indexed and followed links? Thanks in advance 🙂 Karl

    | onlineexpression

  • Hello everyone! I am fairly new to this SEO game and it all seems a little overwelming. Let me tell you a little about my experience. I have been trying for a couple years to get the ranking up on my LawnAide site and it seems at times that I keep spinning my wheels. Ive been doing blogs getting links with high ranking sites and all the other stuff. But on the local search there are still smaller companies which lower ranking sites performing better that mine. This gets very frustrating. Is there any advise out there?

    | lawnaide

  • Hi Everyone! I'm new to the SEOMoz and wanted to find out if there is a way to decrease the waiting time for the campaign crawl. I have made a lot of changes based on the first crawl and would like to see how these are reflected on the reports, but can't until the next crawl is performed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | coremediadesign

  • Hello everyone, I am new to SEOmoz and SEO in general. I am trying to wrap my head around everything and one of the issues I am having trouble grasping is how each individual page on our website plays into ranking for certain keywords. I will explain in more detail below: 1.) We are not a blog, we have a pretty static website. 2.) We can add as many pages to our website as needed (for SEO purposes) 3.) Our site is fairly small, about 25 pages on the website. Now with that information above, here are our main questions & concerns: 1.) What is the best way to rank in the search engines for 50 of our best converting keywords with only 25 pages on our website? 2.) We have 2-3 competitors that rank in positions 1-3 for about 30 of our keywords we are trying to rank for. But no matter what you type in, for example, "cars" "buy cars" "buy a car online" "truck prices" etc, the results that the search engines display our their homepages. Not the other pages on their websites that actually rank for each one of those individual keywords. Is this normal? That is something that we would like for our rankings to do if we have any control over it. 3.) Should each page try to rank for a unique individual keyword? For example, when using the SEOmoz On-page Optimization tool, should I try ranking 2 pages for "buy cars online" or just 1 page? Say my homepage has an "A" grade for the keyword, "buy cars online" but so does my second page on my website. Are these pages essentially competing with each other? Or will the search engines pick their favorite page and display the one they like the best? Any help is greatly appreciated and I look forward to getting this cleared up. Thanks

    | threebiz

  • arg! Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated! This is in regards to sheffieldfurniture .com  In October of 2011 I had our host set up a redirect for our site so all non www requests would be redirected to the www version and it works great (so it seems at least) Recently I signed up for SEOMOZPRO and when I started trying to track my organic results for various keywords I realized that Google has my site indexed in the non www format. Is this a problem? I’ve read you can tell google what your preferred domain is in Google Webmaster Tools, is that what I should be doing? Are there any negatives to doing that? I’m just confused as to why Google hasn’t noticed or acknowledged the redirect in 4 months. It makes me wonder if something isn’t working properly? I have since added a second SEOMOZPRO campaign with the non www version but I’m worried about having historical tracking issues if I then tell google to use the www version…

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • hi just about to start a new campaign to i can monitor my website and i get this message up but not sure what this means. Roger has detected a problem: We have detected that the domain and the domain both respond to web requests and do not redirect. Having two "twin" domains that both resolve forces them to battle for SERP positions, making your SEO efforts less effective. We suggest redirecting one, then entering the other here. can anyone please let me know why this message comes up please

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, I am trying to optimise this URL : with the keyword being 'advanced ecommerce' With the 'On-Page Report Card' from SEOMoz that the exact keyword isn't featured in the page title or text, but it is in there. Why would this not be picked up? Thank you in advance,

    | adaptiveconsultancy

  • I have tried to download a csv report from Open Site Explorer. But it has been pending since 2 days. Why do these reports take so much time? When can I expect to get this report?

    | ShashiR

  • Hi very new here I have set up 5 campaigns, all of fairly large sites. It appears seomoz has scanned 4 of them down to 250 and 1 down to 10000. the one a really want to see down to 10000, my own site is the one I started scanning first well over a week ago. How do I get seomoz to scan further? Thanks

    | First-VehicleLeasing

  • Hello, When we setup our campaign in SEOmoz, we did not include the www in front of our domain. All non www is redirected to www. Does this effect our campaign data in SEOmoz? How do we change the campaign domain to include www? Thanks

    | ombrella

  • Hi there, Can anyone help! I archived a campaign a month ago and now I want it back - can anyone help? How do I get back my archived campaign? Or do I need to start again?? Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Hello, Can I just check why the number of competitors per campaign is limited to 3? ie. We have up to 20 URLs we want to monitor for the same keywords as us. I understand I can add another campaign to track another 4x URLs, but this will not show those in relation to our main URL/campaign. We would prefer to have space for 12 competitors rather than 12 campaigns. If we upgrade to Elite is the number increased? Might be missing something here, as we are new to SEOMoz, so grateful for any advice. SEOMoz is really great, we have learned so much already. Rich

    | STL

  • i have been working on an SEO site and I wanted to add a website checker tool to my home page to help keep users on my site for longer and start interacting. Are there any available scripts for a website tester that I can place onto my home page? This way when a user lands on my website they can check their "score" and then they can read more about how we came up with this number or what they can do to help it etc..

    | SEODinosaur

  • I understand the concept that mozrank and Domain Authority are measured on a logarithmic scale . I'm trying to determine the percentage improvement in the Logrithmic value.  For example Original Domain Authority 60 Original Mozrank 5 End Domain Authority 63 End Mozrank 6. So 5% change in DA and 20% change in MozRank.   How do we convert these numbers to the real logrithmic change?

    | webbroi

  • Hello, I wanna track the google Peru rank but the tool say me that im not in the top 50 and i'm sure that I'm, how to get a real ranking?

    | Kuna

  • Hi, I recently submitted a crawl for using SEOMoz Crawl Test Tool. I have a lot of pages, but the crawl result shows only 1 page, which is the front page and nothing else... Does anyone know what this could mean or what the problem is?

    | yusufcirrato

  • Can anyone tell me why one of my campaigns has been stuck in crawl mode for about a full week and it is still not done?!?!

    | nazmiyal

  • Hi, Can anyone on the SEOmoz team tell me when the next linkscape index update is going to be? Rand mentioned a few weeks ago that the aim was to launch it before 02/29. Just wondering if anyone had some updated info? Thanks, Rob.

    | 87ROB

  • Hi, Trying to get the following page ranked unsuccessfully.... Instead a product page is being ranked, shown below.... When I run the on page report card it advises that the Rel Canonical tag needs to point to that page, but we have checked and it looks to be doing that already. Has anyone else had an issue like this? Thanks, Martin

    | rockethot

  • Hello everyone 🙂 I have two questions for all you fine seo people this morning... 1 - Is there a website that I could go to to make sure that I do not have duplicate content floating around on the web that I am not aware of? Sometimes people take information from my site and post it as their own and I want to make sure that google does not ping me for it. 2 - Does anyone know how I can report a spam site to google? I have filled out the reports many times over the past year and posted it in the webmaster discussion forum and it is still up there 🙂 I sent one email to bing and the next day they contacted me with a thank you email and indicated that I was 100% correct and they removed the site from their index. Thank you all!!!!

    | nazmiyal

  • The updates to the Competitive Domain Analysis were occuring every 7 days upto Jan 16. When will the next updates be and how often is the new schedule? R/ John

    | TheNorthernOffice79

  • Has anyone thought of or created a algorithm or Excel function that uses the results from the Keyword Difficulty Report percentage of difficulty and SERP ranking analysis set against potential client's own OSE rankings to come  up with an estimated SEO pricing tool?

    | easystreetint

  • On OSE, I am comparing two websites(A and B) and one has a page authority higher than the other (35(A) vs 36 (B)), but all the linking metrics are in favor for website A except for the linking C block (A has 11 and B has 12). The website B is ranked in page 1 for couple competitive keywords whereas the website A don't show up in the search at all. Why is that? Does B have better content and is more kw focused?

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hello, Could someone help me find the page where I can find the following tariff ? Price of additional keywords follow-up in SEOmoz PRO Elite Thank you in advance. Best regards, Elodie Hazac

    | OrangeCorp-eCSS

  • Hello, What is best practice for knowing if a keyword is too difficult to try to rank for. i understand the keyword difficulty tool in seoMOZ, but am unsure of how it actually relates to if I should attempt to rank for the keyword. Is there a differential people use such as if a site has a Page Authority of 60 we will not try to rank for a keyword that has a keyword difficulty ranking of 40?

    | digitalops

  • Hello, We target french countries and it seems IP server location is important. So we took some hosting at Planete Hoster (located in Canada) with French IP, but our seomoz toolbar says our website is located in Canada 😞 See: Could you please explain? do we need to change the hoster and to take one in France or this one is ok? Thank you for your answer

    | ahernoux

  • I found these two sites giving my competitor link juice: I have seen these sites before and I just dont get why they are authoritative. The funny thing is I did a search for my competitors link on the page and its not showing up, is this a problem in site explorer? Why is site explorer mentioning these sites as my competitions best links when these links do not exist on their site?

    | SEODinosaur

  • Sorry if I am not asking in the right place. On Crawl Diagnostics Summary it says this right..?? : "To get you started quickly Roger is crawling up to 250 pages on your site. You should see these results within two hours. The full crawl will complete within 7 days.". so it's passed a day and it still doesn't show nothing. It says "Processing Crawl Data for 358 pages" How much should i wait??

    | Dussk

  • I'm wanting to put the rel="canonical" tag on my homepage but I'm not sure which to use? How would you know what to use and always links to, or**/** Personally I never knew there was a difference until I used the seomoz tool and I wasn't using the tag.

    | GYMSN

  • Hi all, The CEO of my company wants me to start branding the company, basically from the ground up. I've been doing a bunch of reading on how to properly do this and only got so far as to be reiterated the same exact jargon everywhere I go: -"Put your logo everywhere" -"Have a clear company motto" -"Use branded keywords in backlinks" -"Include your logo and social links in company-wide email signatures" -"Make sure your brochures match your website, etc. etc. etc." I've not yet seen something I feel is worthy to report back to big boss as far as an good SEO strategy that is impressively branding central. Can anyone refer me to some GREAT articles with a to b instructions on exactly how to implement these branding strategies? The more creative the better. I'd be forever appreciative! Derek

    | DerekM88

  • Hi there, I have an ecommerce store that is just starting to rank for some good, competitive keywords. So I want to step on the gas a bit and get to the top of the search engines. What I've been doing: 1. Article marketing;
    2. Link wheels;
    3. Giveaway promotions;
    4. Buying expensive links from the main directories (yahoo, botw,, etc) At this point,  I'd like to bring in and train an SEO to do all of the above and more. Is there an eCommerce SEO 101-401 training module on this site? Or even better, is anyone willing to share a mindmap with the steps broken down? Thanks! Jon

    | alex1030

  • Hi all SEOmozzers, site: I have (in my GMT profile) 43 domains linking. Among them one of the biggest Polish like: (5/187), (8/393),,, and other. They are not present in OpenSiteExplorer. Any ideas why? Thanks, Marek */ Alexa rank (Poland/Global)

    | mad2k

  • I see the links and page authority have not been updated in over a month... does anyone know how often it gets updated?

    | nazmiyal

  • I need to find authority links and i used  to find them with juicy link finder, i tried to find them with open site explorer and link acquisition, but there´s no solution. Please, what can i use?

    | AbacoDigital

  • I would like to implement a reporting function to my website to offer a bit of value and information to potential clients. I am thinking along the lines of a simple input form to include a business name and url.  The output would be a clean, branded (my business, url, phone) report that shows opportunities, lowest lying fruit, keywords most prominent, and any errors. I found this site -  but, it seems pretty expensive. Does anyone have any suggestions on another suite that might work? Many thanks!

    | adell50

  • The latest Crawl Diagnostic has found 160 Errors on my site.
    And my error is, that the same content or title is used on two different! pages:
    on both my root domain ( and the www subdomain. What does it matter (with or without www)? How serious is that error? Do I need to fix all the errors (and hundreds of warnings too)? What's the best practice? Is there any Guide on how to do it
    or Tools for doing it the fast way? Viggo Joergensen

    | hanmark

  • Hello All, Alright, according to SEOmoz's PRO campaign manager, one of my websites is returning about 2,700 pages that supposedly have duplicate content. I checked a few of them manually and am not seeing where the issue lies. Is anyone else experiencing something similar to this and do you know if it is just a glitch with the crawl? Here are 2 of the pages it is indicating have dup page content: Any insight would be greatly appreciated! -Craig

    | ckilgore

  • Hi Seomoz - first of all, thanks for the best SEO tools I have ever worked with (this is my first question in this forum, and also I just subscribed as a paying customer after the 30 days trial you guys offer). My question: After having worked for several weeks on getting the numbers of links in our forum on down, we are somewhat surprised to see that we didn't succeed in getting lower numbers. For instance, this page: has (that's what Seomoz seo tool tells us): 239 on page links. Can this really be true? We can't find these links, and we actuually did a lot to lower the numbers of links, for instance the forum members picture was a link before, and also there was a "go to top" link in each post in the forum. Thanks a lot.

    | MPO

  • I've been doing a bit of competitor analysis for a client using OSE. There are a group of about 4 websites (our clients website included) that all dominate the sector with none of the 4 clearly out in front (call this GROUP A). Then there are another group of about 5 websites, which come lower in the SE's consistently than the top 4 (Call this GROUP B) **I've been doing some analysis in OSE: ** ALL GROUP B Websites outrank all of GROUP A websites in the OSE Metrics (Including Trust Rank). I did some analysis on the backlinks in Group A VS Group B Group A - Generally a mixture of ok links from blog posts, sponsorship, and ok directories. Group B - As A, but with fewer numbers of links from quality blogs PLUS A high level of spammy links ( .edu and .gov spam filled pages), very low quality, almost non legible blog posts on MFA sites (think Digital Point sellers). From the above it is clear that the OSE metrics are out of whack with the real SE results. Clearly OSE has a few problems with working out what are spammy links and what are decent. Obviously google also has issues with working this out, so I am not surprised that OSE also does - but that doesn't solve the issue. This is a general discussion - so I would just throw in a few thoughts on how OSE may possibly try are overcome some of these issues : 1/. % Trust Links vs Non trust Links:
    Add in a metric to Trust Rank where the number of links close to trusted sites are also compared to the number of links not close to trusted sites. If you see a very high ratio of links from sites that are not close to trusted sites, it is a strong indicator of spammy links. 2/. Use seed "Non Trusted" sites to create a negative Trust Rank
    Use something like a reverse of the "trusted sites" theory, but taking a load of very clearly spammy / link manipulative sites and work out in terms of links connections how far the site is away from these sites. Thoughts???

    | James77

  • We have multiple team members and would like to setup unique profiles for each instead of one generic profile.  Is that possible?

    | Tune_Up

  • Hi, when i export a link report as a csv file via the export tool on OSE, there is a column in the exported table called "Numder of Link". Please explain me, what does this column says exactly. Its located between "Domain Authorithy" and "Number of Domains Linking to Domain". Thanx, Seb.

    | TheHecksler

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