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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hi there, Anyone having problems with the Blogscape Social Media Monitoring tool or is it just me?
    I've tried it in 3 different browsers (Safari, Firefox and Chrome) but all show the same thing: a white rectangle (where I supposed it would be a graph). If I type anything on the box at the top and hit enter, the text box gets emptied. Typing something and then changing the time (from 2 weeks to 1 month, for example), produces no result. Thanks Leni Neto

    | lenineto

  • Hi There! I just signed up for a free pro account to see whether it is something for us as a company 🙂 I tried to set up two campaigns. With the first for our root domain ( it all went perfect. I am now trying to set up a campaign for our BBQ page (  but I can't? Is it because our URL ends with .html? Here's a screenshot: Thanks for your help in advance! Regards, Do

    | vidaXL

  • I have a site i just built and it has well over 2k backlinks, i seen on the schedule that linkscape was updated already. But my site still has authority of 1. Also my pagerank increased.

    | antoniow187

  • Hi, I have noticed when using OSE and enter a domain you very often see a higher Page Authority than Domain Authority. If someone could explain why this would happen then I would be very grateful - its my current understanding that page authority would ALWAYS be LESS THAN Domain Authority but that is not always the case (I have seen cases where PA is more than 10 higher then DA) Here's an example where PA > DA Thanks

    | James77

  • The SEOMoz crawler ignores robots.txt It also "indexes" pages marked as noindex. That means it is filling up the reports with things that don't matter. Is there any way to stop it doing that?

    | loopyal

  • i just wanted to know if the ranking number allows for google products aswell?

    | DaveDawson

  • Hi guys, My site ranking report says that I've gone from being 1-20 for a variety of keywords in Google UK to not in the top 50. When I do a search myself I see that my site remains where it previously was (between 1-20). How reliable is the site ranking reporting on a weekly basis? Is it best to look at it monthly?

    | columbus

  • I hate to ask such a simple question but I have a good look around and cannot find the solution. I have the right kind of seomoz account....could someone point me in the right direction? Thnank you.

    | dv8media

  • I use a primary (personal) twitter account and a business twitter account to keep it separate. Both accounts will have content that is related to my site, is it possible to use both for the same campaign?

    | stuartlcrawford

  • When I go to the link analysis page where ti shows how many links my site has and how many my competitors shows that I have 0 links.  But Google Webmaster Tools shows my site as having 149 links.  Is this a glitch with zeomoz or whats going on? The reason I initially subscribed to seomoz was to track my links. Thanks

    | tarik3001

  • I was so happy when my Moz Points reached 100 today, but I've done a whole lot more today and it still says 100. Have I broken the system, or is it resting today (it is Sunday where I am)

    | loopyal

  • I know there are several pre-set ways to sort the on-page optimization reports, but how can I custom sort them into my own order?

    | WillWatrous

  • I just found a link in the competitive link checker that links to a couple of my competitors. The checker says that i do not have  a link on that page, but there is one.. i recently (last week) obtained that link. So that raises the question: how many times is the competitive link checker updated? kind regards

    | JarnoNijzing

  • Something interesting happened on the last update for my site on SEOmoz pro tools. For the last month or so the errors on my site were very low, then on the last update I had a huge spike in errors, warnings, and notices.  I'm not sure if somehow I made a change to my site (without knowing it) and I caused all of these errors, or if it just took a few months to find all the errors on my site? My duplicate page content went from 0 to 45, my duplicate page titles went from 0 to 105, my 4xx (client error) went from 0 to 4, and my title missing or empty went from 0 to 3. On the warnings sections my missing meta description tag went form a hand full to 444.  (most of these looking to be archive pages.) Down in the notices I have over 2000 that are blocked by meta robots, meta-robots nofollow, and Rel canonical. I didn't have any where near this many prior to the last update of my site. I just wanted to see what I need to do to clean this up, and figure out if I did something to cause all the errors.  I'm assuming the red errors are the first things I need to clean up. Any help you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated. Also if you'd like me to post any additional information, please let me know and I'd be glad to.

    | NoahsDad

  • Our campaign website crawl has been 'crawling' now for 5 days. Is this a normal phenomenon or is something hanging up?

    | Discountvc

  • I changed the Anchor Text of 4 40/100 MozRank sites 2 months ago, yet SeoMoz still shows the old Anchor text in the reports. Why is this taking so long? I also notice my inbound domains hasn't increased nor has my MozRank in 3-4 weeks. What's the turnaround?

    | sanchez1960

  • for the last couple of weeks the SEOMOZ crawls my homepage only and gets 4xx error for most of the URL's. the crawler have no issues with English url's only with the unicode(Hebrew) ones. this is what is see in the csv export for the crawl (one sample) :׳ž׳¡׳™׳‘׳×-׳¨׳•׳•׳§׳•׳× 404 text/html; charset=utf-8 you can see that the URL is Gibberish please help.

    | AsafY

  • I tried exporting a few reports out of opensiteexplorer. They have been pending for more than 36 hours. Progress bar appears to be stuck. Is this normal? How long does it take to get the reports generated?

    | ibwork

  • For the last month I have been tracking my backlinks thru open site explorer. Over the same period I have gone on a minor link building exercise via social media, some directories as well as writing fresh new content for the site. However, my backlink count has increased in the Rank Tracker tool but my root linking domains have remain at the same level. Is there a lag or is this because some of these site are not in the open site index? To be specific - I have personally setup follow links from sites like tumblr, posterous, stumbleUpon, delicious and other like these. Would really like to understand the limitations so I can take the appropriate action. Thanks

    | versinge

  • We are working through optimising a site for one of our clients and the SEOMoz crawl progress says it has been running since the 8th Feburary. It's now almost a week later and it still hasn't finished. The first run took a few days, is there any way of restarting the process?

    | TJSSEO

  • All the error is because the Danish letters "åøæ" in the url.. But i can access all pages, therefor the error isent a true error!!! Why is it an Issue, Google can  read "øæå", why cant SEOMOZ??

    | seopeter29

  • Crawl Diagnostics gives me 1650 duplicate page content errors. 800+ are for photo gallery, the link upon which my large image is shown. 800+ are for the Email a Friend form page. Presumably SEOMoz's tool is getting there by following the link inside a product page, which as you can see will differ only by the ProductCode of every product. 1 - Is it critical to fix?
    I am assuming Yes, but if for some reason the answer is No, please share. 2 - Any idea on how to fix?
    The site uses Volusion, fyi, so it may be a limiting factor of the platform. Thank you for your time.
    Also if this topic has been previously covered, please link and I'll read there instead.

    | jotham2

  • Hi again, Right I have wrote some notes on what I have read on here, the web and from my diagnostics. Our site is a e-commerce site for mens designer clothing. All back end editing has to be done by the web firm who host it. We can edit CMS stuff such as SEO title, descriptions, product info etc... Any help or clarification would be greatly beneficial, right lets go (sorry about the long read). <70 title characters, this is something I am going to implement on the back of some advice on here. Does it matter what order words appear in the title? Eg) Mens Blue Armani Jeans Jacket or Blue Armani Jeans Mens Jacket. Would it really matter? Is it good practice or worthwhile to use seo titles with the colour of the item at the front? I ask this as I am not sure if we would be affected by starting the first few words of each title with the brand name. eg) Blue Armani Jeans, Red Armani Jeans as opposed to Armani Jeans in Blue, Armani Jeans in Red? SEO title still, should I just include what that item is and nothing else? Or does adding something else at the end go against you? eg) Blue Armani Jeans as opposed to Blue Armani Jeans | Mens Armani Jeans UK? Am I trying too hard to get relevant words in there? Our meta descriptions are about 170-220 characters long for each item/page, is this too much? Sometimes struggle with the uniqueness of descriptions, as we can have loads of the same item, but only the colour is different. So after 5 go's, words get harder to put together. What % of a description do you think needs to be unique? Next is what comes from the crawl diagnostics Duplicate Page Titles: We are being warned because each page is showing up with a sort applied to it or pages that no longer exist. We also have filters for product types, so we show as dups for say all-clothing/armani-jeans/  has the same SEO features as shirts/armani-jeans/ and say jeans-trousers/armani-jeans/. I don't have the ability to SEO the filtered titles in the CMS. How would I fix this? Long URL: How important is the length of the URL? I make sure the URL is what the item is eg) armani-jeans-mens-jacket-6A554. The number at the end is the items style number. Should I always keep the URL as short as possible? And how far over the 115 is acceptable as for some items were only 1-10 characters over and its hard to go shorter? No. of links per page: Due to being an e-commerce site, pages such as TOPS could have over 100 products easy, not to mention the links in navigation etc... How important is this? Rel Cononical: We have 2,591 of these. What are they, how can I fix it? It is important? H1 tags: Should these be put on keyword phrases on each brands page? Should it go on the homepage only? How many H1 tags on a site/page can you have? I can't go back end code so webfirm would have to edit. Howver in CMS I can H1 product decriptions and brand descriptions, would that be useful? Keywords within the CMS, how useful are these? They are becoming a pain to do, so I don't want to do them if I dont have to. How many would be too many? Product On Page Descriptions: How long should these be? Does it matter if its a bullet list of features? Or should it just be 2-3 lines of what the item is, features etc...? Sorry for the long essay, just my notes from the last few days. Thanks Will ps. if you want to view the site its

    | YNWA

  • Has anyone else had an issue laetly where the campaign status was stock in _ **"Next Crawl in Progress!"    **_? One of our campaigns has been in this status for the page 2 1/2 days and this has not happened in the past as there are only 597 pages for this campaign to crawl. I send a help ticket request to the SEOMOZ team but was wondering if this is an isolated issue or if other community members have also experienced it? Thanks.

    | DRTBA

  • I have a campaign that is showing a 302 redirect for my site with the page title of: and no URL under it. what could be causing this? Thanks!

    | questfore

  • I have seen this video, very interesting. Why not building this keyword dashboard in SEOmoz as all data can be taken from Google Analytics ?

    | betadvisor

  • This is for telemarketing of seo services I want to have some insight into an industry before I call them could this be done with the adwords keyword tool api and then exported to excel. It would also be nice to have data on backlinks say from seo moz opensite explorer..   Its just that the research you do before you even call a potential client is so time consuming and you can never really check to see how they are ranking for there main keywords manually. We are trying to automate as much of this initial research as possible... Any Idea's Thanks

    | duncan274

  • Hello everyone, I am new to SEOmoz and SEO in general and I have a quick questions. When running a SEO Web Crawler report on my URL, I noticed in the report that my home page (also known as my index page) was listed twice. Here is what the report was showing: So are these 2 different urls? If so, is this considered duplicate content and should I block crawler access to the index.php? Thanks in advance for the help!

    | threebiz

  • Hi, Would someone or a whoever is willing to, help me get me head around what the OSE is telling me? I had a few quotes from firms who used this and they basically tried to sell me the world for £500 a month. So I have done my own SEO over the past 5 months and I think the figures are slowly going up, as are visits and sales (albeit slower than the visits). The site is, if anyone is willing to take a look around, throw me some constructive criticism, some praise and some tips/hints etc... that would be great. Our budget is very small, hence the reason for doing it myself, so maybe if I could take some advice and put it into action, I could start making some big changes. Some competitors to compare us with are: Thanks Will

    | YNWA

  • Hello, I have run the "Crawl Diagnostics" report using SEOmoz pro and it says that I have a total of 56 errors. 18 of those errors being duplicate content and another 38 errors being duplicate title tags. Now I have looked at both reports and detail and the reason I am getting there errors is due to the fact the it is checking "http" and "https". So for example: my website is On the crawl diagnostics report, it also checks So it looks like I have duplicate content and duplicate title tags because of this Now my question is this: Is this really duplicate content? If so, how do I fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    | threebiz

  • My new website: is showing zero backlinks in Internet Explorer and I know of dozens that have posted our links: to name a few: any reason this is happening?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • Since there are no stupid questions, here's mine. I have been answering a lot of questions for people today, but after a certain point, my MozPoints stopped increasing. Is there a daily cap? I'm providing valuable responses, not just saying anything  to get more points.

    | UnderRugSwept

  • I set a new profile up a fortnight ago. Last week seomoz crawled the entire site (10k pages), and this week has only crawled 1 page. Nothing's changed on the site that I'm aware of, so what's happened?

    | tompollard

  • Could SEOMOZ make a tool that Crawls Internal Links that's connected (or crawls) directly from Webmaster Tools? (So link metrics on our domains would get updates more often) This would eliminate the cost of crawling the entire internet. I hate having to wait a month to see updates on my domain metrics and links.  I would like to see updates regularly on my own domain. I understand you can just look at Webmaster tools to see your latest links but they don't have any link metrics. So it’s difficult to see your best links. If this already exists please refer me? Otherwise please show your support for this being developed?

    | charles1

  • In the competitve analysis, one competitor have more Linking C Blocks, Seomoz has a tick by it almost like its a better thing. Surely a site with the same administrative relationship is not going to help you as much from a linking point of view.

    | sanchez1960

  • What are the factors that would cause my domain authority to fall?  As best I understand it, we would have to be losing links.  For example, one of my clients started with a DA around 60 and now 4 months on it is sitting around 47. This has happened with a couple clients and I'm not really sure why or how to counteract it.

    | Dekoda_Jones

  • I'm working with a client whose external followed links rose from 897 to 2792 in about a month. However the client's domain MozRank dropped from 4.52 to 3.82. What is a possible cause for this drop?

    | Fueled

  • Anything in this that would have caused Rogerbot to stop indexing my site?  It only saw 34 of 5000+ pages on the last pass.  It had no problems seeing the whole site before. User-agent: Rogerbot Disallow: /default.aspx?*
    //Keep from crawling the CMS urls default.aspx?Tabid=234.  Real home page is home.aspx Disallow: /ctl/
    // Keep from indexing the admin controls Disallow: ArticleAdmin
    // Keep from indexing article admin page Disallow: articleadmin
    // same in lower case Disallow: /images/
    // Keep from indexing CMS images Disallow: captcha
    // keep from indexing the captcha image which appears to be a page to crawls. general rules lacking wildcards User-agent: * Disallow: /default.aspx Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /DesktopModules/DnnForge - NewsArticles/Controls/ImageChallenge.captcha.aspx

    | sprynewmedia

  • If I'd like to put links to other sites in my site, is it better to have a page named "Our Helpful Links" etc. instead of just adding them to the bottom of an existing page like I've seen on some sites? I'm asking because I'm wanting to make Google as happy as possible and still add them. Just in case it helps to look at the site yourself to give advise its; If you see anything else there that I should work on feel free to be hard on it, I value any criticism. Thanks, Jeff

    | allstatetransmission

  • It seems like a useful feature where I can see what backlinks look like right now vs. the last monthly Moz dataset update. That is mostly because my site is new, but wondered if I was missing something. Thanks, Steven

    | sfmatthews

  • I'm a newbie here. I've got a week left on my free trail. I really like SEOmoz, I might even love it a bit. 🙂 I'm trying to justify the cost. I usually don't spend money on my Internet Marketing.  I've done it through finally buying some tools to help me get there. Massive change in the last year. I'm a long ways from getting rich YET though. 🙂 I've gone from $30 a month to $1000 a month in a year. So I think I'm on my way now. I'm trying to figure out why I should continue my subscription and actually start paying for it. If I were a developer I can certainly see why but the cost would so go way up. 🙂 I'm in the lowest level package with only five websites. I have 10 I'm working on. I know that's probably five to many at one time. I'm having a little trouble justifying the cost at this time. At my income level $100 a month is significant. I can see the value of seeing where my competition has backlinks. Sometimes my competition is Cnet. haha Well, I can beat them on a specific page at times. Hmm, can I search the URL list for links? Perhaps i can if I export it. That didn't occur to me. Now that could be of use if I can find my keywords. If their link is on Amazon though, I'm going to have trouble getting a link there. 🙂 Maybe I should work on less competitive links but I made good money last month with one page that was beating them. WAS beating them. How do you use SEOmoz? How do you justify the cost, that is offset the expense. If its not making me money i don't see the value. I can get a lot of this information for free but it sure is easier to get it here. Which saves me time. And the other tool i use isn't that good and not always reliable and slow. I've got a week left on my free trail. I had decided to let it go but now I'm reconsidering. $100 is a lot for me and I need to spend more on SEO outsourcing. I wonder if I wouldn't be better off dropping it for a while and then coming back. This certainly isn't mean to be a critical post at all. I'm looking for reasons to stay and make better use of it. Thanks for the thoughts, Rusty

    | RustyF

  • If i become a PRO member will my reports, emails, etc all show my logo or will my clients be able to see I am using this service? Thank you in advance for any feedback about being a PRO member. Matthew

    | Mrupp44

  • I received an email that my on page analysis for my campaigns were completed.  But when I click on the link there are no grades there.  What does that mean? Another question on this topic....when your campaign is graded are pages graded on all the keywords in the campaign or is each keyword graded invidividually? Thanks!

    | Confections

  • If for example a page title contains a ë the .csv created by the SEOmoz Crawl Test is already split into columns on that point, even though I haven't used Excel's text to columns yet. When I try to do the latter, Excel warns me that I'm overwriting non-empty cells, which of course is something I would rather not do since that would make me lose valuable data. My question is: is this something caused by opening the .csv in Excel, or earlier in the process when this .csv is created?

    | DeptAgency

  • When I look at the crawl diagnostics, SEOMoz tells me there are 404 errors. This is understandable, because some pages were removed. What this report doesn't tell me is how those pages were discovered. This is a very important piece of information, because it would tell me there are links pointing to those pages, either internal or external. I believe the internal links have been removed. If the report told me how if found the link, I would be able to take immediate action. Without that information, I have to go so a lot of investigation. And when you have a million pages, that isn't easy. Some possibilities: The crawler remembered the page from the previous crawl. There was a link from an index page - i.e. it is in the database still There was an individual link from another story - so now there are broken links Ditto, but it in on a static index page The link was from an external source - I need to make a redirect Am I missing something, or is this a feature the SEO Moz crawler doesn't have yet? What can I do (other than check all my pages) to discover this?

    | loopyal

  • Last week I was checking local Google places rankings with the ranking tool. The symbol was there for say 65% of my 260 keywords, and the lines were above the symbol indicating i was listed in the local area places results for say 65% of keywords with symbol. This week there is no symbol one way or the other. I have opened a ticket but am not communicating well with Kenny. He says I need to work on my seo and to talk to seo specialists as he is not one of them. I can understand slipping in the rankings (all to well). But where did the symbol go? It is suppose to be there whether I rank or not. Please help

    | informlocal

  • Hi Are there any plans to include the Tiwtter and Facebook information in the SEO reports tool? I find the information in this very useful and it would be great to be able to share it with client as part of their weekly/montly reports thanks carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • When I look at the Crawl Results for Title Too Long, I receive several pages of results. If I want to print these results as a PDF, only the first page prints. When I go to the Next Page and attempt to create a PDF of the second page of results, the PDF only contains results from the first page - which I have already printed. When I ask for a CSV of the results, I receive ALL of the results but NOT the "over by x characters" that I see in the online results and in the PDF. The "over by x characters" would be very helpful! How can I get PDF printouts of ALL pages of the results, not just the first page? Thanks.

    | OliverVT

  • Having accidentaly entered keywords into my campaign with both upper-case initial letters ("Product Design") and lower-case initial letters ("product design") I find that the rankings are, as expected, identical. However, the traffic generated by the keywords is markedly different. Does this mean that the two versions of the keyword should be treated like totally seperate keywords in future? Indeed, should I be entering all variants of capitalisation into future keyword campaigns (such as "product Design" and "Product design") if I wish to get the full picture in future? Any answers would be welcome. David in Scotland

    | ContactOnline

  • I am new here and happy to be!  My site is an ecommerce site with hundreds of products.  I  have set up campaigns to track specific products.  For the on page analysis where SEOMOZ gives you a grade I have 2 urls showing.  But 1 of the urls is getting an A, and 1 is getting a F.  But they are the same url and obviously go to the same page.  Any help would be appreciated!

    | Confections

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