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Category: Moz Pro

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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • I have a few clients in similar industries across the country and I'm wondering if it's possible to track the same keywords (for instance, air conditioner repair, faucet replacement) across more than one campaign, or if I'll had to reupload the same keyword list for each one. Thanks!!

    | nxmassa

  • This post is for all PRO members, On January 2, 2012, we found a serious bug in our custom reporting system that made it possible for some of our customers to see other customers’ custom reports. This affected less than 1% of our customers in total (.6 % to be exact). Fewer than 100 reports could potentially be viewed by another customer. We are taking this matter very seriously. 98 accounts were affected and we will be contacting those people individually via their account email addresses. If you do not receive an email from us, don’t worry - you were not affected. Soon after we discovered the problem, we completely turned off access to these reports; even though people may have been provided access previously, the access was limited to a short time period. They no longer have access to the reports whatsoever. The issue has now been resolved and all reports moving forward are functioning properly. For more information on what caused the issue, how it's been resolved and any other updates on the issue, follow the thread here: We'll add any updates there. Also, we'd like to have all comments/questions from members in one place, so please use the Zendesk link for comments. We really appreciate your patience while we work through this. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at [email protected] - we're always happy to help. Sincerely, Jen Lopez
    Community Manager, SEOmoz

    | jennita

  • This should be an easy one.   I signed up for this service in November.  The first report showed many title pages too long etc.   I fixed all known errors.   On December 28 there was another crawl but the errors still show up on the report.   Why?  Is there anything I can do to update so I can get down to the few I missed

    | Wales

  • This may be a simple answer, but when I search for a term and see a website on the SERP, the SEOMoz tool bar shows link data beneath the link. For this site in particular, it shows 300+ links for the root domain and for the page, it shows 8 links. When I put that website in opensite explorer, it shows the same data for the "Page" stats (8 links from 3 root domains), but nowhere can I find where the 315 links from 4 domains comes from. So my questions is why do those links show in the SERP overlay, but not in OSE? il5y9.png

    | GetFoundFirst

  • We have an international webshop with languages in the URLs. Our URLs are now set up as follows: Now, we know that there's some kind of strange redirect problem causing problems with our indexation, this is a technical issue that should be fixed soon. But whether this is the cause of some other strange problems, I do not know. I'd be happy with any help/advice/tips. 1. The SEOmoz site crawler starts at This currently does not yet redirect to like we want it to, but all the links on the page do include the default language code. So all links on the page are etc. However, apart from those URLs, the site crawler finds many URLs in the form etc., so not including the language variable. Where it gets these I do not know, and since these URLs dont exist and the webshop simply shows the homepage, these URLs all have 50+ duplicate titles/content. Why oh why? 2. If I do a Google search for indexed URL's with English as language, I get many results formatted like this: Coldpruf Enthusiast mens thermal shirt - Thermal wear for men ... 170+ items – Fine-ribbed longsleeve thermal shirt men from Enthusiast ... {$SCRIPT_NAME} eng/men/coldpruf-enthusiast-mens-the {$ajax_url} What are those variables doing there? It looks like it's taking something from our Smarty debug console, which is hidden but still active in the source code, but also the ajax URL which is in a completely different location. What is Google trying to show here?

    | DocdataCommerce

  • Hi, When I check my mozstats for the homepage it says the PA is 50 but the DA is 30, how can that be? I would expect them to either be the same or at least the DA to be higher then the PA. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • Does anyone else find the sent message screen annoying on SEO Moz ? If you send a private message you are greeted by the landing screen that you have to click again to remove . Why ? Can it be removed if enough of us agree ? 🙂 Power to fellow SEO's

    | onlinemediadirect

  • So, I've been blogging for almost 3 years now. I've always used wordpress, but recently changed from a ProPhoto theme to a Woo Theme (Editorial...don't know if that matters). I've signed up for the SEOmoz website and HOLY CROW I have problems with my website out the wazoo. I am tackling issues one at a time and one of my issues seems to be 301 redirects.  If you'd like to see a screen shot of the crawl diagnostics, check it out the attachment.  If you'd like screen shots of anything else, just let me know. I'm not sure I'm reading the chart right, but it seems to say that all of my redirecting problems are because my links are redirecting from an http://www..... to a http://http://www... I've been in my wordpress blog post back end and can't seem to figure out how they A. Got like this. and B how to fix it. If I'm reading the chart wrong...definitely let me know. Thank you guys so much in advance! Screen%20Shot%202012-01-01%20at%202.28.19%20PM.png

    | TerraDawn

  • Hi All, Has anyone seen this 404 error before?  I installed a wordpress plugin that would allow users to switch between a mobile and desktop theme.  This was about 6 months ago and I thought nothing of it. Since I am new to SeoMoz, I have become aware of this lovely problem.  After setting up my campaign, I now have 1600 something 404 errors due to this plugin.  It looks like this plugin creates 4 to 5 links for each one of my posts and they all return up as a 404 error. Example: or I just noticed this morning in Google Webmaster tools that the errors are starting to show up there. Has anyone seen this?  Or know if this is a problem and what to do? zach

    | TCUFrogFanReport

  • This tag is showing up on category pages (that do not have a duplicate page on the site). In mid November Google cut our traffic by 30%. Could this tag be confusing the spider? According to the moz crawler - we seemed to be dinged for this on 95% of our pages. Is this hurting us? It seems to direct back to the same page.EG: From the FMI3600 Page"> There is only one page for the FMI 3600 Fireplace Door category - however, it does have the same products on it as other FP Door Category pages,

    | SammyT

  • What is taking OSE so long to update? The update schedule said the next update was going to be on Dec 28th.
    If you open OSE it says "Last Index Update: November 28th, 2011" Today in January 1st. Any thoughts as to why the delay?

    | Robbie8299

  • Before the holidays, I completed a website redesign on an eCommerce website. One of the reasons for this was duplicate content. The new design has removed all duplicate content. (Product descriptions on 2 pages) I took a look at my Crawl Diagnostics Summary this morning and this is what I saw: Last Crawl Completed: Dec. 15th, 2011 Next Crawl Starts: Dec. 22nd, 2011 Thinking it might have something to do with the holidays. Although, I would like to see this data as soon as possible. Is there a way I can request a crawl from seomoz ? Thanks, John Parker

    | JohnParker2792

  • Hello everybody, I'm quite confused in how to understand "FB Shares" in SEOmoz Keyword Analysis Tool Report. As You may know, this section is under report's "Social Signals" category. Does this number counts whole FB shares of some website links by ALL FB users? Or is it a number of some website FB account posts? Some clearance would be very helpful.. The same question applies to other social signal reports: Tweets, Google+ shares. Thank You for your answer! Happy New Year!

    | jkundrotas

  • My site,, has lots of links for downloading files.  These files are not html and they don't have .htm or .html extensions.  So why does SEOMoz flag them for missing titles?  Is there some other way these files should be handled for better SEO?

    | CNCCookbook

  • Hey Everyone... Really new to the SEO world and have learned tons each day.  When I joined SEOmoz I went to my host and set up the 301 direct to have go to After a couple of days I noticed that Rogerbot only crawled 1 page on  Looked into the community posts to try to find an answer.  So, I went in and took the 301 direct off and setup a new campaign just for  It has now crawled over 300 pages. Not sure what I need to do or if I just did not set it up the 301 direct correctly.  Looking at the link stats the root domain stats are obviously the same.  The subdomain stats is where there is a big difference: www: ext f links 1, total ext links 5, total links 5, f root domain 1, total linking root         domain 4 non-www: ext f links 76, total ext links 109, total links 7.962, f root domain 11, total link root domain 19 I am guessing that I should go back in and put the 301 direct from www to non-www?  Is this going to affect RogerBot going in?  Or did I just not set it up correctly? zach

    | TCUFrogFanReport

  • Dear all, I started to working on SEO on my website and I have some thing that I would clarify. I see a lot of differences between internal links of my website and my competitors that usually are placed a bit better. (Please check attached image). They have A LOT of internal links, about 2.000+ instead 137 (mine), that's wrong in my SEOMOz dashboard. Every news and article page has 120-130 links to other contents. About teh external followed links: Mine: 1,674 #1:  2,018 #2: 316 (????) - this is placed really good for some competitive keywords #3 (best ranked): 7,905 links I have two more points that I would fix: Articles ranking We were one of the first 5-6 website that published at the launch day the review of Intel Core i7 3960X CPU and started with a ranking in the last first page results, a few days alter in the second and now we are at the end of the second page. This happens .. I think... every time 😕 All my article pages are graded with "A grade" in the control panel. So what should I do for increase my rankings? Thank you very much in advance! Alex

    | techstation

  • Hi there, I just signed up for seomoz pro today and have been playing around in OSE looking at a number of local business websites that I manage SEO for. For all of them, I have put an endless amount of effort ensuring they have good quality, accurate business listings in all the local directories like yelp, yellowpages, hotfrog, tripadvisor, etc. For most of them, I did this months or even up to a year ago. However, I don't see a single link reported in OSE that is a result of my efforts here. Does OSE not report links from local business directories, or should I be concerned that I'm somehow not optimizing properly, or are these types of links of such little value that they don't get picked up, something else? Thanks for the help!

    | rianDS

  • When processing the backlink data of our clients for this month (searches done on 28th December), we're finding that the information gathered from Open Site explorer is identical to the data that was found on searches done at the end of November. It appears to have happened for the reports we use for every single client so it must be more than a coincidence. From our perspective, it's almost as if no data has been tracked since the last time we gathered backlink reports. Could you help us get to the bottom of this?

    | queryclick

  • Hi there, A campaign was crawling fine, but at the last crawl, for some reason, SEOmoz can only crawl one page... any ideas? If I run a custom crawl I still access all of the site's pages.

    | harryholmes007

  • I am using for the first time the crawl test tool from SEOmoz and I do not really understand which URLs the tool is going to crawl. First, it says "enter any subdomain" --> why can´t I do the crawl for the root domain? Second it says "we'll crawl up to 3,000 linked-to pages" --> does that mean that the tool crawls all internal links that it can find on the given domain? Thanks for your help!

    | Elke.GetApp

  • I was looking in Google webmaster tools and it says I have 95 duplicate title tags for my site Noah's Dad. When I look through the list it appears the pages with duplicate title tags are some of my category pages, archive pages, and some author pages... Not sure if you guys can use some of the tools to see what is actually showing up duplicate or  not, and if you need more info just let me know. But I wanted to see if this is something I should be concerned with? Should WMT also say 0 in duplicate content? It seems like when I started my blog I was told no to be conceded with this sort of stuff in gwmt. Anyways...I just wanted to see what you guys think. (By the way, is there any way to tell what this duplicate content is having (or has had) on my SERP results? Thanks.

    | NoahsDad

  • We compared our and competitor pages. And we have got next statistics: Internal Followed Links:     184     4,496 We are thinking about changing our shopping cart links format from /product_info.php?products_id=3547 to /product_name.html This should increase "number of our pages" and "number of links" from them.
    But in case a description of products from the same category often is very similar. We worry about duplicating page content. Could you give any advice in that situation? Do Internal Links play a big role in page rank? Thanks. PS: at attached image you can find full page metrics from open site explorer. Our metrics are at left, competitors - right. BtTap.jpg

    | ctam

  • Hello There, I am not able to open on my computer and if i search using on proxy server it is working good... so what i can do for this to run in proper way on my end ? Thanks, Samir

    | samir1980

  • I'm having some difficulty with a few of the sites I'm managing right now.  When I run a report here, I'm getting a duplicate content issue with sites that I'm running through WordPress.  Sites running on a different CMS are not getting the issue.  The duplicate content is being listed as from two URL's that are identical.  I checked trailing slash, spelling, capitalization, everything.  It looks like the same site is being marked as two with duplicate content. Does anyone have any ideas of what could be causing this and/or what I may be able to do to resolve the issue (or if it's really something to worry about or not)?  Thanks. (and thanks for helping the new guy!)

    | DeliaAssociates

  • Hi, I have a website an e-commerce website with more than 4.600 products. I expect that Seomoz scan check all url's. I don't know why this doesn't happens. The Campaign name is Artigos para festa and should scan the whole domain But it crels only 100 pages I even tried to create a new campaign named Festa Express - Root Domain  to check if it scans but had the same problem it crawled only 199 pages. Hope to have a solution. Thanks,

    | EduardoCoen

  • Hi, how accurate is SEOmoz keyword ranking v's Google Webmaster? Some Keywords in SEOmoz say I'm in position 3 in Ireland for some Keywords and in Google Webmaster they are figures like 16. I understand in Google Webmaster that the keyword position is an Average What should I be going by and what is the credibility of both ranking estimators?

    | Socialdude

  • I have a page and it's ranking for a keyword. I placed an internal text link with that keyword as an anchor from that page to that page. The pages is linking to itself. Why on-page report card sees that anchor text link as a cannibalization link? Another problem that i cannot resolve about keyword cannibalization is that the same tool sees cannibalizing link for different kw. Ex : I have a page/category about shoes. From that page i link with anchor text links (the name of the anchor is the name of subcategory ) to subcategories which are men shoes, women shoes, kids shoes, etc. Now, why those links are seen as a cannibalization links for the keyword shoes?

    | maldiniii

  • Hi there Im a pro member but cannot access to opensiteexplorer. When using it, it send me to Could anyone please fix it?

    | fleetway

  • Ok, seeing as I'm getting to the end of my first week as a Pro Member, I'm getting more and more feedback regarding the pages on my site. I'm slightly concerned though that, having logged in this morning, I'm being shown 407 warnings for pages with 'Too Many On Page Links.' According to the blurb at the top of the page, 'Too Many' is generally defined as being over 100 links on a page ... but when I look at the pages which are being thrown up in the report, none of them contain anywhere near 100 links. I seriously doubt there is a glitch with the tool which has led me to think that maybe there's an issue with the way my site is coded. Is anyone aware of a coding problem that may lead Google and SEOMoz to suspect that I have a load of links across my site? P.S. As an aside, when this tool mentions 'Too Many Links' is it referring purely to OBL or does it count links to elsewhere on my domain too? Cheers,

    | theshortstack

  • I also use Market Samurai, and I've noticed what seem to be big discrepancies with the keyword data presented by this (data comes from Majestic SEO) and the Keyword Difficulty Tool. To take just one example, I analyze the term "how to remove tea stains" In the Keyword Difficulty Tool, this returns the following: Root Domain Linking Root Domains: 2,233 Page Linking Root Domains: 4 When I use Market Samurai, however, the data returned is: RDD (Domains linking to this domain): 19,911 RDP (Domains linking to this page): 19 I thought that these two metrics were the same for both tools, but I've written them out in case someone sees a difference. As I say, Market Samurai data is sourced from Majestic SEO - a reputable SEO company - but I have no idea where the Keyword Difficulty Tool data is from, nor why these differences are so pronounced? Are they indeed the same metrics in both cases, or am I missing something? Any insight would be much appreciated.

    | ZakGottlieb71

  • I currently have a campaign running on SEOMoz for over a month. It has been showing that a crawl was scheduled to start on 12/21. Now it's 12/23 and there has not been a new crawl, and it still says scheduled for 12/21.. Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it? Thanks

    | Prime85

  • As I am fixing errors will the campaign automatically update to show where I have fixed issues?

    | eidna22

  • I need some feedback on how to take advantage of some interesting rankings I'm receiving.  If you want to know more about my site, or what we are trying to, take a look at my first post on SeoMoz when I posted all about our site, and our story of what it is like raising a child born with Down syndrome. Ok, my SEOMoz tools are showing that I'm raking number 3, 4, 13, and 14 for the keywords "cute down syndrome pictures." That is great, but the problem is it's ranking for pages that make no sense. For instance the number 3 spot is this --->  but that is just a picture (do individual images show up in search results? I'm a little confused if the tool is showing me rankings in google images, or if that pic is actually showing up in the google search results. If so, is that right? Should my images be ranking as pages? Now my question is how should I move forward. This "page" (again, it's not really a page, it's just an image that has it's own page) is in no way the best page for people to get who are searching for that term. (or maybe it is...?!?) I'm thinking it'd be better for that page to be a full post, talking about some of my pictures and having them show up. Anyways, I'm just getting started on getting this site cleaned up, and really being proactive about the making sure the right things are ranking and people searching are getting the info they need. So basically I just wanted to get some overall feedback on how to move forward, and how to take advantage of my rankings for these words. (I have some other random words doing the same thing, so the advice you leave here I'll assume can apply to the other pages where this is happening.)

    | NoahsDad

  • Howdy, In trying to make the most of the keyword tracking slots we get with the SEOmoz tool our discussion turned to the importance of tracking both variations of search terms that could be plural or singular. The example is that we run a local business search database so we target search terms like "chicago pet stores" and "chicago pet store", however the language of our site almost always uses the plural version of the business category. On one hand we want to know exactly how we rank for variations of search terms, but on the other, with the number of categories we have we could be tracking thousands upon thousands if we included every variation ("pet store chicago", "pet stores in chicago", etc.) So what say ye fellow optimizers? Is it worth tracking variations of search terms or do you find that Google is smart enough in coalescing the intent of similar search variants that tracking against the most commonly searched one is enough? Thank you all!

    | qurve

  • Just wondering if there are plans to integrate the social media reporting section with the new "Reports" section. Having a social section in the new Reports interface that could show weekly/monthly/yearly Facebook and Twitter interactions would be awesome to have all in one PDF report with the rest of the reporting options.

    | noBulMedia

  • ...and won't complete the download. I have been extremely patient, but it's stuck there no matter how many times I try or long I wait. Ideas?

    | rtora

  • Hi Everyone Two quick questions today 1. How can I find out hat the different colors within the keyword Difficulty Report represent and how can I see examples of how this information can help us with our data analysis? 2. The second question I have is regarding the Term Extractor. Seems when I ran a domain it provided the wrong data. For example, it stated that a certain keyword exists certain number of times within the description and title of the page but when I looked at the source this was not the case so it made studying the competition harder.
    Any suggestions or has anyone else noticed this? Thanks in advance for all your help.

    | DRTBA

  • Ok, I'm still only on my second day as a SEOMoz Pro member so I've obviously got a whole lot of learning still left to do. However, I still wanted to post up a question here that seems to have occurred time and time again today. The thing is when I've been link building in the past, I've been looking for high PR pages with not many OBL. Having watched a few of the seminars and played around with OpenSiteExplorer though, it seems that I might have got my priorities wrong. OSE for example seems to only look at the strength of the domain and the page within that domain ... and I'm assuming that OBL aren't too important in calculating a page's strength given that a lot of the links I see my competitors have built up are technically stronger despite being on a page with around 12 or 15 other links. So I guess my question is, should I be ignoring PR rankings and numbers of links on a page and throwing my trust totally behind OSE? Are they really no longer that important? Thanks a lot for your help.

    | theshortstack

  • A question posed by Christopher Glaeser from early today:low PA high DA, had a follow up response from him providing 2 urls from PR WEB for separate press releases:  (HP White) On moz bar Page Analysis/Link Data  =  PA - 47  DA - 36  (Golfer's Advice) On moz bar Page Analysis/Link Data  =  PA - 1  DA - 96 I kept scratching my head as to how a press release of 6 weeks ago had garnered such attention from a company that would not seem to have a huge traffic due to more obscure product offering and scientific subject (Analyses of Armor Industry versus Golf Advice). 
    Then I realized that for HP White, Link Data was not about the PR. The url from mozbar was not the above, I did not notice until I used OSE where same thing was happening. When I cut and pasted the above press release url for HP White and placed it in OSE this changed: PA - 49   DA - 96 (2 links 2 linking root domains) For Golfers advice (0 links from 0 linking domains) Note to all: the links to the PR WEB release for the HP included a low end directory type link and a link from PR WEB (. For Golfer's Advice there was not a link back to the release from PR WEB: Note that Golfer's Advice is a newer release (6 weeks). So, any link from HPWhite release would equal more juice to HP White and PR Web and Vocus. Any link to Golfer's Advice from release offers......???? to Golfer's Advice and who cares to Vocus and PR Web. So, I guess this begs a couple of questions: Why the mozbar link analysis difference for one versus the other? Does PR Web treat some differently than others? Who benefits most from me paying a PR Web to do press releases for a client, PR Web and Vocus or my client and I???? I have tried to order the images to make sense: L to R top, then bottom is last. [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a> [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a> [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a> [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a> [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a> [](<a href=)" target="_blank">a>

    | RobertFisher

  • I want to use the Rank checker for a bunch of keywords, but i don't want to set tracking to them, It's just a one time only check i want to perform, but im not sure how to add many keywords (it's about 150 keywords i want to check). So if anyone knows how to do this, with SEOmoz Rank Checker tool or another tool in SEOmoz, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

    | Petersen11

  • None of my reports are completing - even if left to run overnight - anyone else seeing this? There was mention of this in but I get the sense from that thread that the problem was solved back in August.

    | JaspalX

  • I have a list of links that I want to get PA and DA for each individual link, can this be done in some way other than one at a time? I've heard this can be done with excel and using api but I don't know the specifics of this.. Help would be appreciated

    | Fergclaw

  • Hi, In Open Site Explorer has around 2000 External followed links which would be great if it was true. I think the issue is that before my site wasn't appending slashes to the url so I think it was counting links from http://mydomain/page1 to http://mydomain/page2/ as an external link (could be wrong here). I corrected this a couple of months ago but I still seem to have over 2000 External links. When I look at the linking pages many of them are "sans slash" and have old anchor text in the link. How long does it take of OSE to update these stale links it there any way I can prompt it to take aciton?

    | moesian

  • Is there an easy way to find out all the sub domains registered for a given root domain.  Our site ( has literally hundreds registered sub domains.   I need to track down the ones that are public. It would be nice to get a list of public sub domains, along with some link metrics on each.   Maybe this could be a new linkscape feature. Thanks, David Fricks

    | davidfricks

  • Surely there must be at least one external link for each linking root domain? Some results for smaller sites give a higher number of domains linking in than incoming links - e.g. Under Subdomain metrics: External Followed Links - 1 Followed Linking Root Domains - 2 Surely 2 root domains would mean AT LEAST 2 external followed links? Thanks, Andrew

    | Silktide

  • Hi, I just done the initial crawl on y domain and I sem to have 80 400 client errors. However when I visit the urls the pages are loading fine. Any ideas on why this is happening and how I can resolve the problem?

    | moesian

  • I am trying to add keywords to my SEOMoz campaign and it says I have reached my 300 KW limit eventhough I have only added 1 word! Any suggestions? uwt2V

    | theLotter

  • Please provide me with the complete details of How to use Blogscape for Social Media Monitoring?Can you also provide the Video Tutorial if any for the same? Awaiting your Reply at the earliest. Regards, Prashakth Kamath

    | 1prashakth

  • When I type 'plumbing courses' into Google, why does Able Skills with these statistics: Page Authority: 57,
    2,752 Links from 330 Root Domains
    Domain Authority: 52,
    575,594 Links from 1,211 Root Domains rank below other pages with inferior statistics?

    | MartinHof

  • I dont see any links to at all when i do a Competitive Domain Analysis in SEOmoz. However i do see links in google webmaster tools. this strikes me as odd. Also when i use open site exployer my website dont seem te be found. In google im on page 9 on my focus keyword so i do think there are links to my site. I would like to know what i can do so i can analyse my links in seomoz Competitive domain analysis. Many thanks. url:

    | Aquive

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