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  • Chat keyword research strategy and how Keyword Explorer helps you do your best work.

  • Cover all things links and the industry-leading link data discoverable in Link Explorer.

  • Hey, I'm new to seoMoz and this is my first question (so far it's been great!). Short summery, I got a website in a specific nitch in google IL, my website is 2 years old.
    All my opensiteexplorer params are far higher than my competitor. On the exact keyword I'm ranked #3, wikipedia ranked #2, he's ranked #1. Cant figure out why is that. I've tried copying his links profile, linking from same site he does. Had partial success but my links profile is far larger in terms of quality and content. My page is graded "A" by seomoz tools. Attached my OpenSiteExplorer screenshot. I'm wondering what are your thoughts on that. Regards,
    Oleg. factors2.png


  • Hello, We have a question regarding inbound link measurement. We used to measure our inbound links with yahoo site explorer. Now that it's been shut down we use However, Open Site Explorer only shows a fraction of inbound links compared to yahoo site explorer. For our website yahoo site explorer measured approx. 14,000 inbound links, whereas open Site Explorer only counts approx. 3,000. This is more than 10,000 links less. For our other website Open Site Explorer also shows 3000 links less than Yahoo. How can this be? Does Open Site Explorer count the links in a different way to Yahoo? Please explain. It would be great if you could help us with this. Thank you!

    | Waplington

  • I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I can't find it - Looking through the GWT avg position data v SEOMoz ranking data and Market Samurai data there is a large discrepancy. For one term that we hold #1, and have held for a month or two GWTis showing that the avg position is 180 (and down 30). Any reason you know of why the GWT avg position data would be so out of whack with our SERP's and other data? Thanks.

    | MrPaulB

  • Hi, i have been trying to check some ranks with my site but for some reason over the past couple of days the rank tracker has not been working. I thought it could be a fult with my computer but i have tried a few computers and i am still getting the same responce. Can anyone let me know if they are experiencing any problems

    | ClaireH-184886

  • It is possible to view the older Domain Authority for a domain with open site explorer? Thanks.

    | caroy

  • Hi, I sorted my keywords in GA from highest incoming traffic to lowest, exported it and then imported these 280 or something keywords into SEO Moz. The  problem is, it appears that SEO Moz Keyword Rankings tool pulls traffic data (in the traffic column) only for NON-PAID traffic ... So what I'm seeing is that keywords that brings A LOT of traffic to my site (because of AdWords) sometimes have 0  of traffic in SEO Moz, because I'm on page 3 of SERP and I literally got no non-paid traffic that week. The thing is: I want to improve my rankings for keywords that I'm already performing well, even if they are paid keywords, because they already bring me a lot of traffic to my website. The way this is working is not helping me out, because when I sort by the traffic column very important keywords end up in the last place for me. Questions: Whey does SEO Moz pull traffic data from non-paid keywords only ? Shouldn't be at least an option for this or I'm missing something here ? While they don't change it, any Excel Gurus could help me how to export SEO Moz ranking data, import it on Excel and MERGE a new "paid traffic" column that I export from Google Analytics ? How to assing each keyword line the paid traffic value I'm getting from GA ? Thanks ! Felipe

    | pqdbr

  • I am new here. I recently got the errors from SEOmoz crawl on my site down to just a handful from a couple hundred. So I took the leap and moved my blog to (which I see recommended here) and now my errors are in the thousands. My blog which was a separate url has pages back to 2007. I am not sure if it is appropriate to post my site url in a question here? One error that really stands out is this: Description <dd>Using rel=canonical suggests to search engines which URL should be seen as canonical.</dd> On my root page I have: rel="canonical" href=""/> Thanks for any help...

    | CMCD

  • When I look at my back links in OSE, I see two landing pages on my site that are really the same page. and code here) These show different inbound link characteristics and page authority. The page in question has a rel=canonical tag. Am I doing something wrong?

    | EugeneF

  • I know that words in their 20's or 30's would be ideal, but it's proving hard for me to find relevant keywords with such scores (just a couple with scores in the 30's). Is going for words between 40-50 a waste of time? Thanks.

    | ZakGottlieb71

  • I am seeing huge fluctuations in the number of pages discovered the crawl each week. Some weeks the crawl discovers > 10,000 pages and other weeks I am seeing 4-500. So, this week for example I was hoping to see some changes reflected for warnings from last weeks report (which discovered > 10,000 pages). However, the entire crawl this week was 448 pages. The number of pages discovered each week seems to go back and forth between these two extremes. The more accurate count would be nearer the 10,000 mark than the 400 range. Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • Hello MOzzers! Happy sunday 🙂 I need some help, I have 3 diff link builders , they are building links for me individually , all 3 have diff keywords. What I need help with is some way to quickly check the reports they send me ( list of links they have built). Is there any software that I can copy paste the links in and then the software checks allthe links? Ir is there any way to do this quickly. I cant tell you how much I appreciate this help! Oh, the site in question where thelinks are being built is my own site Best regards, Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • Know of a tool where I can show the overall success of a set of keywords, us vs. the competition? A visibility report where a #1 ranking is worth 30 points, #2 is worth 29, so on and so on down to #30 worth 1 point, outside of the top 30 is worth nothing. (something like this). Trying to show an overall visibility scorecard, not sure if I can do it here or with some other tool. Didn't see it on Raven. Thanks!

    | akim26

  • Is answering questions on yahoo answers and forums genuine link building opportunity? I dont mean spamming much, but being a genuine member of the forums

    | CompleteOffice

  • Once again the weekly crawl on my site is very slow. I have around 441 pages in the crawl and this has been running for over 12 hours. This last happened two weeks ago (ran for over 48 hours). Last week's crawl was much quicker (not sure exactly how long but guessing an hour or so). Is this a known issue and is there anything that can be done to unblock it? Weekends are the best time for me to assess and respond to changes I have made to my site so having this (small) crawl take most of the weekend is really quite problematic. Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • outdated site directory found here: not that directories are amazingly useful anymore, but with all the updates and vitriol thrown there way an update is in order. Its one of those "layup" link building tools but in its current state its less of perk and more of a boon. Thanks

    | Gaveltek-173238

  • Hi I set up a campaign to monitor a website and chose to track the root domain, however the report showed every single page on my website was duplicated with itself when seen as www.mydomain.tld as opposed to just  mydomain.tld. I deleted the campaign and set it up to monitor only the www.mydomain.tld as I don't use any other subdomains, however in Bing results the website is listed without the www and so is not recognised in the ranking checker. How can I set it up so that seomoz recognises the pages as the same either with or without the www?

    | PandyLegend

  • I have a popular page that is not one of the three pages that I am hoping to raise awareness of (want to focus on). The dilemma I am trying to understand is that I really don't want to encourage all the flow from the popular to ONE of my hopeful pages (focus pages). Rather, I want to focus the keyword portions of that page to help the three hopeful pages. So I consider the rel=canonical tag.... err no. rel=canonical would pass ALL my popular page link juice to ONE of my three hopeful pages. What's the best way to pass the keyword link juice relevant to each of my three hopeful pages their, um, portion, of the popular page link juice. I'm white hat by preference. All four pages are good legitimate landing pages, and of course I dread sabotaging the popularity of what is working. Suggestions? Advice?

    | iansears

  • Over the last 6 weeks I've been linkbuilding for one of my customers. The search term is: bed and breakfast portugal. It is not easy but we are making progress. The goal is the number 1 page (top 10 results) in I've been keeping score with Rank Tracker and also created a campaign. Last week we were still ranked 11 (for some time already) according to Rank Tracker but tuesday we made a jump to number 7. Whoehoe you would say but opening up Chrome and Firefox browser I am still seeing on the 2nd page? Maybe somebody can give me an explanation? I've de-personalized my search and also Rank tracker show s the command they are using: However also using that I'm not seeing my client back at position 7. How can the Rank tracker information be so wrong, I was hoping not off course 🙂 Your help is appreciated very much.

    | newtraffic

  • As proposed by a number of people here, I have moved from to a self-hosted WordPress blog. I have also installed the SEO All in One plugin. This has been up and running for a month or so. My problem is that it is generated many (thousands) of warnings through my PRO Dashboard for Crawl Diagnostics. Specifically, I have a huge number of "Overly-dynamic URL" warnings. A typical URL is as folows: This has three querystring parameters, all generated by WordPress automatically. Here's another significant issue. With the SEO All In One plug in I can control the SEO-related parameters for each post (title, meta description, etc). However, WordPress generates a ton of virtual URLs which I can't (as far as I know) directly control. For example, the following page is a category page with all the posts for a single category. This is generating warnings because the meta description is missing. However, I do not know how to control such parameters since the page is automatically generated. These type of warnings dominate the stats I have through my dashboard. How can I resolve these? Thanks. Mark

    | MarkWill

  • Completely custom built, or a 3rd party offering that can be customized? One of the most usable forums I've seen!

    | SEOPA

  • Hi, In the mozbar it has the following for this post: PA: 55 mR: 3.28 mT: 4.43 DA: 88 What does this data mean and how would you use it to spot a weakness in a competitor? Now the domain strength is very high 88, so I know you would have trouble attacking that if your own DA was 48. p.s this is just an example

    | activitysuper

  • I recently signed up for SEOmoz and love it so the keyword ranking section I know we rank in the top 20 for our keywords on Bing and yet for some reason the SEOmoz tool is coming back saying we arent even in the top 50. Why is this?

    | nextraq

  • Hi, Is there any alternatives to Yahoo Site Explorer? I want to find backlinks of some unavailable pages and YSE was a great tool to deal with. But when I used tools like Open Site Explorer, etc., I couldn't find one same like YSE. Because when I tried, it shows'No data available for this URL' where on YSE I found inbound links. What Alternatives Are There? thanks in advance!

    | VipinLouka78

  • I am not quite sure why this is happening but the Moz point s total on my logo when I hover over it is around 6 times more than the one on my main section. Can someone explain why ? Screen-Shot-2011-11-23-at-01.21.22.png

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi there, Seeing a large number of errors in the SEOMOZ Pro crawl results. The 404 errors are for pages that look like this: I know that t%2F represents the two slashes, but I'm not sure why these addresses are being crawled. The site is a wordpress site. Anyone seen anything like this?

    | rosstaylor

  • Is the Open Site Explorer Tool working right now? I keep getting directed to a sign-up page.

    | LarryEngel

  • I have been waiting for many days now to use rank tracker but it is still broke. when i put the keyword into rank tracker the wheel just goes around and around and brings no results. Can anyone from the semoz team let me know when it will be mended

    | ClaireH-184886

  • It seems not to have updated any backlinks to my domain in a long long time

    | adam2012

  • I have a few 404 errors found using seomoz tool. It also shows the url, but I am not sure where in the site is it linking from. Is there a way to find out the origin of the 404 error.  Thanks

    | Accounts

  • is there any tool that can be used to view search engine results on a given day in history for a particular term?

    | matmox

  • Pls how do I set up Open Site Explorer Advanced to look for backlinks to files in ONLY a certain directory? so if the domain is, I don't care about links to  OSE can find those very neatly! What I do care about is ONLY links to and I can't seem to figure out a way to do this. the /profiles directory has thousands of profiles in it - and we think we have hundreds of thousands of backlinks - so ideally, I'd like to use regex or DOS like filtering to look at only those which start with 9 or 8 or whatever.

    | seo_plus

  • Hi Maybe I am missing this but I can''t seem to see it. I am doing some analysis on a client's site and want to get a csv list of links from the client's site to external sites. So what I am looking for is a list of Out Bound Links (OBL) from the client's site. I want to run these past a black list / bad link neighborhood checking script I have. This would actually be a nice feature in SEO Moz Pro, unless it actually already does and I am just missing it or not setting filters correctly. Thanks Trevor

    | tstolber1

  • When sorting links with "Group by Domain" it only works for the 1st page. Pages 2 - X do not group the results. Am I doing something wrong? Can we simply set it to "view all" to avoid paging?

    | DanielElmore

  • Hi all, I'm trying to configure a PRO campagin for a https website. Butt it won't work. The software says it found a one redirect (for http to https I guess), and that's it. So now I don't have any data.... Can anybody help me? Thnx! Martijn

    | Men4Media

  • Hello SEOMoz, The functionality of the Rank Tracker Tool is excellent - I was wondering if it might be coming to the API so we can do some deeper analysis? Thanks!

    | igzebedze

  • I have been using SEOmoz PRO tool from last two months but I am not happy with the SEOmoz PRO Ranking Report.The results are very inaccurate and I am not able to understand why there is such a difference in the ranking  results when SEOmoz tracks and when I track?Please reply at the earliest. Regards, Prashakth Kamath

    | 1prashakth

  • I am starting to miss the old OSE. I've found that for a lot of the pages on our site, the new OSE is showing WAY more links and most of them are garbage nonsense links from China, Russia, and the rest of the internet Wild West. For instance, in the old OSE, this page used to show 9 linking domains: It now shows 454 links. Some of the new links (about 5 of them) are legitimate. The other 400+ are garbage. Some are porn sites, most of them don't even open a web page, they just initiate some shady download. I've seen this for other sites as well (like Urban Outfitters) This is making it much harder for me to do backlink analysis on bc I have no clue how many "Normal" links they have. Is anyone else having this problem ? Any way to filter all this crap out ? See attached screenshot of the list of links I'm getting from OSE. NHXnn

    | znotes

  • Hey guys, I'm looking to sync our clients google analytic profiles to our clients  campaigns in SEO MOZ. However all our clients google analytic profiles are on the one google account and not separate accounts. So I'm asking does SEO MOZ only allow you to grab the traffic data of one clients profile from a google account instead of multiple profiles from the same google account for different campaigns? If so has anybody got a workaround or any suggestions? If I haven't explained myself clearly let me know and I'll break it down further. Thanks again. Rob

    | daracreative

  • When I look at my links in the Competitive Domain Analysis and I see I have 113,018 Ext followed links but Open Site Explorer shows 3,148.  Why is there such a difference? In addition, is there a way to view the External Followed links? I want to see where these 113,018 links are coming from. Thanks, Josh

    | kdieruf

  • Is there a tool on here (or anywhere else) where you can upload a list of sites (say 500 sites) and be given things like mozrank on it?

    | thefresh

  • Hi there, i do not manage to find how to buy your DVD set ? There is a page but no product to buy ... Thanks

    | Sindicic_Alexis

  • Hi All Can you please clarify this for me as its getting a little frustrating.  I get the weekly reports from the SEO Pro campaign tool and from one week to the next it keeps changing the ranking. For example cheap a boards For this page I have a on page score of A through the campaign: Last weeks report showed it was an A and then I get this weeks snapshot after the crawl and its saying its now an F but when I click on the link on the onpage tool it then is showing me an A and then changes the ranking again on the campaign. I am seeing this a lot - why is it happening? thanks Tracy

    | dashesndots

  • I provide SEO for local service providers therefore I am mostly interesting in ranking highly in the "localized results" SERPs. Is anyone familiar with any good tools, infographics, blogs, or webinars that could be of benefit? How big of a radius do the localized results usually encompass? Are the keyword ranking reports from SEOmoz even relevant for reporting purposes? Should I include the city name (i.e. "Seattle Doctor", "Doctor in Seattle", "Doctor Seattle", etc.) in my keyword research or is this becoming less relevant? Any insight is welcome and appreciated! Thanks in advance!!

    | GoChiroPractice

  • One of our sites was recently re-designed.  The home page is a landing page ( and I moved the blog to this domain ( and put a link is the bottom left of the home page.  Since the change the SEOMOZ campaign overview is showing only 1 page crawled.  This is not setup as a sub-domain so why isn't it showing in the crawl?  Help!

    | LabadieAuto

  • I have a trial Seomoz membership.  I've been comparing my site to some of the competitor websites and Im confused about the moztrust vs google page rank.  For instance some of my competitors have higher moztrust but my site has a higher google page rank.  Isn't moztrust meant to duplicate google pagerank??  Why would these vary so much?

    | blac6789

  • I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I can't find it- Looking through the GWT avg position data v SEOMoz ranking data and Market Samurai data there is a large discrepancy. For one term that we hold #1, and have held for a month or two GWTis showing that the avg position is 180 (and down 30). Any reason you know of why the GWT avg position data would be so out of whack with our SERP's and other data? Thanks.

    | MrPaulB

  • Hi, What does it mean when seomoz shows our domain authority as 43, but our homepage authority as 52 or higher? More recently, the two used to be roughly comparable at around 52. Maybe it doesn't matter, but it did change and it makes me curious. Thanks!

    | 94501

  • seems https sites cannot go through campaign diagnosis

    | AussieWebmaster

  • What is the frequency of crawl. My crawl diagnostics shows data from over a month ago

    | deBreezeInteractive

  • Hello: I previously asked this question, but I would love to get more perspectives on this issue. In Blogger, there is an archive page and label(s) page(s) created for each main post. Firstly, does Google, esp. considering Blogger is their product, possibly see the archive and tag pages created in addition to the main post as partial duplicate content? The other dilemma is that each of these instances - main post, archive, label(s) - claim to be the canonical. Does anyone have any insight or experience with this issue and Blogger and how Google is treating the partial duplicates and the canonical claims to the same content (even though the archives and label pages are partial?) I do not see anything in Blogger settings that allows altering these settings - in fact, the only choices in Blogger settings are 'Email Posting' and 'Permissions' (could it be that I cannot see the other setting options because I am a guest and not the blog owner?) Thanks so much everyone! PS - I was not able to add the blog as a campaign in SEOmoz Pro, which in and of itself is odd - and which I've never seen before - could this be part of the issue? Are Blogger free blogs not able to be crawled for some reason via SEOmoz Pro?

    | holdtheonion

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