V2 Index Metadata

Have you heard? We've launched a brand new set of Moz API beta endpoints, including Keyword Suggestions, Search intent, Brand AuthorityTM, and more! To learn more and get started, check out the all-new documentation here.

What's Covered?

In this guide you’ll learn more about making API calls to the Index Metadata endpoint for the Moz API V2.

This documentation specifies information for Moz API V2. V1 documentation is available here.

What is this endpoint for?

Use this endpoint to track when the index is updated with new data. When queried, the endpoint returns an ID that changes when the data in the index changes. This information can be helpful when you’re looking to understand the freshness of the data. It can also help benchmark when new links are discovered - particularly if you’re tracking a link building Campaign and want to keep an eye out for index updates that may include new links.

Quick Links

Getting Started

Before making calls to the Index Metadata endpoint, be sure you are set up with an API token within your Moz Account.

For information regarding authentication, please see our Overview & Authentication guide.

All requests and responses are structured in JSON.

Endpoint Location

When requesting index metadata from Links V2, be sure to use the following endpoint.


Request Syntax


Example JSON Request


Request Parameters


Response Syntax

    "index_id": "string"

Example JSON Response

   "index_id": "p/z6qTYXg9J/Zp0W7Ei1FA==",
  "spam_score_update_days": [

Response Elements

“index_id” - An opaque id that changes when data in the index is updated.

  • Type: string


See the Common Errors section for errors that are common to all endpoints.

Example HTTP Request

POST /v2/index_metadata
Host: lsapi.seomoz.com
Content-Length: [length of request payload in bytes]
User-Agent: [user agent string]
Authorization: Basic [credentials]

Example cURL Request

curl -d '{}' -X POST https://lsapi.seomoz.com/v2/index_metadata -u 'access_id:secret_key'

Example Python Request

import requests

auth = (access_id, secret_key)
url = "https://lsapi.seomoz.com/v2/index_metadata"
data = "{}"
request = requests.post(url, data=data, auth=auth)

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