V1 URL Metrics

URL Metrics [Archive of V1 Endpoints]

This guide outlines the endpoints for now archived Moz API V1 endpoints. The Moz API V2 endpoints are available here.

The url-metrics endpoint returns metrics for a URL or set of URLs you specify. Use the Cols parameter to specify which metrics to return; enter the sum of the bit flag values for each metric.

For a single URL, use a GET request—the typical Moz Links format, with all information contained in the body of a single URL. Use batched calls for more than one URL.

The Moz API V1 Response fields help you organize the information returned.

URL Metrics Values for Cols

The Cols parameter uses bit flags to specify which URL metrics are returned by the Moz API V1. You can specify more than one URL metric by adding bit flags together and entering the sum as the Cols value. For example, to receive both page title and canonical URL form, enter Cols=5 (1 + 4).

URL MetricBit FlagResponse FieldDescriptionFree Access?
Title1utThe title of the page, if availableyes
Canonical URL4uuThe canonical form of the URLyes
Subdomain8ufqThe subdomain of the URL (for example, blog.moz.com)
Root Domain16uplThe root domain of the URL (for example, moz.com)no
External Equity Links32ueidThe number of external equity links to the URLyes
Subdomain External Links64feidThe number of external equity links to the subdomain of the URL
Root Domain External Links128peidThe number of external equity links to the root domain of the URLno
Equity Links256ujidThe number of equity links (external) to the URLno
Subdomains Linking


512uifqThe number of subdomains with any pages linking to the URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

Root Domains Linking1024uiplThe number of root domains with any pages linking to the URLno
Links2048uidThe number of links (external, equity or nonequity or not,) to the URLyes
Subdomain, Subdomains Linking


4096fidThe number of subdomains with any pages linking to the subdomain of the URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

Root Domain, Root Domains Linking8192pidThe number of root domains with any pages linking to the root domain of the URLno
MozRank: URL
The MozRank of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (umrp) and the raw score (umrr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozRank: Subdomain


The MozRank of the URL's subdomain, in both the normalized 10-point score (fmrp) and the raw score (fmrr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozRank: Root Domain


The MozRank of the URL's root domain, in both the normalized 10-point score (pmrp) and the raw score (pmrr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The MozTrust of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (utrp) and the raw score (utrr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozTrust: Subdomain


The MozTrust of the subdomain of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (ftrp) and the raw score (ftrr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozTrust: Root Domain


The MozTrust of the root domain of the URL, in both the normalized 10-point score (ptrp) and the raw score (ptrr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozRank: External Equity


The fraction of the URL's MozRank derived solely from external links, in both the normalized 10-point score (uemrp) and the raw score (uemrr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozRank: Subdomain, External Equity


The fraction, derived solely from external links, of the composite MozRank of all pages on the URL's subdomain, in both the normalized 10-digit score (fejp) and the raw score

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozRank: Root Domain, External Equity


The fraction, derived solely from external links, of the composite MozRank of all pages on the URL's root domain, in both the normalized 10-digit score (pejp) and the raw source

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozRank: Subdomain Combined


The combined MozRank of all pages on the root domain, in both the normalized 10-point score (pjp) and the raw score (pjr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

MozRank: Root Domain Combined


The combined MozRank of all pages on the subdomain, in both the normalized 10-point score (fjp) and the raw score (fjr)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

Subdomain Spam Score

[Partially Deprecated]

Returns six different columns related to the Spam Score metric:
  • Spam score for the page's subdomain (fspsc)
For more information, see Spam Score.

Please note, this field is partially deprecated – of the 6 columns returned, one only 'fspsc' is supported, the other 5 are deprecated

HTTP Status Code536870912usThe HTTP status code recorded for this URL, if availableyes
Links to Subdomain4294967296fuidThe total number of links (including nofollow links) to the subdomain of the URLno
Links to Root Domain8589934592puidThe total number of links, including nofollow links, to the root domain of the URLno
Root Domains Linking to Subdomain17179869184fiplThe number of root domains with at least one link to the subdomain of the URLno
Page Authority34359738368upaA normalized 100-point score representing the likelihood of a page to rank well in search engine resultsyes
Domain Authority68719476736pdaA normalized 100-point score representing the likelihood of a domain to rank well in search engine resultsyes
External links549755813888uedThe number of external links to the URL, including nofollowed linksno
External links to subdomain140737488355328fedThe number of external links to the subdomain, including nofollowed linksno
External links to root domain2251799813685248pedThe number of external links to the root domain, including nofollowed linksno
Linking C Blocks


36028797018963968pibThe number of links from the same C class IP addresses.

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

Time last crawled144115188075855872ulcThe time and date on which we last crawled the URL, returned in Unix epoch formatyes

Sample Request

This example demonstrates how to get the canonical form of the URL moz.com/blog.


Moz API V1 returns:


uu is the response field for canonical URL forms.

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