Segmenting Keyword Data

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, the Search Visibility and movement metrics will update to reflect the selected filters.

What's Covered?

In this guide you’ll learn more about how to segment your keyword data in the Rankings section of your Moz Pro Campaign.

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Overview of Data Segmentation

When tracking keywords in your Moz Pro Campaign, segmenting your data with the various filters available can become a critical part of your reporting. In the Rankings section of your Campaign there are multiple ways you can sort and filter data to see the information you’re wanting to focus on.

The various filter options include:

  • By Keyword
  • By Label
  • By Location
  • By Branding

Within this guide we’ll show you the different ways you can segment your data, how this impacts your metrics, and how to create reports with this segmented data.

Ways to Segment Your Data

Filter by Keyword

Within the Rankings section of your Campaign you have the option to filter by partial or full tracked keyword. When clicking into the Keyword filter box, a drop-down should appear that includes some of your tracked keywords. This will not be a comprehensive list of all your tracked keywords. You can select a keyword from this list to apply the filter or start typing in the box to see other options.

Use the keyword filter to filter by full or partial keyword match.

You can also hit enter to add a filter of a partial keyword and you can add multiple keyword filters at once. If you decide you don’t want a keyword filter applied, click the x next to the filter to remove it.

You can filter by multiple keywords, if needed.

Why is this useful?

Filtering by keyword can be useful in a number of ways. For example:

  • If you are tracking multiple keywords that are similar and need to see how your site is performing for that particular type of keyword (like a particular product line, brand, or other common term).
  • If you need to be able to label your keywords quickly, you can filter by full or partial keyword and label them in bulk.
  • If you need to further segment keywords that you’ve filtered by Location, Label, or Branding.

Filter by Location

Additionally, you have the option to filter by tracked location or label within your Rankings. When clicking into the Location filter box, a drop-down should appear that includes some of your tracked locations. This will not be a comprehensive list of all your tracked locations. You can select a location from this list to apply the filter or start typing in the box to see other options.

You can use the location filter to compare data across multiple markets.

Please note: You are not able to filter by partial location matches. Only complete location indicators will be accepted for this filter. To select a location, begin typing and then select the location from the populated choices in the drop-down.

You also have the option to filter by multiple locations. If you decide you don’t want a location filter applied, click the x next to the filter to remove it.

You can also add multiple location filters at once.

Why is this useful?

When it comes to segmenting your data by location, it can help you drill down into how your site is ranking on a more local level. For example, if you’re needing to analyze your rankings for a region or state in which you’re tracking multiple cities or postal codes you can select each of those locations in the filter box. You can then use this data segment to get a better idea of the overall ranking performance for a particular region.

Filter by Label

Filtering by label is another option available when segmenting your data. The Label filter will also include those added during your Campaign setup.

When clicking into the Label filter box, a drop-down should appear that includes some of your labels. This will not be a comprehensive list of all your tracked locations. You can select a location from this list to apply the filter or start typing in the box to see other options.

Filter by label to see data for specific sets of keywords.

Please note: You are not able to filter by partial label matches. Only complete labels will be accepted for this filter. To select a label, begin typing and then select the label from the populated choices in the drop-down.

You also have the option to filter by multiple labels. If you decide you don’t want a label filter applied, click the x next to the filter to remove it.

You can also add multiple label filters.

Why is this useful?

This can be particularly useful if you’re needing to analyze your rankings for multiple sets of keywords. When multiple labels are selected, we will show you the overall Search Visibility for all the selected labels and will also add a separate line for each label to the Search Visibility graph. This will allow you to make quick comparisons of different clusters of keywords you may be working with.

Filter by Branding

Using the check boxes on the right, you can filter keywords marked Branded or Non-Branded. By default the boxes are unchecked and will show all your keywords regardless of branding.

You can use the checkboxes to see only branded or non-branded keywords.

Your initial Brand Rules are determined at the time of Campaign setup based on the site you’re tracking and how you choose to designate your brand by naming your Campaign. If you ever need to update your Brand Rules and tailor them to your business, you can do so by clicking Manage Labels or by heading to your Campaign Settings.

Why is this useful?

You may be tracking both Branded and Non-Branded keywords in your Campaign and it can be useful to see how each set is ranking. By default, we’ll show you all your keywords regardless of branding. If you’re looking to increase your rankings for keywords not associated with your brand, filter by only Non-Branded keywords and see how the rankings and Search Visibility for those keywords compare to ones directly associated with your brand.

Applying multiple filters

If you find that you need to further segment your data to see metrics for a very specific set of keywords and data, you can also apply multiple filters. To do so, just add filters into each applicable box and your rankings data will update accordingly.

In the below example I am only viewing 8 of my total tracked keywords. These fit the filter criteria of being tracked in either New York or Salt Lake City, are labeled as Pro and are Branded.

If needed, you can apply multiple filters to see more granular data.

When adding multiple filters, the following logic is important to keep in mind.

  • When multiple options are selected within the same filter type (i.e. 2 locations or 2 labels) the tool will show you data for keywords that fit either of those designations.
  • When different filter types are chosen (i.e. a location and a keyword) the tool will show you data for keywords that fit both of those designations.

For example, filtering by the Label Pro and the Location of New York will show me keywords that are both labeled as Pro and tracked for New York. Alternatively, if I select the Locations of Salt Lake City and New York, I will see keywords that are tracked in either of those locations.

Impact on Metrics

When filters are applied to your Rankings data in Moz Pro, the metrics noted in the overview module and the graphs will update to reflect data specific to the filtered keywords. This includes the Search Visibility percentage noted, the Rankings buckets, and the Movement.

Please note: The featured snippets count will not update for the chosen data set and will continue to show the total featured snippets for your current tracked keywords.

Filters will impact all the data seen in your Rankings views.

If you opt to filter by multiple labels, we will show you the overall Search Visibility for the selected labels in the metric module and will also add a line for each label to the Search Visibility graph. This will allow you to compare the Search Visibility for each label, or segment of keywords, to one another and to the overall data for those collective labels.

The selected filters will persist for all the available views and tabs in the Rankings section. This means you can see how a particular segment of keywords is performing against your competitors or on a specific search engine, and how ranking distribution has changed over time.

Filters will be applied to all Rankings views.

Creating Reports for Segmented Data

When it comes time to create reports for your segmented data there are a few options you can take advantage of which include exporting a PDF, exporting a CSV, or creating a Custom Report that will automatically generate weekly or monthly based on your preferences.

If you’d like to export a PDF or CSV of your segmented Rankings data, you can do so from within your Rankings Overview.

The option to export as a PDF will be at the top of the Rankings Overview section, above the rankings overview module.

You can export segmented data to PDF via the link on the top right.

The option to export as a CSV will be just above your Tracked Keyword Overview.

You can export filtered data to CSV via the link to the right of your Tracked Keywords Overview.

If you would prefer to create a Custom Report that automatically runs weekly or monthly for your segmented data, you can do so from the Custom Reports section of your Campaign. It’s important to note your filters must be applied to your rankings modules before adding them to your custom report. Any filters or sorts applied after a module has been added to your report will not be applied to the data included.

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