V2 Weighted Endpoints

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can check your API usage at any time with the Usage Data endpoint or in your API dashboard.
  • Yes, the weighted endpoints are included in this total. For example, if you were to make a call of limit: 1 to the link intersect endpoint, this would be counted as 5 rows consumed in your Usage Data.
  • You can access your API Dashboard via https://moz.rankious.com/_moz/products/mozscape/usage. Within the dashboard you can monitor your API usage.

What are weighted endpoints?

With the Moz API V2, some endpoints have a weighted row count. This means that certain endpoints will count as more than 1 row consumed when data is requested via the API. The following endpoints have the potential to be weighted based on call parameters:

How are they calculated?

Link Intersect

Row Multiplier Logic:

5x multiplier for every row returned (where each row represents an “intersecting” link, i.e. a source page that has links to all of the URLs passed in the request).

More Information:

With a limit of 5 set for your call, the call would consume 25 rows of data. Limit x 5 = Rows consumedThe max number of rows/results returned by the Link Intersect endpoint is 50. At a 5x multiplier the max row consumption to the user would be 250 rows per call.

Example Call:

The following call body requests Link Intersect data with a Limit of 5 and accounts for 25 rows consumed.

    "positive_targets": [{
            "target": "latimes.com",
            "scope": "root_domain"
            "target": "blog.nytimes.com",
            "scope": "subdomain"
    "negative_targets": [{
        "target": "moz.com",
        "scope": "root_domain"
    "source_scope": "page",
    "sort": "source_domain_authority",
    "limit": 1

Please note, if you set your Limit to a quantity larger than the number of intersecting links returned, you will only consume rows equivalent to the number of intersecting links returned multiplied by 5. For example, if you set your limit to 5 but only 2 links are returned this would consume 10 rows (rather than 25).

Link Status

Row Multiplier Logic:

2x multiplier for each row returned by link status.

More Information:

Each source listed in your sources value accounts for one row of data. If you have 2 sources listed, this will consume 4 rows of data.

Sources x 2 = rows consumed

Example Call:

The following call body requests the Link Status for 2 sources and accounts for 4 rows consumed.

    "target": "moz.com/blog",
    "sources": ["moz.com", "facebook.com"],
    "source_scope": "root_domain",
    "target_scope": "page"

URL Metrics

Row Multiplier Logic:

  • +1x multiplier for each data point where the user requests daily history values
    • Each value entered in the string for daily_history_values accounts for 1 additional row of data.
    • URL Metrics + (value x 1) = rows consumed
  • +1x multiplier for each data point where the user requests daily history deltas
    • Each value entered in the string for daily_history_deltas accounts for 1 additional row of data.
    • URL Metrics + (value x 1) = rows consumed
  • +1x multiplier for each data point where the user requests monthly history values
    • Each value entered in the string for monthly_history_values accounts for 1 additional row of data.
    • URL Metrics + (value x 1) = rows consumed
  • +1x multiplier for each data point where the user requests monthly history deltas
    • Each value entered in the string for monthly_history_deltas accounts for 1 additional row of data.
    • URL Metrics + (value x 1) = rows consumed
  • +1x multiplier if the user requests distribution histograms
    • This is a boolean value so it will consume 1 additional row of data when included.
    • URL Metrics + Distributions = 2 rows consumed

More Information:

When no modifiers are included in the call, URL metrics counts as 1 row consumed.

Additionally, when multiple Request Parameters are included in a call, each parameters Row Multiplier Logic is added to the rows consumed. For example, if you made a call with all Request Parameters included and 1 value in each string, this would consume 6 rows.

Example Calls:

The following call body does not include any Request Parameters and accounts for 1 row consumed.

"targets": ["trophycupcakes.com"]

The following call body includes all available Request Parameters, including an additional daily_history_deltas value for a total of 7 rows consumed.

	"targets": ["trophycupcakes.com"],
	  "daily_history_deltas": ["domain_authority", "page_authority"],
    "daily_history_values": ["domain_authority"],
    "monthly_history_deltas": ["pages_to_page"],
    "monthly_history_values": ["nofollow_pages_to_root_domain_by_spam_score"],
	"distributions": true

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