V1 Response Fields

Response Fields

This guide outlines the Response Fields for now archived Moz API V1 endpoints. The Moz API V2 endpoints are available here.

The Moz API V1 returns unique response fields for each metric. The anchor text metrics, link metrics, and metadata API calls return additional response fields specific to each API call. See those references for more information.

The following table shows response code fields returned by the API calls. Deprecated Response Fields are marked below.

Response FieldMetric


Spam score for the page's subdomain

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozTrust of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozTrust of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

fuidThe number of internal and external, equity and non-equity links to the subdomain of the target URL


Internal ID of the link

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



Internal ID of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



Internal ID of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

lufeidThe number of external (from other subdomains), equity links to pages on the target URLs subdomain


The normalized (logarithmically-scaled) sum of MozRank from external links on all pages of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (linearly-scaled) sum of MozRank from external links on all pages of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The number of domains with at least one link to any page on the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

lufiplThe number of domains with at least one link to any page on the subdomain of the target URL


The normalized (logarithmically-scaled) sum of the MozRank of all the pages of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (linearly-scaled) sum of the MozRank of all the pages of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) measure of the MozRank of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) measure of the MozRank of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) measure of the MozTrust of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) measure of the MozTrust of the subdomain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

lufuidThe number of internal and external equity and non-equity links to the subdomain of the target URL
lupdaThe normalized (zero to one hundred, logarithmically-scaled) domain authority of the target URL's paid-level domain
lupdarThe raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) domain authority of the target URL's paid-level domain
lupeidThe number of external equity links from other root domains to pages on the target URL's root domain


The normalized (logarithmically-scaled) sum of MozRank gained from external links on all pages of the paid-level domain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (linearly-scaled) sum of MozRank gained from external links on all pages of the paid-level domain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

lupidThe number of domains with at least one link to any page on the paid-level domain of the target URL


The normalized (logarithmically-scaled) sum of MozRank gained from all pages on the paid-level domain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (linearly-scaled) sum of MozRank gained from all pages on the paid-level domain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) measure of the MozRank of the paid-level domain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) measure of the MozRank of the paid-level domain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) measure of the MozTrust of the paid-level domain of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

luptrrThe raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) measure of the MozTrust of the paid-level domain of the target URL
lupuidThe number of internal and external, equity and non-equity links to the root domain of the target URL
luueidThe number of external (from other subdomains) equity links to the target URL


The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozRank gained from external links of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozRank of the target URL gained from external links

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

luufqThe fully-qualified domain name ("subdomain")
luuidThe number of internal and external equity and non-equity links to the target URL


The number of subdomains with at least one link to the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

luuiplThe number of paid-level domains with at least one link to the target URL
luujidThe number of equity links (internal or external) to the target URL


The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozRank of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozRank of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

luupaThe normalized (zero to one hundred, logarithmically-scaled) page authority of the target URL
luuparThe raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) page authority of the target URL
luuplThe paid-level domain name


Internal ID of the canonical URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

luusHTTP status of the target URL
luutThe title of the target URL, if available


The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozTrust of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozTrust of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

luuuThe canonical form of the target URL
pdaThe normalized (zero to one hundred, logarithmically-scaled) domain authority of the source URL's paid-level domain
pdarThe raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) domain authority of the source URL's paid-level domain
peidthe number of external equity links to pages on the source URL's root domain
The normalized (logarithmically-scaled) sum of the MozRank gained from external links on all pages in the paid-level domain of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (linearly-scaled) sum of the MozRank gained from external links on all pages in the paid-level domain of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

pidThe number of domains with at least one link to any page on the paid-level domain of the source URL


The normalized (logarithmically-scaled) sum of the MozRank of all pages in the paid-level domain of the source URL


The raw (linearly-scaled) sum of the MozRank of all the pages in the paid-level domain of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozRank of the paid-level domain of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) measure of the MozRank of the paid-level domain of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozTrust of the paid-level domain of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozTrust of the paid-level domain of the source URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

puidThe number of internal and external equity and non-equity links to the root domain of the source URL
uedThe number of external links to the target URL, including nofollowed links
ueidThe number of external, equity links to the target URL


The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozRank of the target URL gained from external links

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozRank of the target URL gained from external links

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

ufqThe fully qualified domain (subdomain) name
uidThe number of internal and external equity and non-equity links to the target URL


The number of subdomains with at least one link to the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

uiplThe number of paid-level domains with at least one link to the target URL
ujidThe number of equity links, internal or external, to the target URL


The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozRank of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozRank of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

upaThe normalized (zero to one hundred, logarithmically-scaled) page authority of the target URL
uparThe raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) page authority of the target URL
uplThe paid-level domain name


The canonical target URL, if there are any canonicalization tags on the URL (for example, a 301 redirect)

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



Internal ID of the URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



Internal ID of the canonical URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

usThe HTTP status of the target URL


The protocols Moz Links encountered for the target URL, and whether a canonical tag indicates a specific protocol

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

utThe title of the target URL, if a title is available


The normalized (ten-point, logarithmically-scaled) MozTrust of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.



The raw (zero to one, linearly-scaled) MozTrust of the target URL

Please note, this field no longer returns results and is considered deprecated.

uuThe canonical form of the source URL
(OR, for url-metrics calls, the canonical form of the target URL)

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