Cancel Moz Local

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our partners will not revert listings after cancellation. We simply update our partners that your listing is no longer being managed. This means your listing will become vulnerable to unwanted updates by data aggregators & potentially undo all of the work you've done.
  • You will receive an email approximately 7 days prior to the renewal date of your Moz Local location as a reminder of the upcoming renewal. Please ensure that neither [email protected] or [email protected] are blocked by your email server.
  • Renewal for Moz Local locations should be cancelled at least 72 hours prior to the end of the billing period to avoid being charged. If your location is set to renew within the next 72 hours, cancelling with immediate effect is the best way to avoid being charged for your annual renewal. Please see below for instructions on how to cancel your location with immediate effect.
  • All Moz Local locations are set to auto-renew by default. If you purchased your Moz Local subscription during a limited time promotion it will renew at the standard price noted on the Moz Local pricing page. If you have questions regarding your subscription and/or the renewal price, please email the Help Team at [email protected].

What's Covered?

This guide walks through how to cancel your Moz Local subscriptions with immediate effect and how to cancel renewals on your locations.


If you are looking to cancel your Moz Pro subscription or Moz Pro Free Trial, please see our Cancel Moz Pro guide.

Quick Links:

Moz Local Cancellation Options

When cancelling your Moz Local location subscription, you have two choices:

  1. Cancel on renewal — Any updates you make to your location information in Moz Local will continue to be sent to our partners until your subscription ends on your renewal date (this date will be noted on the cancellation page). Your subscription will no longer auto-renew, but you can reactivate your subscription at any time before your subscription ends.

  2. Cancel immediately — Your location will be released and you will no longer be able to update your location information in Moz Local, and location information updates will stop being sent to our partners.

Stop Moz Local auto-renewal

To turn off auto-renewal for your Moz Local subscription:


  1. Log into your Moz account and head to the Account & Billing section of your account.

  2. Within your Subscription Summary page, locate the location you would like to cancel. Reminder! If you’re subscribed to other Moz products (such as Moz Pro or Moz API) in addition to Moz Local, be sure to select the Moz Local tab of your subscriptions page.

  3. Under Manage plan use the drop-down to select Cancel.

Screenshot of the subscription summary page with the Moz Local tab highlighted.
  1. On the next screen, confirm your cancellation and click Cancel on renewal. This will disable auto-renewal for your location and you will not be billed at the end of your billing cycle.

Screenshot of the Cancellation page with Cancel on Renewal option highlighted.
  1. At this point your subscription is cancelled however we do ask that you take a moment to fill out a quick survey. 

When auto-renew is turned off, any updates you make to your location information in Moz Local will continue to be sent to our partners until your subscription ends (this date will be noted on the cancellation page). Your subscription will no longer auto-renew, but you can reactivate your subscription at any time before your subscription ends.

Reactivate Your Local Subscription

If you disable auto-renew for your location but change your mind, you can reactivate renewal from your Subscriptions page at any time before the end of your subscription.


To reactivate renewal of your subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Moz account and head to the Account & Billing section of your account.

  2. Within your Subscription Summary page, locate the location you would like to renew. Reminder! If you’re subscribed to other Moz products (such as Moz Pro or Moz API) in addition to Moz Local, be sure to select the Moz Local tab of your subscriptions page.

  3. Under Manage plan, use the drop-down menu to select Un-cancel.

  4. Your subscription has been reactivated and will automatically renew on the next scheduled renewal date.

Screenshot of the Subscription summary page showing the option to un-cancel your subscription.

Please note: If you choose to Cancel immediately during the initial cancellation process, you will not be able to un-cancel your subscription.

Cancel Your Subscription With Immediate Effect

To cancel your subscription with immediate effect, follow these steps:


  1. Log into your Moz account and head to the Account & Billing section of your account.

  2. Within your Subscription Summary page, locate the location you would like to cancel. Reminder! If you’re subscribed to other Moz products (such as Moz Pro or Moz API) in addition to Moz Local, be sure to select the Moz Local tab of your subscriptions page.

  3. Under Manage plan, use the drop-down menu to select Cancel.

Screenshot of the subscription summary page with the Moz Local tab highlighted.
  1. On the next screen, confirm your cancellation and check the box stating that you understand that this action is immediate and permanent.

  2. Click Cancel immediately. This will immediately cancel your subscription and cannot be undone.

Screenshot of the cancellation screen with the option to cancel immediately highlighted.
  1. At this point, your subscription is cancelled; however, we ask that you take a moment to fill out a quick survey. 

When your location is cancelled with immediate effect, your location is released and you will no longer manage it through Moz Local. Canceling immediately is the best way to release a listing with immediate effect.


Please note: Cancelling with immediate effect cannot be undone. If you decide you want to manage this location in Moz Local again, you will need to repurchase a subscription for the location.

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