Landing Pages

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you are not seeing any data in your landing pages section with Google Analytics connected, it may mean we do not think the keywords tracking in your Campaign are sending traffic to your landing pages. Please see below for more explanation on what may cause you to not see data.
  • There could be a number of reasons that you’re not able to export your monthly data. If you don’t have a full month of data yet, you will not be able to see this option, please wait one whole month and check back again. If you happen to sign up mid-month, you will have to wait until the following month as we define a month as the 1st to the 1st. If you are still having issues, please reach out to [email protected]

What's Covered?

In this guide you’ll learn more about the Landing Pages section of Rankings in Moz Pro. If you are looking for information regarding the Landing Pages view in Site Traffic, please see our Site Traffic guide.

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Introduction to Moz Pro Landing Pages

The Landing Pages section uses your tracked keywords to help you work out which keywords may be sending you traffic. It's our way around the (not provided) phenomenon in Google Analytics data.

You'll see data in the Landing Pages section of Campaigns that are:

  • Connected to Google Analytics
  • Tracking Campaign keywords
  • Tracking at least one of the Google English-language search engines (identified by “en-XX” in Campaign Settings)
Landing Pages is nested within the Rankings section of your Campaign.

Tracked Keywords

You'll see your Tracked Keywords are now grouped by Landing Page. Moz Pro reports the organic visits for each Landing Page along with the rank of the keywords you're tracking in your Campaign.

Within Landing Pages, the tool will group keywords you're tracking by landing page.

Organic Search Traffic

The Organic Search Traffic column indicates the number of organic visits this landing page received in the selected timeframe. This data is pulled directly from the connected Google Analytics account.

If the number of visits to that landing page has changed since the last data collection, this will be indicated by a delta percentage next to the visit count.

The number of organic visits to each landing page will be noted in the table.

Estimated Visits

You’ll probably notice there’s another metric available, Est. Visits, which estimates traffic for each keyword based on the keyword's position in SERP.

There are a couple of important caveats to keep in mind. First, the click-through rates do not take into account News, Shopping, Local, Image or other universal search results that could affect user behavior.

We know that hard numbers are the most actionable and you’d rather not make strategic decisions based on estimated data. But in a world where those numbers are almost impossible to come by, we’re confident Estimated Visits can fill part of the gap (not provided) left behind. While these are not concrete, they can give you an idea of what keywords you can prioritize for based on ranking and traffic potential.

The tool will indicate how many visits we think a page is receiving from each tracked keyword listed.

Why am I not seeing data?

If you have Google Analytics connected and are tracking keywords in your Campaign but you’re still not seeing data it may be due to one or more of the following:

1. You just connected or reconnected Google Analytics and we haven’t collected data for your selected timeframe.

If you have just:

  • Connected Google Analytics to your Campaign
  • Changed the account and/or profile connected to your Campaign
  • Re-established a lost connection for GA to your Campaign

you will not see data in the Landing Pages section until after the next weekly Campaign update when we collect traffic data.

2. You didn’t receive any organic traffic in the timeframe selected.

The data in your Landing Pages section is based on organic traffic. If all the traffic received in the selected timeframe was from other traffic channels (direct, social, etc.) you will not see data in the Landing Pages section.

3. We don’t think the keywords you’re tracking in your Campaign are driving traffic to your landing pages.

Google does not provide data around what keywords send traffic to your site so the Landing Pages section is our best estimate of what keywords may be driving organic traffic to your site. If you are tracking keywords which we don’t think are driving organic traffic to your landing pages, you will not see any data.

If you’d like to see suggestions on what keywords to start tracking, you can click the keyword opportunities link in the prompt. This will take you to the Opportunities tab of your Rankings section where you can explore more keywords to track.

Click the keyword opportunities link to see what keywords you may want to start tracking in your Campaign.

Additionally, you can check the box to Include pages with no tracked keywords which will show you the landing pages receiving organic traffic that we weren’t able to attribute to your tracked keywords.

You can check the box provided marked "include pages with no tracked keywords" to see what pages are getting traffic which we don't think you're tracking keywords for.

By checking this box, you may be able to explore what keywords are used on those pages to start tracking them in your Campaign.

CSV Export Data Points

You can export the data from the Landing Pages section of your Campaign by clicking Export CSV on the top right.

You can export the landing pages section of your Campaign to CSV via the link on the top right.

The CSV export will include the following data points.

A. Landing Page - The URL for the landing page related to the data in the other columns. These URLs are pulled directly from Google Analytics and the Site Traffic section of your Campaign.

B. Organic Search Traffic - The number of organic visits the landing page received in the selected time frame. This data is pulled directly from Google Analytics.

C. Organic Search Traffic % Delta - The change in organic traffic for this landing page since the previous Campaign update.

D. Tracked Keyword - The tracked keyword which is likely sending traffic to the landing page in column A.

E. Tracked Keyword Location - If this keyword is being tracked locally, it will be noted in this column. Keywords being tracked on a national level will have a blank location cell.

F. Monthly Keyword Volume Min - Volume ranges show you how often a term or phrase is searched for in Google each month. This column indicates the lower end of the volume range for the keyword in column D. (Please note: volume data is only available for keywords tracked nationally. Locally tracked keywords will have a blank cell for volume.)

F. Monthly Keyword Volume Max - Volume ranges show you how often a term or phrase is searched for in Google each month. This column indicates the higher end of the volume range for the keyword in column D. (Please note: volume data is only available for keywords tracked nationally. Locally tracked keywords will have a blank cell for volume.)

G. Estimated Visits - The number of visits estimated to be driven to the landing page in column A by the keyword in column D.

H. Rank - The rank for this keyword based on the most recent data collection.

I. Rank Delta - The change in rank since the last data collection.

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