Listings Health

What’s covered?
This guide explains the Listings Health view in the Listings section of your Moz Local account.
Key Feature Benefits
Moz Local’s Listings Health dashboard allows you to:
Gain visibility into any discrepancies that exist between location information saved in Moz Local versus listings on all supported and linked directories
Take action on publishing issues that you can control and receive indications of how to resolve the issue
Reduce the time navigating outside of the Moz Local platform to correct errors
Be made aware of data discrepancies promptly so they can make the necessary changes to ensure information across major Networks is on-brand, accurate, up-to-date, and complete.
Modules & Tiles
Modules and Tiles at the top of the Listings Health Dashboard. The first 3 are actionable, the last two are only for reporting.
Issues Requiring Your Action
The module displays the total number of issues requiring your action to resolve.
Clicking on this module allows you to drill down into a filtered modal that displays issues that require your action to be resolved.
Issues Requiring Your Action Drilldown
This module is where you can see and take action on discrepancies assigned to you. When initially opened, the module will be filtered to ‘Requiring Your Action.’
You can filter the discrepancies by:
Requiring Your Action
Discrepancies assigned to you to review and resolve.
In Progress
Discrepancies that are being addressed by the Moz Local CS team.
Under Network Review
Discrepancies that have updates pending network review.
For each discrepant field, you will see:
The location the data relates to, as well as the date and time of the last time an update was made to the listing.
Location Detail
Location internal name and address.
The network the discrepancy is located in.
The name of the field with a discrepancy.
Location Value in Platform
The value stored in Moz Local
This field will highlight the discrepancy difference in green.
By clicking on this, a modal will open to the Location Edit dialog within the tab that has the discrepancy. The field with an issue will be outlined in orange to be easily identifiable. You can edit location information here and save it without leaving Listings Health.
Network Value
The value on the Network listing.
This field will highlight the discrepancy difference in red.
Confirm Value
Clicking on this means you accept the value on the Network listing versus what is stored in Moz Local.
Clicking on the Link Out button will take you to the network listing related to the discrepancy in a new tab.
Notes about the issue and how to resolve it.
The Status of the issue is the assignment of who will resolve the issue.
Actions you can take to resolve the issue.
X Dismiss Issue
Clicking on this means you want Moz Local to ignore this as not a discrepancy and will dismiss it from the list.
You can also:
Configure columns to view all or fewer columns in the module.
Accept network values in bulk by checking the top left checkbox and selecting Confirm Network Values.
Dismiss discrepancies in bulk by checking the top left checkbox and selecting Dismiss Issues.
Issues in Progress
This is where you will be able to monitor all issues with an In Progress status. Clicking into the module will lead to a filtered drill-down.
When you click into the Issues In Progress module or on a cell in the tables under the In Progress Columns, you can now see more issues, such as Pending Dev, under the In Progress list. These issues will also be included in the total count of Issues in Progress.
The addition of these issues means you will now have full visibility into all issues affecting your Listings.
Under Network Review
This is where you can monitor all issues with an Under Network Review status. Like the Issues in Progress module, clicking into the module will lead to a filtered drill-down. Issues under this module are those that we are awaiting a response from the network for in order to be resolved. If they reoccur and are not an active issue, you can simply Dismiss the discrepancy.
Healthy Fields
This non-clickable tile displays the amount of Healthy Fields/Total Monitored fields across all linked networks and listings.
Issues Resolved
This non-clickable tile displays the total number of issues resolved by you, CS, and Engineering within the past 30 days.
Listings Health by Network Table
This table visualizes the health of your listings based on the linked Networks.
Listings Health by Network Table
The columns include:
Network Name
This column displays the name of the network we are monitoring. Clicking on this cell will open a drill-down that is filtered for all the discrepancies we’ve found within that network.
Healthy Listings
This column shows the count of listings without issues among the total listings linked in the network.
Field Health Ratio
This column shows the percentage of Healthy Fields without issues among the total Monitored Fields in the network.
Monitored Fields
The total count of these fields is based on what we can send and receive information from via API as well as what has been inputted by you in your Listings. Each network is different, hence the variability between networks.
Healthy Fields
The total count of fields from a network that currently does not have issues.
If we detect an issue, the tiles under the next three columns will turn clickable and the cell will turn red with the count of issues detected.
Requiring Your Action
If we detect an issue you can take action on, clicking on the tile will open a ‘Listings Health’ drill-down where they can see the issues filtered to that particular network and issue with a Requiring Your Action status.
In Progress
Clicking on a white tile under In Progress will open the ‘Listings Health’ drill-down filtered to Issues In Progress for that particular network. These are issues being addressed by the Moz Local CS or Support team.
Under Network Review
Clicking on a white tile under Under Network Review will open the ‘Listings Health’ drill-down filtered to issues Under Network Review for that particular network. These are fields with changes pending acceptance from the network.
You can then take action or learn more details about discrepancies affecting your Listings Health.
If you click on a Network cell under the table, a network-specific drill-down will open with all discrepancies within that network, across all fields and statuses.
Suppose you click on a specific Status for a specific Network. In that case, a drill-down will open that is filtered to the Network and Status selected (in this example, it is the Facebook discrepancies that are In Progress).
Listings Health by Field Table
This table visualizes the health of your listings based on the standard fields that can be inputted in your listings.
Listings Health by Field Table
Similar to the table by Network, the columns include:
Field name
If you click on the Field cell, it will open a drill-down with all discrepancies of that field across all networks.
Field Health Ratio
This column shows the percentage of Healthy Fields without issues among the total Monitored Fields across linked networks.
Monitored Fields
Total number of monitored fields.
Healthy Fields
Total number of fields without issues.
If we detect an issue, the tiles under the next three columns will turn clickable and the cells will turn red with the count of issues detected.
Requiring Your Action
If we detect an issue that you can take action on, clicking on the tile will open a ‘Listings Health’ drilldown where you can see the issues filtered to that particular field, across all linked networks, and to issues with a Requiring Your Action status.
In Progress
Clicking on a white tile under In Progress will open the ‘Listings Health’ drilldown filtered to Issues In Progress for that field across all linked networks. These are issues being addressed by Moz Local CS or Support team.
Under Network Review
Clicking on a white tile under Under Network Review will open the ‘Listings Health’ drilldown filtered to issues Under Network Review for that field across all linked networks. These are fields with changes pending acceptance from the network.
You can then take action or learn further detail about discrepancies affecting your Listings Health.
If you click on a specific Field cell on the left of the Listings Health by Field table, a field-specific drill-down will open with all discrepancies for that field across all networks and statuses.
Suppose you click on a specific Status for a specific Field. In that case, a drill-down will open that is filtered to the Field and Status selected (in this example, it is the Address discrepancies that are Requiring Your Action).
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