Check Presence

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you’re seeing the error message “We were unable to find the address you entered. Please check it for errors and try again” it means we weren’t able to match up the business you entered with a location. Please check that you’re entering all the correct information for how your business will be found online, including the full name, street name and number, and postal code for your business. Moz Local currently supports checking locations in the US, UK, and Canada.
  • The Check Listing tool is an on-demand tool which uses an API to find exact matches to what is entered at the time the search is performed. If the tool isn’t able to find a match for the information entered at the time of the search, it will return a “Listing Not Found” result.

What's Covered?

In this guide you’ll learn more about the Check Presence tool and how to purchase a Moz Local location using the tool. If you’re looking for more information about purchasing locations, please see our purchase locations guide. If you need more information regarding the directories currently supported through Moz Local, please see our directories guide.

Quick Links

Overview of Check Presence

This guide takes you through the steps for searching for a business location Moz Local Location using the Check Presence tool. The Check Presence report shows the quality of your location data online, across the directories we partner with. This check presence feature is free to all Moz community members. Moz supports businesses based in the UK, US and Canada.

Steps to Purchase a Moz Local Location

To get started follow these steps:

  1. Type in your business's exact business name, address, and postal code/zip code into the Check Presence tool.
  2. Click on the Check Now button
  3. We’ll check your business's presence on directories and platforms and generate your Online Presence Score
  4. You can share this report or export to PDF
  5. To run a new search click on the Change Location button
  6. To purchase your location click on the Improve with Moz Local button. You’ll be guided through the steps to complete your purchase with Moz Local.

Learn more about purchasing your location.

The Check Presence tool requires you to enter the exact business name, address, and postal/zip code to search for your business. If you enter any of these details incorrectly, you may see an error message pop up. To resolve this, please review your business details and try again.

By selecting Add Location you can purchase your location right away, enter your business information and select your subscription plan.

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